Best day all year! (so far)


New Member
Oh man i'm so happy right now!! I got a job today after 6 months out of work! woohoo! no drug test needed so i went out and got my self some smoke for the first time in 6 months (give or take a few bowls) and let me tell you I'm so stoned, ITS AWESOME. oh how i have missed it. Oh but wait it get better. went to the store for some snacks and i found some star trek cereal that has been off the market since last may (good till march) and its sooooo good.. yeah best day ever! who's smokin with me? any one? well if you are here's to good times!

hey chrome, congrats man.
I don't even know you, but we are brothers in here (and out there).

I recently (4 months ago) got hired after being without work for a whole year. No drug test either.

Let's keep this good fortune and good vibes going to the less fortunate.
Hey every one, thanks for the congrats. I am super excited about the new job. I was shocked when i said they wont be requesting a drug test since the job is with the state. But hey I'm not gonna complain. There is one down side though, being a state job and with my state falling short on budgets i am not sure of the longevity of the position. which sucks. As of now they have cash guaranteed through march 31st. after that... well who knows. I am just thankful i'll have the chance to catch up on bills and fill a gap in my unemployment history. Not to mention i get to smoke all day and play video games while snaking on cereal( I am a total cereal slut!) stress free till monday. its nice, i've been so stressed and depressed the last 6months esp since i haven't been smoking, which i normally do to control my anxiety and depression. but now that i'm back to work and smoking life is good.. real good. these next few days are my Funemployment.. hehe
Congrats! I know exactly how you guys feel. I was without work for 8 months. It was so depressing. I'll be sparkin one up for you homie.
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