Austin’s Soil Silver Haze Auto Grow Journal, 2020


Active Member
Okay so I just read the “how to make a grow” journal link and I’m answering everything in the order it asks for, so if I miss anything please let me know so I can get the best help.

# of plants - 2
Strain - Silver Haze Auto
Indica, Sativa, hybrid? - purchased from msnl and they do not specify. Although I’m guessing it is a sativa/sativa dominant.
Veg or Flower? - Both veg. Both were planted on June 4th 2020. Tomorrow will be 2 weeks since I planted them in the soil after already doing the germination process of 12 hours in water and 48 in the paper towel and sandwich bag.
Soil or Hydro? - Soil
Soil Mix - FFOF
Pot Size - 3 gallons for both
Light size - currently under cheap Yintatech 600W (110 actual watts). Hoping this is enough for two plants at least till early/mid veg until I can transfer them to the 4x4. This light will be changing when they go to the 4x4. I have a maxsisun (290 actual watt) led that I’m also hoping will be enough for the two of them. I may get another
Light Schedule - 18/6 always
A/C - yes I have an AC window unit in between both of my tents in my spare bedroom. It keeps it cold set on low. Tents stay cool.
Temp - 75 F — 80 F
Rh - 59%
Ph of media - 6.6
Pests - not yet
How often I water - I’ve watered lightly 2 times after planting not including the initial dampening of the soil. When I water I also don’t get all of the soil wet. Only get the area a couple inches out from the stem, wait up until it’s had a few hours or more of dry time, then I water again. Yes I PH the water between 6.5-6.9 Also wanted to mention that since I don’t use RO water or even distilled. I let my tap water sit in jugs for about 2-3 days before watering. Then I add any ph balance or nutes. Nutes first then Ph. Saying that Incase it’s bad for the plants.
Types of fertilizers and strengths - fox farms big bloom, tiger bloom And grow big. I purchased cal mag but don’t know if I should use it. I am not feeding now, they are in what I believe to be nutritious soil and I don’t want to burn them. Will start at 1/4 strength.

Like I mentioned before. This is my second grow now and I really wanted to do a journal, but ended up waiting a little too long to germinate my new seeds I bought. I wanted to plant them so their harvest would be ready by the time I ran out of the last one. Lol. Maybe one day I’ll get there.

1- 2x4x5 grow tent
1- 4x4x7 grow tent
1- cheap amazon “600W” (110aw) LED
1- less cheap “1500W” (290aw) maxsisun LED
2- carbon filters.
2- extraction fans 150cfm and 440cfm with dials
1 - ac unit
1 - dehumidifier
1- humidifier
2 - oscillating fans
1 - tower ac fan
1 - trellis I haven’t the slightest clue how to use

And that’s about all in my grow tents. I have other miscellaneous things such as harvest equipment, droppers, ph meters, TDS and EC meters, outlet timers. I have enough to make a lil somethin happen I’m hoping. If something I’m doing or using is wrong please please let me know so I can correct it. Thank you for your time

And I’m only able to attach files so I just did the inside of the current grow.
as you can see, I probably will need a second one of these maxsisun lights for two plants. And I was also hoping maybe someone could let me know I didn’t wait to long to harvest this plant. I have a 60x-120x but when your color blind and your girlfriend lacks steady hands, im lost in the harvestIng by trichome method.


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Sup errybody. This my 2nd post for my 1st grow journal. I made one other posting initiating the grow even though it was two weeks into the grow. Both plants autos. Both silver haze. Both planted June 4th in FFOF. Both started under a cheap amazon 110w. Today, day 16 of the grow. I moved them to my 4x4 and under my 290 actual watt led. I’m hoping this light will be enough for this grow until I can get something better. But anyways I just wanted to make an update, see what people think. No one answered or replied to my first post of the journal. Idk if I posted it at the right spot or not. Same as this, I wasn’t sure if I should make a new thread for each journal entry or if you should post it as a reply from your last post.... anyways. I know blurble sucks for pics but I’m not showing or asking about deficiencies or anything, so take a look and feedback/criticism is appreciated and needed. All about learning
Hi Austin,

Nice pair of plants! Please put all of your new entries into this same journal. If you jump around no one will ever find you. Each time you add a new entry here you climb to the top of page 1 but then you starting sinking to page 2 then page 3 and so on... as we all do.

Autos huh? Generally speaking you don’t want to top an auto, it can be done but it can also stunt the plant unless you know exactly what you are doing. Autos respond better to lst, or no training at all.

FFOF and day 16, you could do water only for a while, that’s a good soil. If / when you start with nutrients use a weak dose like 1/2 strength. No matter who’s pics they are - blurple pics will always suck!

What’s your nutrients? What’s your light schedule? Do you have fans & ventilation?

Glad you’re monitoring temp & humidity, what’s your lights on numbers?? It’s nice to see that you are not overwatering, keep working that wet dry cycle!

All right dude, hopefully some more folks will drop in soon.
Hi Austin,

Nice pair of plants! Please put all of your new entries into this same journal. If you jump around no one will ever find you. Each time you add a new entry here you climb to the top of page 1 but then you starting sinking to page 2 then page 3 and so on... as we all do.

Autos huh? Generally speaking you don’t want to top an auto, it can be done but it can also stunt the plant unless you know exactly what you are doing. Autos respond better to lst, or no training at all.

FFOF and day 16, you could do water only for a while, that’s a good soil. If / when you start with nutrients use a weak dose like 1/2 strength. No matter who’s pics they are - blurple pics will always suck!

What’s your nutrients? What’s your light schedule? Do you have fans & ventilation?

Glad you’re monitoring temp & humidity, what’s your lights on numbers?? It’s nice to see that you are not overwatering, keep working that wet dry cycle!

All right dude, hopefully some more folks will drop in soon.
So when I make a new journal entry, instead of clicking “post new thread” I will just click “reply” like I’m doing now? That way it stays in the same thread? Am I understanding that correctly. I definitely did something wrong because my first journal entry had all the information in it. I just followed the “how to make a grow journal tutorial”. I’m going to put all that info back on this thread once I know I understood what you meant. Appreciate the reply though dude seriously
Looking good. I would just recommend upgrading / adding lights when you can.

As far as your harvested plant, it looks great. You almost can never "harvest to late". Everyone always harvest to early lol... I started a little "rule" years ago, when they are ready, wait another week, then, wait another week. :laughtwo:
Looking good. I would just recommend upgrading / adding lights when you can.

As far as your harvested plant, it looks great. You almost can never "harvest to late". Everyone always harvest to early lol... I started a little "rule" years ago, when they are ready, wait another week, then, wait another week. :laughtwo:
Thanks man. I’m trying to get around 500 watts in there. I just want to have 4 decent autos. What do you think about two mars hydro ts1000. Or one tsw2000. I can’t go much more expensive right now I’m trying to find the highest watts I can for around 300. Which is looking like only enough for 300 watts. Maybe viparspectra, I just didn’t want blurple again
Did some lst last night. Last time I felt like I trained too late. This one might be to early now. But they didn’t seem to mind it.
Alright guys week 8 of this grow. Last time I posted I was just starting lst. I slacked on the journal a lot of Family stuff came up. But here’s what they are looking like now. I’m slightly worried they are turning so yellow. Week 4 I started feeding since I’m using fox farms ocean forest. I fed 1/2 dose. Because they are getting yellow. Yesterday I upped it to full dosage even tho fox farm is strong. Wrong move or right move? Are my leaves yellowing because lack of nutes. The runoff ph was a little low at 6.3 so I fed them at 6.86. I’m noticing this run I have the water a lot more. My last two plants I watered every 2-3 days in 3 gallon pots. I’m still using 3 gallon but they’ve been very dry now three times. How am I doing?
Hey Austin!

Your garden looks great, man they are doing well!! Yes nutes are needed since the one was light green Don’t worry about runoff ph, that’s the wrong rabbit hole to go down. If you are adjusting ph after you mix up nutes that’s cool but don’t worry about what comes out the bottom. It’s misleading anyway because fine sediments & chemical salts from nutes comes out in the wash. The main point is to water until there is some runoff each time. Some growers do feed, feed, water, others do feed, water, feed, water.

On watering tech for soil grows, it helps to work the wet dry cycle really hard in veg, stretch the time between water until plant droops then water it... but in flower you want to keep her moist. You build roots in veg, but in flower the plant no longer builds roots, it uses what’s there.

Read these 2 articles by Emilya one is “how to water a potted plant” read that & hit your back button and the other is right below it called “how to water an autoflower”. Here’s link... Emilya

I think you are doing a fantastic job!
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