Basic Question


New Member
This is the first time I have ever grown. I have 78 seeds germinating and bout half are starting to pop after a day.
I have done a lot of research, but my question is this and though it is stupid, maybe very stupid but I have never planted anything before..
** I am growing outdoors and have a plot already set up that has dirt that isn't rich in acid. I know how to add all the nutes and have them so that isnt relative to my question...

I planned to do it like this but I am uncertain on what to do... Please follow along and guide me as I need your expertise!

1. Put germinated seeds in my pots which consists only of potting soil ( Or should I mix the Potting Soil with the soil at my site for my seedlings? )
2. After a week or so when the true leaves form put into bigger pot with potting soil + ferts (rich in nitrogen) - I have Thrive All Purpose.
3. After 7-10 days, time for the plot.
4. Remove males as they become noticeable.
5. Add potash 4 weeks before harvest and remove dieing useless leaves.
6. Harvest when whites start turning brown.

You know the rest.

Basically, I am uncertain in the seedling stage if it is suggested to add potting soil with the soil I will eventually move to. Also if I should add fert with the potting soil when my babies get their first set of true leaves. Sorry if this is confusing Im so high I could highjack a fucking satellite
Re: Basic Question...

Just wanted to say welcome. I don't know anything about outdoor growing to offer advice. Have you checked out the links? It sounds like you have everything set the way you want. I envy you, wish I could grow outdoors.
Re: Basic Question...

Just wanted to say welcome. I don't know anything about outdoor growing to offer advice. Have you checked out the links? It sounds like you have everything set the way you want. I envy you, wish I could grow outdoors.

Thank you for the warm welcome :)
Yes, I have done research on growing like a religion these past few months, but encase I mess up a lot I figure the more seeds means that there's a lot more room for trial and error. So it isn't a big deal... just did a lot of labor and want the best for every seedling. What kind of parent wants their babies to die? :( I suppose it was a stupid question though, probably doesn't matter that much.

God bless.
Re: Basic Question...

Glad to see you have done your research. I wish I would've but I have always been the hands on type who learns from my mistakes. And if you happen to make a mistake with the research you have done, I am sure it will be a minor one. Hope to see a journal.
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