Alien Cannabis connection


New Member
:rollit:there has been plenty of controversy over the potenincy levels of thc into todays Cannabis compared to your fathers smoke.The usaual statement plays out that todays Cannabis is much more potent than the stuff from the 60-70's. I beg to differ,Cannnabis after the Roswell incident started getting stronger.The story goes that when the U.F.O. crashed at Roswell the military found space aliens onboard.A strong reek came from the craft when opened,it was the smell of skunk. It appears that skunk comes from another planet.Its chemical properties are such that it mellows its victims and causes a slight urouphic sensation when burned and inhaled.Another device was found loaded with this "skunk".Through reverse technology we discoverd what it was, You might know it today it is the Vaporizer.Luckly a solider cleaning up the wreck found a small cylinder with some of the skunk seed in it. It appears the aliens were going to "Broadcast" the skunk seeds world wide.The only spot they could seed was the Cashmeer region of Maricash[Yidish for Middle east] before crashing in the New Mexico desert. It was that one solider that we can thank for his insight on grabbin the rest of those seeds. Since skunk has had quite the following. This is why jonny walters is weedaphobic, he realizes that this skunk substance sets our minds free of the structuerd shackels of oppresion. On a lighter note space aliens are ourselves[humaniods] from the future and thier happy as clone under a high pressure sodium light to see that CANNABIS is finally winning over the world.:ganjamon: P.S. the smoking aliens did not cause themselves to crash it was our Military that shot them down thats why when a Human gets abducted by a alien in a u.f.o. they"PROB" us hard. pay backs a bithc when your dealin with aliens:ganjamon:
Well thats one theory...
:ganjamon: Good read - I love things that make my imagination spark! I don't know but I think there is a strong relation between supernatural and extraterrestrial ie. maby legends of 'spirits' (Thoth or Quazicoatl) and 'ghosts' are actually 'aliens' that is evolved humans who have entered a new dimension and come back. Like the atlanteans - where do you think they went? Not down(their land may have) but up, in terms of vibration so they could travel on light. They use 100% of the mind and brains capacity and are made from light at that level - so we can only see them when we are vibrating at at least close to the speed that they do - and may appear as paatterns at first, then 4d tranparent - or as a bright glowing orb that is usually above. In altered states 'glimpses' are common but eventually if you open your mind you can experience deeper awareness of higher frequencies or realities.

I wonder what cannabis will be like in another 50 years if it is indeed getting stronger - but I also think we put a lot more effort into the science and art of growing these days.
good story lol
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