Bratt in Cali


New Member
Hi all :byebye:... I just want to say i LOVE this site. If you had a school to learn how to grow, i would be an overacheiver, and i hated school.


I wish i would have started growing along time ago. Reading all the threads makes me jealous...I LOVE WEED they all look so yummy.
I have been smokin since i was younger and am 27 now. Im not the smartest girl but i dont care im Happy. :Rasta:

When i met my husband, i went on a double date with my best friend. Him and his friend, they where blown away that me and my homegirl had better and more smoke then both of them. hahaha
They said "Damn, we have never met girls that smoke like you two do."

Then a year later, while walking in Venice Beach i ran into him again, He tryed so hard to get my to hang out with him, but nothing worked, then he said the magic words :thedoubletake: "Hey you wanna smoke a bowl" And we have been together for 7 years now. :kiss: And still love each other so much.

:kiss: A stoners way to fall in love... haha
And thats the best way to calm me down when im pissed at him..:kiss:

Just had to share that:dreamy:
I love a good love story, especially when it involves good herb!:popcorn:

Welcome to the community:cheer:
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