Cannabis Oil Dosing Tutorial: Tacking Method

Good day all!

Please excuse me if I have posted in the wrong thread. I'm new here, looking to find out some information on Simpson oil. Specifically, I would like to know the oil's effects in regards to blood pressure, if anyone can speak to that. The backstory is, my twin brother is terrible condition. He is in the hospital for the third time in three months after having a permenant colostomy. He has blood clots in his bladder, swelling in his legs and feet and a number of other problems, including an infection. I live in a different state from my brother and yesterday I was able to arrange for my parents to get some Simpson oil for my brother (by God's Grace).

This is, outside of our faith, a last effort to get him to eat as he seems to be wasting away. Well, my parents tried to give him some oil in the hospital, which was difficult due to the problems they had squeezing the oil from the syringe. I'm not certain as to how much my brother was able to get, but I told my parents to try for an amount the size of a rice grain. Well, around 1 am, my parents were awaking by a phone call from the hospital saying that my brother's blood pressure was dangerously low and to come to the hospital right away. Again, to make the story short as possible, my brother's pressure seems to be fine today but it was a scary moment for my parents.

I want to know if the oil could have had anything to do with my brother's pressure dropping to the dangerously low level? I seem to recall on the Rick Simpson site, him mentioning a little about the oil lowering blood pressure, but no warnings or in depth info on the oil's effect on blood pressure supplied. I should also mention, my brother is on some hardcore pain meds and anti-biotics. However, he had not had an issue with his blood pressure prior to last night, the first night taking the oil.

I would appreciate any and all useful feedback as my family needs to determine if he should use the oil again anytime soon.

Thanks and God bless!
Hi Newbie4info,

Lets get right to the important issues at hand. Your brother is taking the oil incorrectly, becoming euphoric especially with man-bad meds as you mentioned causes very low spikes in blood pressure and can pass out. Will not overdose on the oil but is dangerous with the blood pressure dropping so quickly. The concentrate taken correctly will cover all the issues your brother is having.

Welcome to 420 Magazine!

420 Motoco

Good day all!

Please excuse me if I have posted in the wrong thread. I'm new here, looking to find out some information on Simpson oil. Specifically, I would like to know the oil's effects in regards to blood pressure, if anyone can speak to that. The backstory is, my twin brother is terrible condition. He is in the hospital for the third time in three months after having a permenant colostomy. He has blood clots in his bladder, swelling in his legs and feet and a number of other problems, including an infection. I live in a different state from my brother and yesterday I was able to arrange for my parents to get some Simpson oil for my brother (by God's Grace).

This is, outside of our faith, a last effort to get him to eat as he seems to be wasting away. Well, my parents tried to give him some oil in the hospital, which was difficult due to the problems they had squeezing the oil from the syringe. I'm not certain as to how much my brother was able to get, but I told my parents to try for an amount the size of a rice grain. Well, around 1 am, my parents were awaking by a phone call from the hospital saying that my brother's blood pressure was dangerously low and to come to the hospital right away. Again, to make the story short as possible, my brother's pressure seems to be fine today but it was a scary moment for my parents.

I want to know if the oil could have had anything to do with my brother's pressure dropping to the dangerously low level? I seem to recall on the Rick Simpson site, him mentioning a little about the oil lowering blood pressure, but no warnings or in depth info on the oil's effect on blood pressure supplied. I should also mention, my brother is on some hardcore pain meds and anti-biotics. However, he had not had an issue with his blood pressure prior to last night, the first night taking the oil.

I would appreciate any and all useful feedback as my family needs to determine if he should use the oil again anytime soon.

Thanks and God bless!
Hey Motoco, I just read these last couple of post to my GF, and she would like to say something to you & Mo.

Greeting Motoco & Mo, I am filled with gratitude for the amount of caring that you show towards the sick, and the people needing your help. You are truly a compassionate and blessed man. I have never encountered people caring about others as I have heard that you do. I feel that you have been sent from God to help humanity. We are so lucky to have you here with us and spreading the word, isn't that what it is all about, being there for one another.

Thank you both for all that you do. :adore:

Peace & Love, the 60's :love:
Wow 60 Cal! It has been one of those crazy busy days compadre and in the late evening Mo and I get to share this post. What your girl friend posted made this long day worth every second. It takes us awhile to compose ourselves because of the deep emotions we get reading your/gf post. To be there for one another? It can change the world. We feel very blessed to help others, we know this in our heart and soul and what our purpose is.

I'm not talking about the concentrate now and your post is so overwhelming...

Thank you guys from the bottom of our hearts :circle-of-love:

Hey Motoco, I just read these last couple of post to my GF, and she would like to say something to you & Mo.

Greeting Motoco & Mo, I am filled with gratitude for the amount of caring that you show towards the sick, and the people needing your help. You are truly a compassionate and blessed man. I have never encountered people caring about others as I have heard that you do. I feel that you have been sent from God to help humanity. We are so lucky to have you here with us and spreading the word, isn't that what it is all about, being there for one another.

Thank you both for all that you do. :adore:

Peace & Love, the 60's :love:
Hi Folks,

Due to a 'full' day tomorrow we will be unavailable. Back Monday morning first thing. Have a great day and if you're watching the Super Bowl your lucky, lol.

420 Motoco
Motoco, thanks again for all the help you and your wife have provided. It has been a rough weekend and I'm trying to keep my family on the path but my dad is still kind of out of it and seems to be somewhat dizzy or just less motor skill, Which could be from a variety of things. I guess I'm posting because I'm looking for any guidance or clarity on if this is to be expected from the oil or if it's likely something else. Either way I want to stay committed as I know two or three days isn't enough time. I feel as though he is able to be in conversation more then before we started the oil but he still has some confused thoughts and eventually more and hand-eye trouble. He has also been up all night with the hiccups... Even after taking the indica.

Motoco, thanks again for all the help you and your wife have provided. It has been a rough weekend and I'm trying to keep my family on the path but my dad is still kind of out of it and seems to be somewhat dizzy or just less motor skill, Which could be from a variety of things. I guess I'm posting because I'm looking for any guidance or clarity on if this is to be expected from the oil or if it's likely something else. Either way I want to stay committed as I know two or three days isn't enough time. I feel as though he is able to be in conversation more then before we started the oil but he still has some confused thoughts and eventually more and hand-eye trouble. He has also been up all night with the hiccups... Even after taking the indica.


Hi cj,

Some things are improving also. The biggest noticeable difference is 'no' pain. This is an indicator the CBD is working to reduce inflammation. Which also means the tumors are shrinking. One thing people overlook is when tumors are shrinking you get symptoms as well. When a tumor shrinks it is also releasing pressure the tumor was pressing against. That shrinks down and causes side effects also. Your Dads 'mini' stroke caused the 'gibberish' talk, disorientation (waking up every two hours, wanting to get up for the day). It is NOT an side effect of the oil. This is the hardest part for family members. Not knowing what is causing what. One thing for sure is if you stop the oil the tumors will grow back faster and bigger. This is why Mo and I do what we do. Its going to be tough, your Dad is in bad shape. Just keep in mind, the oil is still seating in your Dads system. The 'no' pain indicator took 3 days. The stroke threw a wrench into things and one more thing to deal with besides cancer. If a tumor fractured ribs on your Dad, what do you think they can do in soft tissue? This is why we wanted the responsibility on treatment and his regimen. Before making decisions (family members, not you) let us explain what is going on so you can make a rational decision. This is your Dads last option and 'guessing' what is going on and that the oil is responsible without getting some insight to the issues at hand can go in the wrong direction. Remember, all the family wanted is to be 'pain' free and comfortable. The pain part is working as mentioned, however, if the treatment is stopped things will get worse faster. Also the 'nighttime' dose was given incorrectly, just a little booster to 'prep' for sleep, not the half grain of rice dose. Little things like this though makes a HUGE difference in treatment.

The 'hiccups' is from eating too fast, swallowing to much air. This is also from the 'stroke'. We seen a lot of strange things from strokes. Holding forks wrong, spoons upside down, missing their mouth, etc. Even while eating, remind your Dad to slow down and try to chew. Everything you have mentioned is 'stroke' related. Even if you take the oil incorrectly a 'stoned' feeling is not talking gibberish and lose of eye-hand coordination.

Please know, ultimately this is your family's decision and Mo and I do not want to sway this, it isn't our place. But at least you know what is causing what to make a better informed decision. Its so draining on the family members, why we offered our help to take the load off. No sleep for them, they become tired and confused. Its hell on everyone, just like we talked about at the start.

Hope this helps and whatever decision is made your family is in our prayers.

Motoco & Mo
If the tack only last 15 minutes that is fine. My wife's dissipate like that also. My tack's for whatever reason last much longer. The reason why the bottom gums is a prefered location is if you sit next to your wife when she is sitting or standing, look at the side of her face, notice that the bottom jaw is in the down position. When you tack on the lower gum even when the oil warms up inside the mouth it drains to the middle of the gum. This is ideal as the concentrate absorbs into the gums to reach your CB1 receptors first which insures the proper way to dose. That being said, the top gums work also but can drain down to the CB2 faster which will lead to euphoria unless applied longer than normal. Also a worthy mention. Once she becomes use to the taste she will not salivate as much (at least for the wife and me). To get the concentrate to tack easier have your wife try putting an ice cube in her mouth, swish it around her bottom gums, then dry with a towel/etc. This will get the gums colder and the oil adheres easier. Concentrated oil always runs from hot to cold. That is why sometimes it is hard to tack because the gums are warmer than the oil. Also if she just started tacking her oil it takes 3-5 days to get fully seated in her system. That is an average and varies between each individual. Keep doing what your doing, its fine. Has she noticed the difference in feeling between digesting the oil and applying to the gums?

420 Motoco

Thanks again Motoco. It took me awhile to find this post. The part I emphasized was very helpful. Somehow I got both in my head at different times, but we had not combined them. We had some success tonight.

I'm going to have her start a journal tomorrow to track how she feels, doses, etc

thanks again. I sure hope it helps her.
Your welcome brother! Taken properly I will believe your wife aliments will start to disappear. A couple of little techniques make a HUGE difference being the correct way and the improper way. Like making oil, you master the 'quick wash' and everything else is a piece of cake, same with 'tacking'. Once you learn how it works all one needs to do is stay regimented and get on with life. It really is that simple. Once you understand the amount of pressure to apply it and the amount of time to hold it in place, it becomes easier and easier. In fact, once you build up your tack strips, its much faster.

Thanks again Motoco. It took me awhile to find this post. The part I emphasized was very helpful. Somehow I got both in my head at different times, but we had not combined them. We had some success tonight.

I'm going to have her start a journal tomorrow to track how she feels, doses, etc

thanks again. I sure hope it helps her.
Just joined up and have to say (or type rather) first off, Motoco you have blown me away.
I have espoused the benefits of cannabis to anyone who would listen for a couple years now and have done quite a lot of research into it, and you are spot on. Although having only ever used cannabis recreationally I have made bubble hash and BHO before. I live in a very hot climate and plan on testing Viability of BHO being used for tacking, simply out of curiosity.

Now to the crux of why I am posting. I have some questions I believe you would most likely be able to assist me with. First an introduction to the situation.

A friends grandmother was diagnosed with cancer, treatment that was taken was removal of her stomach. She is 78 years old and I really wish that I had known about this before it got to the stage that they removed her stomach but the past is sadly done. The issues now are that she cannot eat any "tough" foods and has most of her foods puréed. Naturally she is not too inclined to eat as a result. She now weighs 38kgs (84lbs) and is extremely frail. The cancer hasn't spread but she has had skin cancer in the past and her family have decided to attempt cannabis oil. I have managed to convince members of her family that the only option they should go for is tacking as it is the safest option. My issues are that I do not have access to specific strains, it's pretty tough to be sure of what you're getting on most occasions. I have got seeds that I have planted but those will only be ready in a couple months.
Should I provide them with the RSO made with the local bud or should I wait till my plants are ready?
With her having no stomach and being so frail what should the starting dose be and how many per day?

Thanks in advance
Oh and I have another friend that is in need of help but that's not quite sold yet, paying them a visit on the weekend will update then.
Hi Eish,

Welcome to 420 Magazine!

I want to give you 'much kudos' yourself. I was on the euphoric side of MJ/MMJ for more years than I care to remember. On the 'norm' these are the hardest people to teach anything. Why? We train our brain and once it is trained it is almost like being a 'mule' and we think we know it all. So we really enjoy helping folks such as yourself who want to 'think outside the box'. Looking back when we learned the oil and stayed off the web for information was a 'blessing' we are thankful for each day. This is how we have learned to use the oil so effectively. We listened and paid attention to what the concentrate does to not only physically ailments but the way it changes our thinking by changing our chemical imbalance to how it should be.

Now on to the questions at hand. We have a patient we are helping with the exact same situation. Only with this case it was part of the stomach and the esophagus connect and removed her sphincter which had cancer (so a little different procedure, but same results). Here is where the nightmare begins. It was done pretty much to extend her life. The pain is so severe she cannot eat anything but as you mentioned 'liquids' for nutrition. The issue is when taking the oil it tells you when you need hydration and food. Your stomach 'growls' or a slight nauseous feeling. As a caretaker we know this and simply tell the person to drink and eat. Easy enough, right? Not in these cases (parts of the stomach removed, etc. When you don't get the supplements your body needs or something in your belly to absorb 'man made' meds prescribed for pain it adds to the problem instead of helping. No food, no nutrition, no building up the autoimmune system. When our example (person) tries to eat solids even in the easiest digestive form like jello, noodles, anything the pain is so severe they don't eat. You cannot eat with no place for the food to go, simple as that. So they have the liquid nutrition in her case bypassing her damaged/partially removed esophagus. She knows though without eating she will die from lack of nutrition. The oil is working fantastic except for when she tries to eat and the pain is extreme, even with a high CBD strain (after she eats or tries she is fine). We fear because this is keeping her from getting the nutrition she needs to stay alive will kill her. So in short, the procedures given was nothing more than a life extension but a hell of a way to extend their life. We still have high hopes but the simple fact of lack of nutrition might be her undoing. We are keeping hopes because the procedure wasn't done that long ago things will improve healing wise to tolerate eating. Basically they are in a 'hospice' condition. It saddens me as this is all that western medicine has to offer. Not blaming the Dr.s or the medical system as they are trained what and not what to do. I do blame the big pharma's as everything is based around man-made meds. All we would like to do is when they get to the late stages of anything, simply let them go home to 'hospice' and whisper in their ear 'try cannabis concentrated oil'. Sending people home in such poor medical condition when western medicine has failed with morphine/heavy pain meds and passing with grimace looks on their face should be a thing of the past. PLEASE LEAVE SOMETHING TO WORK WITH. We can try to save these people or worst have them pass in a humane way. Passion showing.

I have tried BHO wax and shatter also. First off the ones I tried were not decarboxylated (it doesn't need to when vaporized as the heat that is vaporizing BHO/Shatter, etc does the decarboxylation). If it is not decarboxylated it doesn't pass through the blood brain barrier so it cannot begin to heal. And the chemically makeup doesn't absorb like it should via the gums. Shatter will cut your gums, not dissolve and the cannabinoids stay bitter 24/7.

Personally I don't trust oil made by others unless I can see it actually done. Talk is cheap when it comes to concentrated oil. It is much easier to find quality bud in your area than it is good concentrate ( I think that is what you meant, just wanted to clarify). I would buy the strains needed and make my oil now and start with your plants when they are ready. We have made a 'how to make the oil tutorial which is best suited via gum absorption/tacking, simply cannabis concentrated oil/RSO. It is a perfect vehicle to take the concentrate correctly, get to your CB1 receptors first and heal properly. See if you can get a sativa dominant hybrid strain with max THC. See if you can get a high CBD strain with max CBD potency. Blend these two together for the daytime oil when making the oil (coldwash them together in the same mixing apparatus). Look for a pure Indica or as close as you can get for sleep. When 'tacking' 20% sativa in a night indica dominant it has to be grown to full term or the wheels keep turning and lack of sleep starts wearing down the autoimmune system at a fast rate. Anything over 20% sativa in a Indica dominant strain is a no go. If you can get a 95% Indica (Master Kush) you can harvest at peak THC because the numbers are so high on the the Indica dominant side. If you can get a pure Indica, it makes things simply and you will have REM sleep, which is a heal in itself for building the autoimmune back up.

Always try to get oil made for ill people as soon as possible. Even if its not from the best flowers, if made properly though the healing process starts. Find a good grower and it will be probably cheaper to buy than to grow. Hard to compete against volume. Good growers love helping out the ill and give good prices for quality flowers. They are easier to find than most think, just look for the most passionate one that is PROUD of his skills instead of boasting and he can easily prove it by the quality of his flowers. Learn the oil yourself, it has allowed me to help growers help family members, their loved ones and themselves to heal. Its a win win. Trading knowledge if you will. Thing is when you learn to use the oil properly the passion runs so deep to help others, get ready for some let downs. They know nothing about the oil and only know what we all have learned and believe in and that is western medicine. Again, not knocking it, but its time for change (not that kind of change, lol). Turn them on to 420 Magazine and get them to see there are alternatives and this method is non euphoric, so its not like the 'reefer madness days'. This is an important tidbit of information; there are many many people whether it is because of religious beliefs, do not want to be euphoric and simply cannot be because of their jobs, etc. Simply give them the avenue to learn their options and their decisions are their own. My father-in-law, the wife and I first cancer patient, had the best meds available, plenty of time to heal his stage 4 prostate cancer. Nope, even though he had a 'monkey' tattoo smoking a joint from years past, he believed in chemo/radiation until the end. Took us months why he didn't want to give the oil a chance when all other options was gone (he did use the CBD oil and got off his pain meds because his nausea was so bad, but wouldn't use the high THC oil) . He wanted to die and it was his choice.

Hope I didn't overload you with intel. I love taking the time to explains things to people who want to learn and have an open mind. I know the effort will go much farther than just you because you will pass on the knowledge you will learn. It fascinating and you can learn it while improving your own health. Anymore questions please ask. If you like reading it is in this tutorial and this one; How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil

And on that note; please understand, I understand the wife and I methods are not absolute or that we are above ourselves, in truth we are about as humble as they come, but human also. I think you will catch on very quickly and if you try this method it will leave you fascinated with the outcomes and if you read thru these two journals and learn to use the concentrate as we have learned you will begin to learn how easy it is to become so passionate for humans and what are mission is not only in our community but helping members at 420 Magazine.

Warmest regards,
420Motoco & 420Mo

Just joined up and have to say (or type rather) first off, Motoco you have blown me away.
I have espoused the benefits of cannabis to anyone who would listen for a couple years now and have done quite a lot of research into it, and you are spot on. Although having only ever used cannabis recreationally I have made bubble hash and BHO before. I live in a very hot climate and plan on testing Viability of BHO being used for tacking, simply out of curiosity.

Now to the crux of why I am posting. I have some questions I believe you would most likely be able to assist me with. First an introduction to the situation.

A friends grandmother was diagnosed with cancer, treatment that was taken was removal of her stomach. She is 78 years old and I really wish that I had known about this before it got to the stage that they removed her stomach but the past is sadly done. The issues now are that she cannot eat any "tough" foods and has most of her foods puréed. Naturally she is not too inclined to eat as a result. She now weighs 38kgs (84lbs) and is extremely frail. The cancer hasn't spread but she has had skin cancer in the past and her family have decided to attempt cannabis oil. I have managed to convince members of her family that the only option they should go for is tacking as it is the safest option. My issues are that I do not have access to specific strains, it's pretty tough to be sure of what you're getting on most occasions. I have got seeds that I have planted but those will only be ready in a couple months.
Should I provide them with the RSO made with the local bud or should I wait till my plants are ready?
With her having no stomach and being so frail what should the starting dose be and how many per day?

Thanks in advance
Oh and I have another friend that is in need of help but that's not quite sold yet, paying them a visit on the weekend will update then.
Thank you for your response Motoco,

Sorry to hear about your friend it truly is saddening to see such barbaric practices being considered and done when there is a perfect answer that has been around forever. The misinformation that is out there and that is drummed into the heads of children as they grow up can make it extremely tough to convince some people that cannabis really can be the answer they are looking for. Yes it is much easier to get bud than oil and that's why I am making oil. Also it is all illegal in my country and trying to source things can become a bit tricky at the best of times.
With my friends grandmother weighing so little would she start off on a lower dose than usual?
Thank you for everything you do :goodjob:
Hi Eish,

Yes, your friends grandmother is in a very frail condition. Start off about a 1/4 grain of rice to teach her how to apply the concentrate. In her frail condition you will want right around a 50/50 blend of Sativa/Indica. Try to keep it slightly on the Sativa side to get her mind off of dwelling on her cancer. Yet it will be sufficient enough to increase her appetite. Always start the dosing regimen in the a.m. after breakfast.
1st dose 1/4 grain of rice

2nd dose; two hours later, same amount

3rd dose; after lunch

4th dose; 2 hours after lunch.

5th dose; Indica 2 hours before bed. NOT THE FIRST DAY - start the second day. We want the daytime oil to get in the system so the Indica isn't too much in her frail state.

It is very important to start small to learn how to take it properly especially in late stages. It is important that you learn to teach others.

Hydrate often, eat often but always eat first before applying the concentrate. Always wait 30 minutes before eating after taking the oil. You can drink Ice water right afterwards doing this; a small drink, gently swirling around in the mouth, spit it out, then you can drink the ice water. Any questions please ask. And thank you for the kind words.

You are correct, if we don't change things our future generations are the ones who will be suffering. GMO's, pollution, and western medicine forced upon us, corrupt governments. But also there is many positives looking ahead. Its extremely tough convincing people about the oil. All we can do is 'point' them to the water, then its their call if they want to drink it. Many are catching on and the word is spreading faster than what we have imagined. What saddens me the most is 'greed' has become its own cancer in the world.

Thank you for your response Motoco,

Sorry to hear about your friend it truly is saddening to see such barbaric practices being considered and done when there is a perfect answer that has been around forever. The misinformation that is out there and that is drummed into the heads of children as they grow up can make it extremely tough to convince some people that cannabis really can be the answer they are looking for. Yes it is much easier to get bud than oil and that's why I am making oil. Also it is all illegal in my country and trying to source things can become a bit tricky at the best of times.
With my friends grandmother weighing so little would she start off on a lower dose than usual?
Thank you for everything you do :goodjob:
Hi Moto FMC and Cajun (true inspiration),

I'm still around and not giving up just based on your actions and attitudes towards life. You guys are truly amazing.

Nothing has changed for me really except that I have $300 disposable dollars now. I have to be extremely smart in how I allocate these funds.(getting the right medicine seems crucial) I know it is not much, but am having a hard time finding compassionate donations for good medicine in my area. A CBD strain is out of the picture right now for me with these funds. It seems the medicinal strains are all going for $300-400oz. If anyone knows a compassionate grower in So Cal who is interested in helping someone change their life, PM me please. I'm looking for those strains Moto mentions possibly some sour D or Jack Herer to subsitute the Blue Dream and Purple Kush or GrandaddyPurple to subsitute the Master Kush. I am Cali legal!

As far as other equipment, I'm really not in position to purchase any new products so I will have to ask friends and be super resourceful. I do have a basic portable electric range that may be of use and my friends all have rice cookers. I have funnels and jars and strainers (although I'm not sure if the strainer is the correct size etc) I found the everclear at BevMo in my area for about $24.

Anyways, just wanted to say thanks for the inspiration and guidance and let you know I am on my way. I'm probably going to have some questions in regards to finding the right strain and the making of the oil. Hope everyone is having a happy and healthy Friday.
Hi DepressedADHD,

We thank you for your kind words! Inspiration goes a long way to give people 'hope'. This is what we love to do. Awareness on how you can get pointed in the right direction can turn your health around which turns your life around so you can enjoy life instead of having a disorder that can be crippling and only gets worst untreated properly.

I didn't know BevMo sold 190 proof EverClear? If you do have 150 proof take it back and get a refund. I have a few bottles of 192 proof Spirytus left over before I switched to 100% Organic Ethyl alcohol. I can ship this also if you would like and you would get even a better pull than the 190 EverClear.

A well made plan before doing anything will pay huge dividends. I've seen people waist thousands of dollars getting the wrong strains for their meds. You are being smart!

Keep learning, so when everything is in place you will be good to go while saving a boatload of money, which most do not have.

Many 'props' to utilize what you have. I had to do the same scenario, a piece at a time. I have an extra 'rice' cooker if you need one and some older funnels that I have upgraded. The only thing you have to do is match something that fit them. With the amount you need to make (1 ounce=3-4 grams can treat you for 3-4 months). Two funnels and two canisters is all you will need for the quick wash. A cook down apparatus (I have an extra rice cooker as mentioned). Point I'm trying to make I agree with you 100% you can wait on the CBD strain and actually right now you can do without the Indica. Remember your disorder is like reversed. Coffee for you slows you down, right? Go for the Blue Dream to start with. Then when you have more time (already repairing your issues with the oil you make). You would be amazed at what is laying around friends residence they don't even use. Vases, ect. As you can check out the 'hobo' kit in the oil tutoria. I've seen stuff at yard sales I've used for equipment 'cheap'. You gaining knowledge and doing so will keep those eyes searching. You would be amazed what you can find at the 'goodwill' store also. Keep learning Brother, it can save you money and headaches of getting the wrong stuff and wasting money you don't need to.

Hi Moto FMC and Cajun (true inspiration),

I'm still around and not giving up just based on your actions and attitudes towards life. You guys are truly amazing.

Nothing has changed for me really except that I have $300 disposable dollars now. I have to be extremely smart in how I allocate these funds.(getting the right medicine seems crucial) I know it is not much, but am having a hard time finding compassionate donations for good medicine in my area. A CBD strain is out of the picture right now for me with these funds. It seems the medicinal strains are all going for $300-400oz. If anyone knows a compassionate grower in So Cal who is interested in helping someone change their life, PM me please. I'm looking for those strains Moto mentions possibly some sour D or Jack Herer to subsitute the Blue Dream and Purple Kush or GrandaddyPurple to subsitute the Master Kush. I am Cali legal!

As far as other equipment, I'm really not in position to purchase any new products so I will have to ask friends and be super resourceful. I do have a basic portable electric range that may be of use and my friends all have rice cookers. I have funnels and jars and strainers (although I'm not sure if the strainer is the correct size etc) I found the everclear at BevMo in my area for about $24.

Anyways, just wanted to say thanks for the inspiration and guidance and let you know I am on my way. I'm probably going to have some questions in regards to finding the right strain and the making of the oil. Hope everyone is having a happy and healthy Friday.
You would be amazed what you can find at the 'goodwill' store also.

I got my distiller at a second hand store for $40! :thumb:
You don't NEED a distiller, but IMHO they will pay for themselves pretty quick. Especially if, like me, your 190 proof alcohol costs $80 for a 1.75L :yikes:
I got my distiller at a second hand store for $40! :thumb:
You don't NEED a distiller, but IMHO they will pay for themselves pretty quick. Especially if, like me, your 190 proof alcohol costs $80 for a 1.75L :yikes:

Another person's throw away's is another mans treasure :) You can be amazed how much money you can save by having a keen eye. We know the 'carrier' doesn't care if its new or not, lol. Cannot tell you how many people I know who spend thousands of dollars for a grow set up and for what ever reason sell their stuff for pennies on the dollars. Simply know what you want and shop around until you achieve what you're after. Some high end grow systems are 'given' away! Great post Brother!
Hi Moto FMC and Cajun (true inspiration),

I'm still around and not giving up just based on your actions and attitudes towards life. You guys are truly amazing.

Nothing has changed for me really except that I have $300 disposable dollars now. I have to be extremely smart in how I allocate these funds.(getting the right medicine seems crucial) I know it is not much, but am having a hard time finding compassionate donations for good medicine in my area. A CBD strain is out of the picture right now for me with these funds. It seems the medicinal strains are all going for $300-400oz. If anyone knows a compassionate grower in So Cal who is interested in helping someone change their life, PM me please. I'm looking for those strains Moto mentions possibly some sour D or Jack Herer to subsitute the Blue

As far as other equipment, I'm really not in position to purchase any new products so I will have to ask friends and be super resourceful. I do have a basic portable electric range that may be of use and my friends all have rice cookers. I have funnels and jars and strainers (although I'm not sure if the strainer is the correct size etc) I found the everclear at BevMo in my area for about $24.

Anyways, just wanted to say thanks for the inspiration and guidance and let you know I am on my way. I'm probably going to have some questions in regards to finding the right strain and the making of the oil. Hope everyone is having a happy and healthy Friday.

This is a continued post, it was interrupted but wanted to share so others who are facing economical burdens with some planning can achieve their goals so they can afford to heal.

There are many ways to pool funds. Perhaps someone you know that is in a support group that suffers from the same ailment as you wants to try a natural way to heal. I've done this since the wife and I started learning this. Lets say you have 200.00 dollars. Three other friends chip in the same amount. Now you have 800.00. The idea is you are increasing your buying power. Perhaps one of the friends knows or is a well versed grower. Four ounces of high grade would go like this Example; Two ounces of Blue Dream, one ounce of Harlequin (CBD) and one ounce of close to pure Indica as you can get. Two bottles of carrier (supplied for me this time) and any equipment if you need. This would produce 14-16 grams of oil. This would be 3 grams of daytime apiece and 1 gram of nighttime apiece. You never use as much nighttime oil as the daytime so it last longer. Now your 800.00 dollar purchase (200.00 apiece) will last at least 3 months of daytime oil and 1 month of nighttime. So you have a month to pool 100.00 apiece to get another 2 ounces of nighttime now you will have 2 grams of nighttime more apiece. So you get the gist. it has already been discussed between us, sharing this intel helps many others to find a 'workaround' to achieve their goals of healing. Smart planning as you have found out maximizes your resources. Always keep improving them. Learn how you want your strains grown and seek the flowers as close as you can. Research and learn. Read medical reviews on strains. Find all you can on the strains of your choice, just not a couple. Always make sure your group makes the oil. Trust no one on this as even if it is a good friend they might not have the knowledge what you're looking for. Also an excellent tip; when healing with a group more is learned at an accelerated rate. Also you can witness others changing (the actual person healing doesn't see the changes like others do, your brain hasn't caught up yet :)) Lastly you have people to share with your healing curve. These can be very resourceful gaining the knowledge of the concentrate. This thread and the oil thread is full of information on the do's and don'ts. Start reading these as it expedites the learning curve.

Hi Moto FMC and Cajun (true inspiration),

I'm still around and not giving up just based on your actions and attitudes towards life. You guys are truly amazing.

Nothing has changed for me really except that I have $300 disposable dollars now. I have to be extremely smart in how I allocate these funds.(getting the right medicine seems crucial) I know it is not much, but am having a hard time finding compassionate donations for good medicine in my area. A CBD strain is out of the picture right now for me with these funds. It seems the medicinal strains are all going for $300-400oz. If anyone knows a compassionate grower in So Cal who is interested in helping someone change their life, PM me please. I'm looking for those strains Moto mentions possibly some sour D or Jack Herer to subsitute the Blue Dream and Purple Kush or GrandaddyPurple to subsitute the Master Kush. I am Cali legal!

As far as other equipment, I'm really not in position to purchase any new products so I will have to ask friends and be super resourceful. I do have a basic portable electric range that may be of use and my friends all have rice cookers. I have funnels and jars and strainers (although I'm not sure if the strainer is the correct size etc) I found the everclear at BevMo in my area for about $24.

Anyways, just wanted to say thanks for the inspiration and guidance and let you know I am on my way. I'm probably going to have some questions in regards to finding the right strain and the making of the oil. Hope everyone is having a happy and healthy Friday.

Awesome!!! Thank you for your kind words and I must tell you that you are an inspiraton to me as well. I admire you for taking the time to reserch, learn and get everything in place before you begin. And you are doing it on a very limited budget and also with your symptoms it must be hard to keep on track. But you are and You should be very proud of yourself. It was very nice to hear from you and I do hope that you continue to keep us posted. I have a feeling about you and that everything is going to go well. Good luck with making the oil when you get to that point. I can't wait. :)
Hi fsc, nice seeing you around. Anxious to hear about your friend as well. Hope all is well with the Hubby and yourself. Keeping busy :idea: ?
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