Back4More - Autos & Bag Seeds - CFL & LED

I don't think your ph is off a bit.:thumb:
They look great.:bravo:I think you got a way to go before sexing.Unless you got an auto.I believe most photo's will show sex when they mature,or are forced to flower.I wanna say 6-8 weeks for them to mature,but Im sure strain has to do with it also.
All in all.They look great to me.You could start planning on topping/training soon,if you have height restriction's.
Cheers im gona try some rain water from last night this watering she how it treates her. No autos YET, i read that it would be around a month for sex to show, but i think it will be more like what ur saying 6-8w. Glad u said that because since there photos (Hybird/ Sativa more then likely) there gona grow up so scrog or topping might be need, unless i swich to flowering abit earlyer? but then again shes still capable in doubling in size. So iv seen ur doing someing simlar with urs il be keeping an eye on the topped one and how ur doing thing :tokin:
Just a quick pic throw up nothing major. just slower growth from the non airpot plant not sure why:/ the last time i used airpot it didnt work to well but this time it seems to be doin the job. Pottted a Auto Quickone yday just wating for her to pop up:D and one seed didnt germ couse the tissue got to dry, i usually use 2 cotten pads:peacetwo:
Hope she pops up soon :) how do u germ seeds btw ? i know they need warmth, darkness and dampness. but do they need air ? i need to find a more sucure way of germinating. because iv been using a little box i made of lego :laughtwo: it works its just i cant have anything to thick becuse the heat wont get into it, since i leave them on top of my tv box whitch doesnt give of much heat but enough:) :Namaste: Indo
Nice one for fishing that out :high-five: i read the both of them and it looks like a good idea kinda similar to what i do but i keep mine in a warm place. i dont know if that press Dennise put them in was warm or not i might give it a go with a seed and see do the actually need a nice bit of heat or not to start rooting. save me leaving the t.v box on for 2 night ::)
that was my second thought, maby not dry enough. I stick my finger in about an inch, near the steam and away from it and its lighly moist with a tiny amount of muck on my finger. And thats usually before i water, they get about 2-3 days of no water in between. do u think i should leave it longer? Temps and Hum are pretty good RH@55, 25-27c
Cheers for ur time again since ur the only one here at the mo :Namaste::passitleft:
I go by weight of the pot and number of day's.I like to let mine get pretty dry almost to the point of dropping.I like to believe by doing this it make 's the root's search for the water and grow much faster.I'll be honest I only really grow in fabric pot's.Seedling I do start in small plastic pot's but Iv'e alway's used fabric.Smart pot's being my favorite.I'd like to try the air pots one day,but my store does not carry them and really don't want to order them.I was also thinking in your case.The air pot should dry out much quicker then the plastic pot,because of the air holes.I like to stick to one kind of pot so I know they both should dry out at the same time and I won't have to water on 2 different occasion's.
I gave them an extra day today of no water and i just had to water the air pot plant today, she was feeling light ( could pic her up with one hand ) and lower leaves were a little droopy yday and this morning. Also gave square pot a smaller bit then usual watering. The last Q.O Auto never sprouted, But i germed another and potted her this morning when the light came on. so well see tomorrow if these progress. and il get some pics up in the next few days:D
just waiting for my auto to awaken from the dead hopefully tomorrow morn its been just over 24h since potted :cheesygrinsmiley: no sign of sex in the others yet any as far as i can see theres something there alright just cant quite tell and the cam got a little blury when i went to take a pic of a spot. anyywayy 5weeks and 2 days old now i plan on fliping them in the next few days :)
Day 40 airpot and day 41 square. took a close up on the sexing area not the best photo, but there is little white lines on or comming out of the stipules. And where the calyx are theres new growth of litte flowers u might be able to see in a pic. any one got sugestions, comment away :)

My auto poped up after about 2-3 days i planted her too deep. hope i get things straight next time for my other auto seeds. and i got 3 nice size propagater domes that u can see above and a heated prop too for cuttings :)
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