Beginning To Understand Her

Um just wondering why you posted all the strains? That would've killed my fingers, you must type like a speed new ladies are looking nice and I am sure none of us following will be disappointed, more like mouths watering like Wile E. Coyote waiting for the results of this one too....

Thankfully most of the typing was done by a good friend. I have problems just typing this, slow and steady.
After feeding the closet smells , stinky, no that's not a good enough word, its odoriferous. Then I treat the girls with a few sprays of SNS 244 to prevent fungus from growing on the top of the dirt, and it smells better. Natural is as natural does.
Stress level rising

This week my stress levels went up a little. My girls are growing faster than anticipated. They are all healthy, but are quickly filling the grow space. I am not ready to build the mother room. Meh, I am ready, my bank account is not. Meh, I do hope to have it ready by Jan ish. By then my girls will be about 2' tall or better. They will need the space sooner I am sure. which adds just a little more to it. Big picture, all is well. Stay on target. Be joyful. Be kind. :peace:
My song about running out of weed.
My Baby's Gone. Playing music with my friends always gets me high. I miss my green hat. Dave White made up some lyrics that night, she took my house.LOL.He had no idea what the song is about, he just learned the music that night as it was being played, stellar musicianship. I do love the way he plays harmonica so all is forgiven. And he can sing well, really well. Should be, as he's the singer for Heathen.
Hank Alva on Bass, bad ass bass man!
Tom Eckert on Guitar, Big guy on the left, can really play, that night he did not turn up loud enough, odd, as he is usually the loudest. Blind Man Ran from The Vibe Project, singing and playing guitar, love that guy. Me in my green hat having the time of my life. The Vibe project 4/21/07 - YouTube
I'm building a fence. Its amazing the things I can do after a little Mother Nature. 100' of fence replacing the old rotted one. I convinced the Property next door to buy the materials, I supply the labor. He dropped off materials for 50' of frame for the fence, then decided all 100 should be done. I agreed, I want a tall secure fence, that's not an eye sore.
Not as stressed today,but feeling the cold, my body can't take it. Its giving me muscle, joint, and bone pain. The house I live in has no insulation. meh
Thats great that you and your neighbor is doing this project together. I hope you feel better soon.

Thanks QT, Just hit my hash pipe pain is diminishing.
My neighbor is real happy i moved in next door. The back yard at my place was a mess, weeds , blackberry, and garbage lots of it. I am surprised my landlord never got cited for the conditions. I decided to take the initiative and I started clean up one year ago. I am almost done. It was MMJ that enabled me to do what I have done in the back yard. :love: My MMJ.:peace:
Thanks QT, Just hit my hash pipe pain is diminishing.
My neighbor is real happy i moved in next door. The back yard at my place was a mess, weeds , blackberry, and garbage lots of it. I am surprised my landlord never got cited for the conditions. I decided to take the initiative and I started clean up one year ago. I am almost done. It was MMJ that enabled me to do what I have done in the back yard. :love: My MMJ.:peace:

And all the propaganda says that MJ leads to other drugs... I've always disagreed with that. It leads to carpentry, music, general creativeness, and a much better sense of well being. Not to mention the ACTUAL wellness to be had from its healing attributes, and the pain and anxiety relieving properties.

Glad to hear it helps you better your life and living space.:rollit:
And all the propaganda says that MJ leads to other drugs... I've always disagreed with that. It leads to carpentry, music, general creativeness, and a much better sense of well being. Not to mention the ACTUAL wellness to be had from its healing attributes, and the pain and anxiety relieving properties.

Glad to hear it helps you better your life and living space.:rollit:

Thanks jandre2k3, i am finding that it has many uses as well. My doctors (VA), know of my use . My VA psychologist and psychiatrist, both know and are "surprised" at how much I have improved in a year , they approve. My primary physician (VA)however, thinks that people who use MMJ kill people on a regular basis. And he's from India, where people drink Bahng , dance, sing then sleep. I think he was confusing cut throat, kill your mom for a bean dealers with peaceful users. I am always surprised when a person of substantial intelligence and knowledge makes a statement that has been fed to them by someone of lower intelligence and knowledge. Is it cause they are too lazy to look up facts for themselves, or is it that they just don't care about the human condition,? this scares me to death when I have to see someone for my health that's a total idiot, who's scared , having to watch every word and thought. meh, time to medicate all this has got me worked up.:peace:
I loved my old PCP doctor. He knew I smoked and approved of it too. Even told me that I should start some plants for personal use to make oil. I didn't tell him that I was already growing just that I was investigating I make it a point of telling my pcp that I do smoke because of whatever meds they may give me.

I never considered mj a gateway drug like some people do. It never lead me to use other drugs, my curiousity did. Plus just about everyone in my family smokes but me and my brother are the ones who you can say use it medicinally now. Hell, my mother even smoked her first joint when she was pregnant with me. I turned out just fine.
Thanks QT, my dearest friend has been looking out for me. She gave me a cold symptom reliever , hot food and good love. Now I feel even better.:Namaste: Unfortunately she and her husband are now ill. Now, its my turn to take care of them.

Awww glad you're feeling better..Sorry to hear about the friends being sick, hope they feel better soon.
666 rep points. :trance::nomo:Meh Heh Heh, howd that happen? Thanks to all who have +rep'd me. Much love for my :420: family. :love::love::love:

I would rep ya but I don't know how....Somebody give me some reps damn it, I have come a long way since my first grow...Growing and stretching like my plant for the thirst of knowledge..:Namaste:
QT, on the left side under the "stats" near the bottom of a persons post are 3 icons.
#1 farthest left, a dot that is either "grey" off line, or 'green' on line
#2 A scale clicking on this will add to a posters rep, a little dialog box appears type your message and enter
#3 one that I find very useful for removing spam, Report this post! it alerts our mods to potential member agreement violations and, ugh the spam I find a 3 am is horrendous!
hope this helps.:peace:
QT, on the left side under the "stats" near the bottom of a persons post are 3 icons.
#1 farthest left, a dot that is either "grey" off line, or 'green' on line
#2 A scale clicking on this will add to a posters rep, a little dialog box appears type your message and enter
#3 one that I find very useful for removing spam, Report this post! it alerts our mods to potential member agreement violations and, ugh the spam I find a 3 am is horrendous!
hope this helps.:peace:

Thanks buddy, now I am gonna break my rep cherry but giving you some....+reps...:adore:
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