Big yeild question


New Member
I have some ak47 and some hollands hope I am working with this year. I plan to keep them in 5 gallon grow bags till half way thru july, then dig a big hole and cut buttom offf bag then put in ground. Am i good, super smart or a fucking retard?:cool:
That would work but if your talking about regular grow bags why not cut the bottom off, drop the bag and plant into the hole then split the bag up the side and remove it totally? Then knead the side of the rootball carefully to help break up the hard sides of the rootball and then fill in with good potting soil or a mix of potting soil and native soil. Camoflauge the top with natural dressing to help hide the hole and to act as a mulch and hold in moisture. The bigger the hole the better. 3 foot deep by 5 foot across works really well. lol
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