Buy Qualified LED Grow Light at GreenSun

Hi Amy,
I was looking at purchasing your ZNET6 light off your website. I noticed that last month you offered this special discount to 420 members for the model I am considering, at 216 instead of the 258 advertised. I was just wondering if you were able to extend this offer as I would like to purchase one asap if you can :)


Your lamp shipped this morning :)
Nice. I found the ZNET tread. I have a video update on the ZNET4 in flower I will post later today. I got my eyes on the ZNET16....
I will tell you all that the 4 has a lot of red.
I have recently started using you ZNet4 Amy and the Wild Thai under it is exploding with buds..... So far I am loving this light.....:circle-of-love:
Wild Thai just 5 days under the ZNet4 in bloom.....
Wanted to update y'all! I have 2 Znet 6 from Amy and I love them. They are kicking ass on everything I have put under them (tomato/jalapeno/eggplant) and their intended use :p

I purchased in early May and have been using them pretty much every day for around 18 hours. I have 2 issues and I am emailing amy to help get them resolved but I wanted you to be aware as well. I have had 1 led go out/dim itself on a single pod. Another pod was slightly damaged and the glue that was holding it has come loose and you can bobble the pod up into the light. Not a big issue more a pet peeve.

I am sure she will help me out but I will update when I get that figured out. I can't ship them out to repair so I am hoping we have a simple fix.
granny IMO you would be fine with 1 ZNet6 and even have a little more than ya need if that's possible but if ya just wanted to go with 2 lights I think you would be fine with 2 Znet4's........:circle-of-love:

I ordered the znet12, only one left at the warehouse and someone accidentally dropped it . Amy is so nice about it, so I was asked if I would like 2 of the znet 6's or the 16 ,,of course with the 16 there is a price difference.. 3.5x3.5 tent ...
I need any opinions or advice ...I can't make up my mind and it's been driving me nuts of which one to get....

Hey D, I probably will go with 2 of the znet6, need to let her know something tonight, I will be so glad to finally make a decision, I bet you will be too.
Thanks to everyone !:thanks:

I ordered the znet12, only one left at the warehouse and someone accidentally dropped it . Amy is so nice about it, so I was asked if I would like 2 of the znet 6's or the 16 ,,of course with the 16 there is a price difference.. 3.5x3.5 tent ...
I need any opinions or advice ...I can't make up my mind and it's been driving me nuts of which one to get....

Hey D, I probably will go with 2 of the znet6, need to let her know something tonight, I will be so glad to finally make a decision, I bet you will be too.
Thanks to everyone !:thanks:

Thank you grannyT
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