Cannabis + disapproving SOs (tl;dr)


New Member
hey folks,

So I just joined - good to meet you - and I was hoping to bounce some thoughts off of you, here in this pleasantly anonymous setting.

Cannabis + disapproving significant others. Ah, that ol' chestnut. Purging rant-like thing to follow.

As I have really no one to talk with about this, I'll put it to my smokey peers to volunteer advice. Long story short, I just started smoking again, about six years into my relationship with my wife. No hazy/blazy smokefest like my college days, but a few puffs off my oney every night or so. Truth be told, that's all I can handle at this point. Anything more gets me WAY too high. Something about my metabolism changing affected the way my body works w/ cannabis... but anyways..

So my wife is struggling with a serious double standard. She's been brainwashed - like many - into a deep-rooted disapproval of [my] cannabis use, though she eagerly supports legalization/etc. Intellectually, she understands, but the emotions get involved and she loses any semblance of rationality...

The double standard persists through the casual acceptance of drug use when alcohol is in question, yet a mention of having a bag of weed brings about an all-night passive/aggressive shitstorm. Fuck. She'd rather no one do anything, but accepts that people will do drugs - again, she supports the end of prohibition - yet in our personal life, she insists on drilling into this deep-seated friction with my own extremely moderate cannabis use.

It drives me crazy. She's a doll - love her to pieces, we have two wonderful kids and a perfect life with no bullshit. I like to have a drink everyone now and then, and a smoke at night. Truth be told, I certainly prefer to have some sort of substance as a night cap every day, but my substance use has NEVER brought any negative repercussions on our life. Seriously - nothing. I never get hammered, never too stoned; my possession of cannabis is well within my state's decrim law - so there's nothing there. Remember too, that as a parent, you need to have your shit together ALWAYS. So I never compromise that responsibility with being too inebriated, whether it's alcohol or cannabis. You just never know when you might need to make a midnight run to the emergency room. That's what it's like with toddlers :)

You get my point - I've got my shit together. But for whatever reason, she's hell bent on making this is a HUGE issue. For no reason but her own disapproval. Now I'm on her shit list because I didn't alert her to a recent purchase. Which would've just gotten me on her shit list anyways. I can't win.

Are any of you in a similar position? I'd love to know what your approach has been to deal with this situation. I feel like she'll ease into it in time. But it makes me feel like shit at the moment. I don't even care if she partakes - I just don't want to feel like I'm being judged if I take a drag off my one-hitter every night...

She comes from a background where she's abused alcohol, and had some bad experiences from that abuse. Problems I've NEVER had, as I've always been responsible drug user. So I think she's projecting a bit - projecting not on alcohol, but on this demonized plant that we - as users - also share a stigma with. A very unfair stigma, to point out the obvious.

Sucks man. I'm 30 years old and will not be held to someone else's misinformed and selective set of moral standards. The more I think about the lies that have perpetuated about cannabis, the more indignant I become. and I embrace it. So ensues the head-to-head marital woes of cannaphobia.. (?)

Let me just say this one more time: I am an incredibly inconspicuous and responsible cannabis smoker. If I decide to fly under the radar, if you will, you can't tell I've got a buzz. No ganja smell, no red eyes - nothing. I follow the laws ( which is still weird to say!) and respect boundaries (no inviting wifey to a sweet smoke under the stars), so for zeus' sake - what's a man got to do to smoke a little herb without feeling judged?!

just looking for diplomatic solutions. Or approaches. Whatever. Just need some casual yet thoughtful input. Thanks folks! :Namaste:
Honestly, sounds like she needs to get blazed
Let me elaborate. She may need to share in the experience to get past her distaste.
Hey hedd I've also had these problems for a while with a few women friends who where alcoholics yet hated ME smokin! I also am very well off and only smoke a toke at night! They have gotten used to it after a while because they will finally see there's no negative or issues worth fighting over due to mmj
Yet drinking is so bullshit and causes nothing but heartache and separation ! Smoking doesn't lead to any of those things! She will relize that your still the awesome dude she married and just move past the fact you like to toke before bed amigo !!!!!
Orange Crush said:
Honestly, all BS aside, I think you two should sit down and go over the pro's and con's of smoking weed. Show her how you see it from your perspective. When shares her side respect it.

Maybe you two can reach some sort of compromise.

Well said!
I would have to go with full on communication/education. Meaning that you make sure that she is well informed about cannabis vs. alcohol. Also, it sounds like she may be superimposing her own misuse of alcohol with your use of cannabis. Your description of use sounds like my husband and my usage level. We are parents and find that smoking a bit before bed allows us to drift off to a restful, nightmare free sleep. I bet that if your wife opens herself up a bit to examine the many of us out here who are responsible, involved parents who also use cannabis, her views and judgement of you would change. I hope you two come to a place of mutual respect on this issue bc it sounds like your relationship is way worth saving. Good luck friend. :)
I went through this with my wife last year when I got busted last year.She didn't know I was smoking again it's been 25-30yrs. since back in the day. Now retired/disability helped me feel like doing things again.She's not happy but I sure feel better!!!!
Some time you have to think of yourself.
All I can say is sorry that you are going through that. I really couldn't add much to what others have said. It does sound to me like she is projecting her past issues with drug abuse. Maybe one night when you have the lil ones tucked in bed, you could get her to try some, maybe not through smoking but maybe a brownie or something. I think every woman has a sweet tooth....

I can understand your frustration but am also grateful that my S/O likes to smoke as much as I do.
She is projecting her abuse of alcohol on you. My so can do other things without the same repercussions I have, so I have to accept that we're different people. Don 't know why she begrudges you something that helps you to feel better....
When I was a child I was told racial prejudice was right and rape was the womans fault as I got older I learned to question these lies when will people question the lies told about CANNABIS.
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