Best deterrent for deer?

Yeah I think a fence would be your best bet. For all the trouble you’re talking about going to here, just string up some netting or wire

I hunt too- just not in my yard :)
Ain't nothing wrong with that!
You’ll need to hook up a pretty big subwoofer for that.
You're right, I was just thinking about that. I don't think my cranking the volume on my laptop up and playing a youtube video of roaring lions will be loud enough. But I'll figure it out.
I had a zoo lion roar and lunge at me once when I was standing right by the bars. Nearly pissed myself.

Yeah you don't get too close to those bars man, lions look at you and just see food.
Distract with corn until your grow is complete. Plus the chicken fried backstrap taste better.


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Had a 100 plant grow at my house once.
About 10am I was working in the office which had a window that looked out over 'the garden'.
Spotted a fat doe looking thru the fence, looking at the top - gauging and thinking.
Went to the safe, got the 30-30, opened the window and sighted.

Wife walks into the room.
"Watta ya doing?"
"Doe is looking at my plants. If she jumps, there'll be half a dead dear draped on one side of that fence, and a half of a dead dear on the other side - and I don't wanna hear any crying about it."
Wifey shrugs and says, "I like venison."

She didn't jump, so it ended well for her.
I need to comment about the battery powered fence. An acquaintance, sourced his batteries from a local vendor, deep cycle specials for recharging. They didn't think about it being found by a hunter scouting an early black powder season hunt whose brother was also a state trooper. The trooper took the batteries and identified where they were purchased from and when the acquaintance went back to buy replacements they busted him. All they did was take fingerprints off the batteries out at his grow, and then right there at the store. He lawyered up but still got 10 years with everything he had along with it. Came out on parole after 4 with good behavior. I heard the guy who called the cops when he came in keeps having car trouble, lots of flat tires lol
I need to comment about the battery powered fence. An acquaintance, sourced his batteries from a local vendor, deep cycle specials for recharging. They didn't think about it being found by a hunter scouting an early black powder season hunt whose brother was also a state trooper. The trooper took the batteries and identified where they were purchased from and when the acquaintance went back to buy replacements they busted him. All they did was take fingerprints off the batteries out at his grow, and then right there at the store. He lawyered up but still got 10 years with everything he had along with it. Came out on parole after 4 with good behavior. I heard the guy who called the cops when he came in keeps having car trouble, lots of flat tires lol
For four years outta my life ... flat tire would just be the BEGINNING.
"Hey buddy ... need a ride?"

Slam an 8-track into the dash and crank up "Highway to Hell" ...

I wouldn’t bother with an electric fence. Too much trouble and unnecessary. 6’ chicken wire or some netting is all you need. If you want to be paranoid you can stick up a game spy camera and then you’ll be able to watch if anyone comes. You can get ones with remote viewing to avoid walking into a trap.
I should mention- I’ve got lots here. About 7 that are regular enough in my yard I can tell them apart and call them by name, and a few others that I get mixed up. Four of them that will eat out of my hand. I still manage to keep them fenced out of the garden with netting, but none of the other tricks that you read about would work on them

Thats awesome!

I agree theres little you can do, fencing is about the only thing that will work, although I would honestly try gun powder. I never saw a deer in deer infested woods when I had a gun. I bet they can smell gun powder a mile away. Im actually kind of interested to know how well gunpowder and human piss would work. Maybe get some of those preditor urine scent bottles from hunting supply stores. You could also try planting something they love to eat right next to your weed to encourage them to eat that instead. If the area smells like death to them and theres something great to eat "over there" then guess what will likely happen (assuming they arent too hungry)?

Some other things to try, check out this post:
Notes from Science of Gardening - Linda Chalker-Scott
Deer don’t react the same way to random creatures with guns wandering through their territory, as they do to the familiar sights and sounds that they experience every day. Anything, no matter how annoying, becomes familiar to them after a while - just as it does for us. How else are humans, such as me for example, supposed to survive in incredibly annoying circumstances? I might ask my girlfriend this question, because it’s something I’ve been wondering ...

They found a hole in my garden fence and broke into it a few days ago and ravaged it. The little shits.... after all I’ve done for them !!!

Feeding the monster - her prize for being model in photo of the month
I think you might be able to get big cat shit from the zoo. I think if you tell them it's to keep deer out of your veggie garden they let you take it.
I want to say I remember someone saying that, but I can't recall any specifics.

.223 is 5.56mm. Pretty small for a deer.
Ive gotten deer with my ar15 head shots only
Ehm...A team of actors in hunting gear say: J.Voight, B.Reynolds and some Banjo playing Hill Billy's

rengedeng dung deng dung denng

Either that or maybe C.Walken R.deNiro and M.Streep have nothing better to do....however that will probably end up in a big Drama!...Never mind!
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