Best nutes for growing "Big Bang"

I am a noob myself, but I would suggest just reading the forums, the FAQ questions and grow journals have been most helpful in my research.

See what nutes are available in your area. Smokin Moose put up an excellent tutourial...

I also read forums from other sites as well. I have been doing my research for few months and aquiring my equipment. I have spent numerous hours compiling my own notes for a 4x4.5x8 closed closet grow. There are many masters on this forum to help and provide insight.

My sugggestion is to take from these lessons learned and apply them to your own technique with what is available to you.

With a little hope, I intend to apply what I have learned on these forums to make my first grow a bountiful harvest for my own medicinal and recreational use.

:yummy: :peace:
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