Any idea what's up with these seedlings?

Some of the plants top leaves are still turning pale.



In many strains, the new growth comes in lighter yellow-green and then gets greener. If it doesn’t, then you will know that you need to bump the nutrient dose. The lower leaves are the ones to watch - and they look dark enough.
In many strains, the new growth comes in lighter yellow-green and then gets greener. If it doesn’t, then you will know that you need to bump the nutrient dose. The lower leaves are the ones to watch - and they look dark enough.

Thanks for the reply FelipeBlu.

Are the bottom leaves done for or will they eventually darken up ?
@ FelipeBlu.

Any idea as what's the cause of this ?
I gave 4 of my girls away due to unforseen events but have decided to keep 6.

1 has a little yellowing on one or two leaves, at the very tips of the leaves there is a small bit of yellow.
The second plant doesn't look so good though.
The other 4 look to be doing fine.

Plant 1

Plant 2

Hey @MGD420

Thought I'd stop by and see how the newest batch is going!

Looking good!

You can't go wrong with both FelipeBlu and bluter helping you.

Hi Rexer.
Yea bluter and FelipeBlu have been very helpful with my grows. Bluter helped a lot with my first grow and pointed me in the right direction.

As you'll be able to see by one of the pics I uploaded, the plants have a new home.
I'll be posting more regarding the grow over the coming weeks. I still have 6 of the plants that would have been in the journal. Not sure if I should plant another couple as they'll be around 40 days behind.
Again not sure how the plants are looking for around 40 days old, I thought they might have been stunted with everything thats been going on and having to be transplanted 3 times. They seem healthy enough at the moment
Hi Rexer.
Yea bluter and FelipeBlu have been very helpful with my grows. Bluter helped a lot with my first grow and pointed me in the right direction.

As you'll be able to see by one of the pics I uploaded, the plants have a new home.
I'll be posting more regarding the grow over the coming weeks. I still have 6 of the plants that would have been in the journal. Not sure if I should plant another couple as they'll be around 40 days behind.
Again not sure how the plants are looking for around 40 days old, I thought they might have been stunted with everything thats been going on and having to be transplanted 3 times. They seem healthy enough at the moment

Your plants are doing great. Just keep following their advice and you'll have a stellar grow.

Regarding their size- I'm not sure what to say. But if it reassures you, here is a pic of an auto at Day 35. All said and done, that plant netted me 243g dry and cured.

Your plants are looking healthier, and bigger. The potential is there, and both FelipeBlu and bluter are providing great advice. I'm going to fade back into the background, cause I'm learning as well from what they're saying, and I don't want to do or say anything that would take away from that.
Your plants are doing great. Just keep following their advice and you'll have a stellar grow.

Regarding their size- I'm not sure what to say. But if it reassures you, here is a pic of an auto at Day 35. All said and done, that plant netted me 243g dry and cured.

Your plants are looking healthier, and bigger. The potential is there, and both FelipeBlu and bluter are providing great advice. I'm going to fade back into the background, cause I'm learning as well from what they're saying, and I don't want to do or say anything that would take away from that.

Thanks for the reply and kind words Rexer.
It gives me some reassurance, only grow I can base things off was my first and previous. The plants by that age were almost twice as big and a lot busier but then again it's different strains and breeders from the last grow.
Hopefully the plants do well.
I've got a northern lights there and might possibly plant a barneys blueberry cheese to go into the twnt with the others.
Potassium Deficiency:
"Plants may stretch and stems may become weak, but leaf symptoms are more noticeable. The leaf symptoms appear somewhat similar to an iron deficiency in that they can turn bright yellow, but the tips of the leaves curl as the edges turn brown, burn and die."
What's the form of treatment to correct ?
What do you have that has potassium? Most supplements with K also have N and it looks like there is enough N.

I'm a big fan of Plantation Unsulfured Blackstrap Molasses (other brands like it) because the potassium is 600mg/tbs, it also has 200mg calcium and other minerals as well. Read the label. There is some iron in there as well so, if it is an iron issue this should help. You can get more detailed information on nutritional websites. Briar Rabbit Unsulfured Blackstrap Molasses has 450/mg per TBS(21g). It is also missing a bit of the other goodies as well.
You should look at the potassium amount. Their are some brands that are better than others. Maybe a drive to the supermarket to see what they have.
Generally 1 TBS/gallon is what is used.
Did you say the other ladies had some dermatitis? spotting?
"calcium deficiency, the main symptom that you’ll be able to notice is brown or bronze splotches or spots on your leaves. It is also often associated with yellowing (though leaves don’t always turn yellow). Occasionally the splotches may appear purple especially under LEDs. Calcium deficiencies are often caused from low pH at the roots, but also occasionally from growing in soft/filtered water."
Heck, give them a little juice too. Just be careful not to over do it. I hear some plants are temperamental.
p.s. I force my plants to see things my way or I threaten them with Lollipopping in the middle of flower. I did it once just to show them who's in.... never doing that again. LOL. Once was enough.
What do you have that has potassium? Most supplements with K also have N and it looks like there is enough N.

I'm a big fan of Plantation Unsulfured Blackstrap Molasses (other brands like it) because the potassium is 600mg/tbs, it also has 200mg calcium and other minerals as well. Read the label. There is some iron in there as well so, if it is an iron issue this should help. You can get more detailed information on nutritional websites. Briar Rabbit Unsulfured Blackstrap Molasses has 450/mg per TBS(21g). It is also missing a bit of the other goodies as well.
You should look at the potassium amount. Their are some brands that are better than others. Maybe a drive to the supermarket to see what they have.
Generally 1 TBS/gallon is what is used.
Did you say the other ladies had some dermatitis? spotting?
"calcium deficiency, the main symptom that you’ll be able to notice is brown or bronze splotches or spots on your leaves. It is also often associated with yellowing (though leaves don’t always turn yellow). Occasionally the splotches may appear purple especially under LEDs. Calcium deficiencies are often caused from low pH at the roots, but also occasionally from growing in soft/filtered water."
Heck, give them a little juice too. Just be careful not to over do it. I hear some plants are temperamental.
p.s. I force my plants to see things my way or I threaten them with Lollipopping in the middle of flower. I did it once just to show them who's in.... never doing that again. LOL. Once was enough.
Sure enough as I say "don't over do it"
I can hear Emily telling us something like, 'You are unlikely to get awesome results by being timid."
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