Black Lips Bucket Basement

Re: Black Lips Bucket Basement....

What yield do you think you can expect per plant with your set-up?

Well to tell you the truth this is my 1st run of this size... Im really hoping for 4oz per plant. I would say any where between 3.5 - 5.5oz per plant.. This GWS strain I have is a very good producer... What do think MostlyCrazy??
Re: Black Lips Bucket Basement....

I think you are in the right range. You set-up is great and I would anticipate on the high side of the range you are talking about. 5 x 16 = 80oz or 5lbs! And think of all the leaf and trim you will have for hash!

Thank You VERY much for the positive Vibes MC! I have worked very very hard on putting this garden together and the up keep and constant attention it needs..I really Appreciate you stopping in so often and helping me out with all your input and ideas,I really enjoy this site and all the Bubble heads!
5X16 would be perfect for me, I just need to perfect my hash making skills that shii is a bitch to make, even with my new mixer need a whole day to spin a 1oz..
Re: Black Lips Bucket Basement....

I use manual labor, a screen and a press. It's not like you have to do it all at once!

It's a pleasure for me to see your work so stopping by is a joy.

True! I would like to make some kief but i dont really have the time or space to dry out trimming's to shake them ect... so bubble hash has worked best for me I can just jam the trimming in the freezer until I have time.. I like kief most tho
Re: Black Lips Bucket Basement....

Yo Sonig! OBX! What do you think of this idea? Maybe even grow room design and execution. I understand they are a little short staffed at this time but It's an idea worth persuing. If not this month or the next then on your next grow bl! That set-up looks very repeatable and that is part of it's attraction. As I said, production quality.
Re: Black Lips Bucket Basement....

wow nice little setup you got there. happy to see you got a rez that must of been killing your back
Re: Black Lips Bucket Basement....

wow nice little setup you got there. happy to see you got a rez that must of been killing your back
Thanks for stopping by AKIA123... yea it would of been hell filling all those buckets by hand..
Re: Black Lips Bucket Basement....

Very nice garden good to see all 16 so healthy and nice. Gives us rookies something to work for
Thanks GoREALaFIVE ....I take pride in my ladies...Although Iam still a rookie as well, Im gaining my cred!
Re: Black Lips Bucket Basement....

Ok got some beans going.. Im very happy 100% germ rate in 72hrs!
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