Cannabis Oil Cure for Cancer - How Rick Simpson Makes Medicine

Problem is with this oil has a high THC content that is psycho active that cant be tolerated by some who are already psycho active. I imagine that is my problem ! Back in the day I could tolerate it. Now I cant even think about THC...praying for a CBD oil super potent to handle my issues. Anyone with some feed back is greatly appreciated. =)

They're methods of taking the oil, high in THC, that do not cause any psychoactivity.
Check out the oil threads.
My wife has cancer. It's terminal according to her doctors. I am beginning to gather info so I can start growing for her. Thank you so much for all the information I've seen on here.
I was hoping to find out if the oil can be made without a rice cooker.

If so, any suggestions on how else to boil off the solvent.

My friend is dying and I want to make his final days at least a little more bearable.

Much love and thanks,
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