Am I No. 90?


New Member
I have been reading much here, and I think yous guys are pretty cool. (bland I know... Oh yeah wait up a sec. I gotta get me some green in me....... shit where the hell did i put my pot?:lot-o-toke: Ahhhhh thats better. please forgive the rambling but this is my introduction, and if you can follow my crazy mind:goodjob: anyways, I smoked the best weed of my life when I was 19 don't know what the hell it was but it turned me into the ocean. long story short, My 3rd eye was squeegeed CLEAN! Haven't stopped Smoking since and I'm almost 30. Married. Wife is a smoker. Can probably handle more than me!.? put some old ass seed into a shot glass and goddamn if it didn't start growin? so i put it into a Styrofoam cup of dirt and wouldn't you know! I am now the proud Father of a beautiful baby girl. or so I hoped a while back now. We had our ups and downs and then it was time for the first surgery/transplant. A little chicken shit, some chicken feathers, wood chips Dirt(soil) , , uh , Gravel,. And a good soaking. She grew like a weed. and I was more proud. we had some more hard times (inconsistency's?) but i never put a blade to her and I never poisoned her. Just gave her all the love I could give her from my thoughts and mind. It's going ok today just got some more lights and waiting for my Deep Water Culture to arrive and prob. clone the old girl. I don't have a clue what I'm doing but how the hell hard could it be it's a g.d. weed for goodness sakes. in the past 24 hours I have learned so much from reading from all of you, no one here is ignorant or rude, maybe I just accept. but y'all are good people. Please check out the "Growing Marijuana song" (youtube it yourself) sounds like some redneck stoned chipmunk. I know you all will like it. anyways I live up north. New to growing, new to this site, and new to ... who the hell knows, everything? that doesn't sound right. oh well back to my introduction, call me divo. any questions just ask might be able to help a little.

* this is a call to everyone who can hear me! Gather up all your seeds! Come spring, put them everywhere. Any place there is dirt or water. let's see if old Sammy will mow all of our yards! *

I guess that is my message. Cover the world with Green.
Help people whenever you can. Enjoy it while it lasts!

Hey Divo
:welcome: Divo~ Looks like you have been lurking and finally came out! :yahoo: Lots of good people here and great advice!! Think about doing a grow journal! So we can all watch the grow!
Hello Divo my brother from another mother and :welcome: to 420Mag! We are here to spread Cannabis Awareness across the Universe and are glad you dropped by to say hello and introduce yourself. Please let us know if there is anything we can assist you with and feel freee to have Mrs Divo start an account here we are all Family and have many husband and wife members she will most likely make a zillion friends.:goodluck: my friend and stay safe.
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