Cannabis Oil Dosing Tutorial: Tacking Method


To add to what our guide here said (Motoco) I have found that if I warm my MOUTH with a cup or two of warm tea because it helps fight cancer, but any warm liquid will heats the tissue in the mouth to a temperature HIGHER than body temperature.

So, if you use a syringe to store your cannabis oil, and you heat that up with warm tap water (I run the tap at HIGH for about sixty seconds and then squeeze the syringe to see if it is pliable. (I store my syringes in the refrigerator so it takes at least sixty seconds to unthaw the oil from a solid to a pliable goo) then, I put a small amount on my finger and apply it to my mouth that is hotter than the rest of my body. It DOES accelerate the reduction of viscosity (after all...that is all we are dealing with..viscosity) and thus help with the liquification of the oil and absorption into the mouth tissue. It isn't, in my humble opinion, the issue that the oil is absorbed so much by the gums, as such, as it is that the oil is absorbed by all tissue in the mouth before it travels via saliva to the gut, to the liver and then transformed into a euphoric, as Motoco so eloquently puts it.

If you are working with a diesel, you are working with an indica dom. Diesel got its name because it smelled like fuel. Yes, one of the turpenes that comes off of many hyrbrids during flower and into the curing cycle is the smell of fuel, or diesel. It got its name because its original name was chemdawg and as it traveled to the east, the street guys gave it a sexier name..New York City Diesel, because it smelled like number 2 oil...which is diesel. Pot puts out amazing smells during flower and cure. I have weed from Subcool genetics that smells like rotten fruit and baby poo. No shit. That is what is smells like. It gets that smell from the father of half of his genetic line...Spacedude. It was a male pheno that just put out tons of trichomes and had an amazing smell. Thus, he used it to father half of his genetic line, which is now over 37 hybrids.

Keep experimenting. Use your good senses about how things melt and how oil works. This is not rocket science! Keep at it my friend.

To add to what our guide here said (Motoco) I have found that if I warm my MOUTH with a cup or two of warm tea because it helps fight cancer, but any warm liquid will heats the tissue in the mouth to a temperature HIGHER than body temperature.

So, if you use a syringe to store your cannabis oil, and you heat that up with warm tap water (I run the tap at HIGH for about sixty seconds and then squeeze the syringe to see if it is pliable. (I store my syringes in the refrigerator so it takes at least sixty seconds to unthaw the oil from a solid to a pliable goo) then, I put a small amount on my finger and apply it to my mouth that is hotter than the rest of my body. It DOES accelerate the reduction of viscosity (after all...that is all we are dealing with..viscosity) and thus help with the liquification of the oil and absorption into the mouth tissue. It isn't, in my humble opinion, the issue that the oil is absorbed so much by the gums, as such, as it is that the oil is absorbed by all tissue in the mouth before it travels via saliva to the gut, to the liver and then transformed into a euphoric, as Motoco so eloquently puts it.

If you are working with a diesel, you are working with an indica dom. Diesel got its name because it smelled like fuel. Yes, one of the turpenes that comes off of many hyrbrids during flower and into the curing cycle is the smell of fuel, or diesel. It got its name because its original name was chemdawg and as it traveled to the east, the street guys gave it a sexier name..New York City Diesel, because it smelled like number 2 oil...which is diesel. Pot puts out amazing smells during flower and cure. I have weed from Subcool genetics that smells like rotten fruit and baby poo. No shit. That is what is smells like. It gets that smell from the father of half of his genetic line...Spacedude. It was a male pheno that just put out tons of trichomes and had an amazing smell. Thus, he used it to father half of his genetic line, which is now over 37 hybrids.

Keep experimenting. Use your good senses about how things melt and how oil works. This is not rocket science! Keep at it my friend.

I do not have experience using the concentrate in the cold (So.Cal) where this winter has felt like summer :). Cold weather is just another adaptive work around. TY for adding to that Brother. Viscosity is correct, it definitely is the opposite of hydraulic fluid :). a.k.a hydrastic fluid, when spilt it SPREADS..hahaha. A couple of degrees different in the concentrated oil makes a huge difference between flow and no flow. I was thinking last night ( for the last 2 years, everything under the sun on the concentrate) I wonder if a drop or 2 of grape seed oil or virgin coconut oil would easily take care of the cold issue? I'm thinking yes, especially grape seed oil with no taste ... and both are natural. When 1st starting cannabis concentrated oil I wasn't into making oil yet (learning like you, read, read and more read) and tried 'pure gold' which use the spinner to separate the cannabinoids and make it usable by adding grape seed oil and thinking about it never had any cold issues...really had to heed attention though when on the warm side as I chunked out @ least a 1/4 gram...btw a cuticle pusher SS tool is one of my most 'prized' working tools with the concentrated oil, to big of dose, take some off, put it back or leave on for next dose, not to mention making oilers for the couple of pre-bed tokes and used to get left over oil out of the old syringe into the new. I apologize for the redundancy of spelling things out, it has to be that way so any new readers make sure they do not eat a couple of grams like the one Mother did recently and to take EXTRA caution for those who in no way want euphoria and to issue dosed properly the concentrate works correctly). That is why I appreciated your take on your 'out of body' experience...I really had to chuckle on that one Brother ( I did the same thing, one night a batch wasn't finished through the decarboxylation process until 2:30 a.m...I stumbled in to finish filling the oral syringes, by the time I was done I ate so much cleaning the tips of the syringes off I had to ask the wife to be late for work because I remember going past Saturn and was exploring 'deep space' and like you are an experienced traveler. It is very important to me to get the peeps taking care of their medical issues to have a safe journey and insure they are using this ALL IN WONDER MED the correct way for the full impact it has to offer for its healing properties. Little things like DO NOT EAT RIGHT AFTER DOSING as an example. Your completely correct on how the concentrate works applied to the gums...applied to the gums Rick Simpson (RS) method is precisely how you explained it and the wife and I had a few times where we unexpectedly became high...there I said, but also noticed it was nothing compared to the long journeys because some got to the upstairs receptors. However if careless when building up to a gram using his method you can be overwhelmed and lose control of your dose and start the journey. A retired fireman I know has been dosing for 6 months (PM doses ???) and after all this time decided to chew some gum because he thought the oil wasn't potent, dosing the proper way he never felt any euphoria and thought it would not make a difference WRONG. Something you and I would of thought .... wow...ok, mental note to self...don't chew gum, eat or drink warm beverages right after dosing. But, for him he stopped his meds for a week and now has the flu and feels like poo and in one week feels his cancer kicking his arse. This same man just bought a new jeep and could be completely cured in 4 months (extra time for the chemo pill heal which was starting to eat holes in his stomach lining and 1 pill cost 800.00 which his was free as a tester). Priorities ! The tack method however insures it done safely and as FC builds his way up to larger doses he will be able to learn much more as time goes along and be able to share his knowledge to insure safe use.

FC biggest issue right now is the C word especially @ stage 4. The physiological effect of his diagnose when the Dr.s informed him is absolutely OVERWHELMING ... I've experienced this, even though it was sever food poisoning my stomach looks like a mine field and they all denoted...come to find out NONE. I still remember that day like yesterday and never will forget the impact it had on me. There is so many psychological issues involved the last thing I want is people getting scared, go the wrong route and not to mention they start spreading the word it doesn't work, but, really gets you high and lose faith and go back to the 'reefer madness' viewpoint.

I am really excited & proud for FightingCancer .... Uncertainties, and all this is new to him, he has already made some concentrate, started dosing the correct way and soon will be taking the bull by the horns ... like most doing it correctly, at the start 'I don't feel anything', I don't know if its working' is exactly what I wanted to hear. He will start feeling the wonders when fully seated in his system and as he builds up his doses to overwhelm the mutating cancer cells (which right now will be in check even with his small doses right now). His biggest issue is fear of the unknown, which will go away soon as the concentrate gives that much more confidence with his thought process and a well being presence.

I've had some really good Sour Diesel and it was Sativa dom. (@ least what the grower said), it was a pick I wanted for a day time oil...but, decided to try Jack Herer, I like the 'up' during the day to make the most of the never ending 'things to do' and it makes me eat small portions 5-6 times a day wbt is great for the digestive system and keeps the life preservers down to 0, lol. The cannabis concentrate oil is so simple on how it works, yet, amazes me on how it works on SO MANY THINGS sometimes it seems complicated and as we agree upon so many more magical cannabinoids waiting to be discovered what their part is.

wingnut, thank you and keep contributing my friend :Namaste:
Hi Motoco,

Great post! I realized I have a bag of SS tools used for....carving clay on a spinning wheel. But, I bought them for a guest who 'dabs' and metal tools are necessary for that form of smoking. Again, I don't dab...but the flat end of some of them would be perfect for dosing size.

Saturn!! lmao....yup...been there. And I really get that peeps can get scared and, at least once during the dosing, will bite off a little more than planned and have to sit and watch Family Ties reruns for a while because, getting up to retrieve the remote is a few hours a way.

I really think that the risk of getting 'euphoric' for an extended period of time once in a while is WAAAAAY worth it compared to the alternative-alopathic drugs that are making the patient sicker. In fact, the drugs (chemo and opiates) used by modern medicine may have their place but, in my mind, they are designed to kill cells and numb the brain. This process is in a race against cancer, and that race is actually a race between which will kill the patient first: the cancer or the treatment!!!

Chemo kills cells, or so they say. The RSO, in the correct doses, induces the cancer cells into apoptosis (as you know). This concept is AMAZING! Rather than get MORE toxic in an effort to save the patient, which always reminded me of the old barber surgeon bleeding the patient to save the patient, RSO induces the patients own cells to tell the cancer cells to just die. No need to take a poison to not only kill some of the cancer cells but ALSO kills the immune system of the patient.

So, if RSO induces apoptosis (cancer cell death by the cell committing, essentially, suicide rather than hosing the cell with a bath of radiation and poison which we know REALLY hurts the patient)...if RSO induces apoptosis and, from time to time, the patient gets stoned, well....I think that is a trade off worth risking.

I currently am not diagnosed with cancer. I am the oldest male in my family ( 61 years of age) and there ARE no other males in my family line other than my younger brothers. We have no relatives we know of. In 3.5 years, assuming I survive this Mr Toads wild ride we call life, I will be the oldest male Wingnut...ever. My dad died at 63 years of age of a rapid progression of pancreatic cancer spread everywhere. He was subjected to the US Military Hospital system and they truly screwed up what little time he had left. All other Wingnut males never made it to 55. I got passed that hurdle at

I know what I will do if I get any idea or feedback that I have cancer-RSO. Titrate up to a gram a week in the first week, no matter what the side effects (longer sleep being and get on with the treatment program before the medical system can attempt to make me choose their options. I understand that telling an insurance company that one is doing RSO can get one dumped right out of the policy. So, fast treatment of RSO is what I have planned. This summer is about getting at least two, maybe three full rounds stashed in the refrigerator.

Then, I will make more for patients who will find me now that I am sharing in my area (Norcal) that I am a proponent of this treatment and will work with patients to get them the meds they need. The dispensaries are great but patients need some help getting over the fear of something new. I just hope to get to them before they have been mangled by the hospital based medical system.

As you stated so clearly, dosing is common sense. If one is alone with the oil, be confident and start slow. Remember, NOTHING that happens after taking the oil and one gets a euphoric response, nothing bad will happen. There is no toxic dose of cannabis oil Hilariously, I read that even if one took a dose equivalent to 1500 POUNDS of cannabis, one would just sleep for a while and probably have to get a fluid IV, but there is no fatal or even sickening dose of RSO. All there is is body sensations that are WELCOME given the alternative-chemo and opiates.

Keep putting it out there Motoco!!!!
I am still having all types of issues tacking. If I just ingest it, will it still work? Is it possible I dont get high? I ask because yesterday i put it on my gums and it turned to wax right away and i just swallowed it and was fine.
I am still having all types of issues tacking. If I just ingest it, will it still work? Is it possible I dont get high? I ask because yesterday i put it on my gums and it turned to wax right away and i just swallowed it and was fine.

Hi FC...plz explain the issues your having dosing again... there are 2 reasons if you swallowed some and didn't get euphoric. 1. you still got some or had some on your gums and the dose size your taking right now is small; 2. Your MJ isn't that potent or your concentrate was over cooked...btw when making your concentrate was it smoking when u finished? My main concern right now is your learning to dose properly. I'm thinking the best thing you could do is go get some grapeseed oil and add just a drop, warm up your oil to about 100 d. and mix in the one drop of grape seed oil (over the counter @ grocery stores/health food stores) and see how much more pliable the concentrate is if not add another drop and keep repeating this procedure until it becomes easier to 'tack' and use. It almost seems to me your product is like 'wax' made from butane, CO2 made from CO2, Shattered glass made from butane with a alcohol rinse thrown in @ the end...these types of concentrate was focused on smoking and as I have explained before, not conducive to tacking as they are too hard when cold and dissolve WAY to slow even in warm climates...I've tried them all, so RSO type for the win on dosing.

Do you have anything important to do tomorrow ? We need to do a test to find out if your concentrate is good as to help take the guess work out and get back on track. I need an answer before I go much farther right now. Also give me more back ground on your cancer. Was it just discovered @ stage 4? If I missed it, what type plz. I want you to be honest...did you read wingnuts post if it was him he would be up to a gram in a week? IF SO...YOU HAVE TO REMEMBER HE HAS BEEN USING MJ FOR 50 YRS LIKE ME !!! We are EXPERIENCED and have knowledge. Scroll up and read wingnuts 1st post he made in this thread ! He tells of what happened so FOLKS like you do not make the same mistake. I still feel your urgency! but you are doing the right things now but I want you to stay focused and use the knowledge I'm presenting to you as WORD right now. YOU HAVE TIME...Dr. has not sent you home to DIE right? Plz be patient as hard as it is and lets do this step by step safely and correctly.

Send my questions back asap...TY. And if you don't start minding'll make your GF take my side :) and you know how persuasive they can be...right ! FC...I know you have a faith, listen to your heart, you said you think you found what your looking for and you have...TRUST yourself and TRUST ME PLZ ...make your journey to cure your cancer the correct way and set an example for thousands with cancer waiting in the wings. Lead by example not by the masses who do not know.

I'll answer your question about swallowing after your reply. T/C and KEEP the faith !
Hi wingnut,

I'm curious wingnut is the family name? Because I still marvel @ the simplicity of a 'wingnut' and yet is so easy to manipulate :).

I think I confused you with dab/dose, their is a difference for sure...which is easy for me because I'm always thinking of cannabis concentrated oil and something new it heals.

I don't know if you read other post I've made but I dose because of 4 heart attacks starting from age 45 (inherited from my gramps) the last 2 was 4 yrs ago and the last one 3 yrs ago followed shortly by a aneurysm (lower section right below the rib cage...don't know the correct terminology maybe a Dr. could chime in if reading, then followed by SEVERE FOOD POISONING followed by an accelerated heart rate of 290 for over 1 1/2 hrs while I was watching the end of Tora Tora Tora...that really impressed my wife...lmao. And lastly taking care of our 99.5 yr old nana on hospice @ our house for 9 mnths... which by that time I had both feet in the grave with only my nose sticking out. Then came the concentrated cannabis oil. Best check up in 25 yrs with a physical tread mill instead of an induced work out. My cardiologist was AMAZED but disappointed that I stopped taking plavix, blood pressure meds, more blood thinners, aspirin also and one I didn't even know the name of it except for when I took it I was asleep in 5 min.. After everything that has happened health wise I've always wondered why I haven't passed yet...I have a mission to complete, and helping people who is sick is PRIORITY one and even though it can be very discouraging @ times, if saving one persons life and helping them to get healthy is all my soul needs Brother. It still gives me goosebumps.

Understand Brother...this concentrated oil dosed PM will 1. insure you don't ever get cancer. 2. Repairs major organs and glands, stabilizes blood pressure as well as sugar levels, cures depression/PTSD 100%(sativa), cures anxiety/panic attacks (Indica), lose weight (sativa), gain weight (indica), wifes severe migraines are gone (Sativa/Indica both work) or if one tries to rear its ugly head are so minor she just needs a tiny tiny dose and its gone and that has happened only 3 times in 2 yrs (she started a month after me as I was the guinea So many other things like the feeling of great health and positive attitude, able to make more concise and correct decisions. It has healed both of our left ears severely damaged @ an indoor range @ Pro Bass Shop (noise bouncing off of glass and amplifying) yes we had ear protection. Increased blood flow to the lower extremities for me (that is my grandfathers curse, back then it was termed 'hard arteries'), yea, made viagra a mute point...hahaha. Cured my gingivitis (from my mother) gums are hard and firm and light pink with NO bleeding, toe nails and finger nails always cracked and hard are now soft and healthy, constipation is no more, in fact, I could use it as a 'time regulator', completely pain free, and always a light sleeper...sleep like a baby. I haven't had a headache in 2 years, I haven't been sick in 2 years or if I had been it was like a small difference if any. My digestive system works perfectly. Topically I've removed cancerous moles (easy test, put concentrate on and cover with a water proof band-aid (Nexus are clear so its easy to see the surrounding area) after a couple of days you can see the 'red' around the area as its pulling out the nasties). I stopped after one week and let it came back a month later with a vengeance, much larger 'red' area ( did this on purpose), then treated it for 2 weeks ( changing the band-aid 1 time after 1 week and applied a new dose), removed it and it was completely gone with some black residue in the band-aid. I've done countless test on dosing a very small amount and tacked it all (do not try this unless you want to drive to NY and back) got up to a 1/3 gram safely and stopped because I was low on the concentrate, but, using the tack method felt I could go as high as I wanted but to what point and waste was the question. I've taken man-made meds with dosing the proper way and euphoric and seen HUGE difference's in side effects with the euphoria road and seen marked improvement dosing the correct fact a test I did with ambience (spell check...sleeping aid) and had a clean nights sleep and woke up with no lethargic feeling associated with those....hell no I didn't want to take them, but, I wanted to learn what the reactions where and hands down the correct way to dose won out.

Here is one of the biggest issues I've had on teaching the correct way to dose...people listen to the masses and go that route. I will guarantee that 99.9 percent of all the people 'swallow' the oil for their medical treatments. Imagine a peep withdrawing from morphine and swallowing a dose of concentrate ! Done properly the withdrawal can be easily handled. My Son has severe PTSD from Iraq, he tried the concentrate for a few months but would never try to ween of the morphine and oxycodone but was remarkably better and alert. I'm waiting for when he is ready to quit...its been 10 yrs, stubborn cuss...and hopefully before he dies. When he started eating for the euphoric I stopped his meds. He has shown indicators that he is ready so it will be soon. There is so much more this oil does, as I'm helping close long time friends that run the gamut, HIV, Parkinson, Depression, Anxiety/panic attacks, cancer (a few types), chronic pain, insomnia (that one is diabetes and blood pressure, over weight, anorexia, severe allergies...some take longer and some are very quick chronic pain. Even hair grows thicker and faster (much to my dismay, even my barber wants to know what the hell I've been using...lmao. Come to think of it...mmmmm...should I call Bosley? hahahaha. The Wife and I are just in complete AMAZEMENT !
Oh by the way she said don't forget to mention cold, hot flashes for the ladies and their hormone fact, she will be joining soon I hope, to help spread the word to the ladies how much the concentrate has improved her life in so many ways (lady issues). Also not to mention how this oil can weed through things and make the IMPORTANT things stand out in your life, like family and friends and able to process information much more clearly is AMAZING. This PULLS FAMILIES TOGETHER and cuts through all the petty, all though much needed doesn't mean SQUAT ! Nothing in the world is better than helping someone heal the PROPER way. The ones swallowing have no IDEA what they are missing...wouldn't everyone like a brand new CPU?

Yes, we look forward to the weekends starting tonight @ bed time for the swallow...the herb, btw is my fav over the vap...and my absolute fav is my fav. bud, with a thin line of oil. This is our relaxation after a hard long work week.

T/C wingnut bro

So now my Friend ... let me ask you this for you dose properly every day? I'm asking this so with your experience with MJ would you help me in an experiment? I only need an answer on the dosing. Then I'll discuss. TY

ps: you wouldn't mind sharing some water would you :Namaste:
Hi FC...plz explain the issues your having dosing again... there are 2 reasons if you swallowed some and didn't get euphoric. 1. you still got some or had some on your gums and the dose size your taking right now is small; 2. Your MJ isn't that potent or your concentrate was over cooked...btw when making your concentrate was it smoking when u finished? My main concern right now is your learning to dose properly. I'm thinking the best thing you could do is go get some grapeseed oil and add just a drop, warm up your oil to about 100 d. and mix in the one drop of grape seed oil (over the counter @ grocery stores/health food stores) and see how much more pliable the concentrate is if not add another drop and keep repeating this procedure until it becomes easier to 'tack' and use. It almost seems to me your product is like 'wax' made from butane, CO2 made from CO2, Shattered glass made from butane with a alcohol rinse thrown in @ the end...these types of concentrate was focused on smoking and as I have explained before, not conducive to tacking as they are too hard when cold and dissolve WAY to slow even in warm climates...I've tried them all, so RSO type for the win on dosing.

Do you have anything important to do tomorrow ? We need to do a test to find out if your concentrate is good as to help take the guess work out and get back on track. I need an answer before I go much farther right now. Also give me more back ground on your cancer. Was it just discovered @ stage 4? If I missed it, what type plz. I want you to be honest...did you read wingnuts post if it was him he would be up to a gram in a week? IF SO...YOU HAVE TO REMEMBER HE HAS BEEN USING MJ FOR 50 YRS LIKE ME !!! We are EXPERIENCED and have knowledge. Scroll up and read wingnuts 1st post he made in this thread ! He tells of what happened so FOLKS like you do not make the same mistake. I still feel your urgency! but you are doing the right things now but I want you to stay focused and use the knowledge I'm presenting to you as WORD right now. YOU HAVE TIME...Dr. has not sent you home to DIE right? Plz be patient as hard as it is and lets do this step by step safely and correctly.

Send my questions back asap...TY. And if you don't start minding'll make your GF take my side :) and you know how persuasive they can be...right ! FC...I know you have a faith, listen to your heart, you said you think you found what your looking for and you have...TRUST yourself and TRUST ME PLZ ...make your journey to cure your cancer the correct way and set an example for thousands with cancer waiting in the wings. Lead by example not by the masses who do not know.

I'll answer your question about swallowing after your reply. T/C and KEEP the faith !

I have stage 4 cancer. The primary tumor is unknown. It's rare but it's happens sometimes where the immune system is able to kill the initial tumor but not before it has spread.

As for the oil, maybe I overcooked it but I have no way of knowing. I'm so frustrated. Everytime I try and use the oil, I try warming it up then try and dab some on my gums but nothing sticks to my gums. It's just gets stuck to my finger and smears. So I tried putting a rice size sample on a cracker and eating it and I didn't feel high or anything. I truly believe the MMJ was good stuff but maybe I'm wrong.

I just don't want to waste more time and its impossible for me not to be nervous.

Again, I greatly appreciate the time you take to answer me and help me.
Sorry to hear FightingCancer and I totally understand your frustration and you have all the right in the world to be nervous and scared.

If you ate a grain of rice on a cracker and you didn't feel it...bad MJ/oil (it can still smell strong but be weak or bad oil). I applaud your effort to look into alternative methods (this one is the real deal).

I still strongly recommend while going through chemo you get some top shelf, get the Magical Butter Machine, and still use through the chemo process as it will be a aid your will TRULY appreciate and help kill the cancer faster. Disappointed we didn't have more time before your chemo started.

Do not take this statement the wrong way, and I pray to God your chemo works for you ! If your sent home by your Dr.s as their is nothing left they can do, you come back, chime in on this thread, and there can still be time hopefully if your will doesn't subcum.

Also I hope you still keep us updated on your progress and your not 'wasting' anyones time. Thousands read 420Magazine forums, so this will aid many others also.

FightingCancer, If I could I would personally be your caretaker and made sure you had the quality Cannabis Concentrated Oil...I cannot do this as it would compromise what 420 Magazine is all about 'spreading awareness' to give thousands CORRECT advice on the marvels of MJJ. You chose the correct path FC...just not enough time before your chemo started and not to mention the set back.

I want to wish you the very best FC and no matter how things turn out I will think of you, pray for you for a long time to come...

Best Wishes my Friend & God Bless !
Sorry to hear FightingCancer and I totally understand your frustration and you have all the right in the world to be nervous and scared.

If you ate a grain of rice on a cracker and you didn't feel it...bad MJ/oil (it can still smell strong but be weak or bad oil). I applaud your effort to look into alternative methods (this one is the real deal).

I still strongly recommend while going through chemo you get some top shelf, get the Magical Butter Machine, and still use through the chemo process as it will be a aid your will TRULY appreciate and help kill the cancer faster. Disappointed we didn't have more time before your chemo started.

Do not take this statement the wrong way, and I pray to God your chemo works for you ! If your sent home by your Dr.s as their is nothing left they can do, you come back, chime in on this thread, and there can still be time hopefully if your will doesn't subcum.

Also I hope you still keep us updated on your progress and your not 'wasting' anyones time. Thousands read 420Magazine forums, so this will aid many others also.

FightingCancer, If I could I would personally be your caretaker and made sure you had the quality Cannabis Concentrated Oil...I cannot do this as it would compromise what 420 Magazine is all about 'spreading awareness' to give thousands CORRECT advice on the marvels of MJJ. You chose the correct path FC...just not enough time before your chemo started and not to mention the set back.

I want to wish you the very best FC and no matter how things turn out I will think of you, pray for you for a long time to come...

Best Wishes my Friend & God Bless !

Because of my diagnosis, I am going to skip chemo. That is why I chose this route. Are you saying its too late for me now??

I will get more MJ and make another batch. I'm disappointed because I thought I did it right. But I will try again.
Grrrrrr .... this Folks is when I get so Frick'n mad and frustrated. G's would rather let this keep going on when there is a safe, simple cure, and their is PLENTY for everyone to get healthy and just NOT Cancer ! I hope you ASSHOLES that put MONEY above human life join the rest of the sinners in HELL or where ever Greedy Bastards go and sincerely hope you die the worst possible death imaginable. And while your eating your filets mignons & checking out your Rolex's that you have achieved with your special interest money, hope your CHOCK MO-FO's ! And lets mention the other side of the fence...this apply also applies to the rip-offs selling BS for the same reason GREED !

If this is a sin...I'll ask for forgiveness ... trust me, they don't.
Grrrrrr .... this Folks is when I get so Frick'n mad and frustrated. G's would rather let this keep going on when there is a safe, simple cure, and their is PLENTY for everyone to get healthy and just NOT Cancer ! I hope you ASSHOLES that put MONEY above human life join the rest of the sinners in HELL or where ever Greedy Bastards go and sincerely hope you die the worst possible death imaginable. And while your eating your filets mignons & checking out your Rolex's that you have achieved with your special interest money, hope your CHOCK MO-FO's ! And lets mention the other side of the fence...this apply also applies to the rip-offs selling BS for the same reason GREED !

If this is a sin...I'll ask for forgiveness ... trust me, they don't.

Did I say something wrong??
I am not taking chemo. I need this to work because its all I got

So if you believe the oil I made is no good, I will make a new batch.
NO ! I was saying there would still be time ! I never give up ... and I was under the impression you where trying this route, even though you didn't want to to go through chemo it was going to start in a week.

Did you still order the Magical Butter Machine? Do so ... it will be much more safer and take a lot of guess work out. Hope you get some TOP SHELF and again just get an ounce until you know your source is good. Try to get a heavy OG around 50/50 Sativa/Indica if possible. OG Fire, OG Kush, doesn't have to be right @ 50/50, just close. Once your up and running with the right stuff we can get more elaborate and try to get a strain high in CBD like Harlequin/Cannatonic as this will help immensely shrinking the tumors and have no PAIN.

Now we are on the same page again...get your MJ together, make some more, and we pick up where we left off. I'm not going to remove my rant however (below your post) ... because its still a point that needs addressing.

Plz let me know when your ready to go again...once your up and running. I want you to share your journey, to see your courage and your heal.

Did I say something wrong??
I am not taking chemo. I need this to work because its all I got

So if you believe the oil I made is no good, I will make a new batch.

I understand your frustration, FightingCancer. It happened to me...getting bad product therefore not getting good oil. Might want to try a different source and maybe try it out before you make the oil so you can actually see/feel what you have.

Best of luck. Hope to see you back real soon and hopefully your experience with this gets better. Don't give up!!!!
Did I say something wrong??
I am not taking chemo. I need this to work because its all I got

So if you believe the oil I made is no good, I will make a new batch.

Hahahahaha...we are crossing messages. MAKE some more oil. This happens when things get taken out of context. Forget everything and lets start fresh. Now I FULLY understand you have no options...and we can start fresh again when you get some good oil. If you ate a grain of rice and didn't feel anything, that answers the good, thats out of the way. Keep on keeping on and when you have new oil...lets do it again. I WANT YOU TO GET HEALTHY as much as you do. Throw everything out and we start again.

Do I also need to buy some kind of scale or something to measure the oil?
Also where should I store it, just in some syringes?

I don't want to be repetitive but I need make sure I do everything right so I'm going to ask every little detail so I don't mess up any steps.
No you don't need a scale...use oral syringes as they have markings. Here is what I use...the amber once filled with concentrate are very easy to read the markings. 3CC is fine or get 6CC size. For their 6cc size go to their actual website and choice, but, if you can get amber for easy reading.

3 CC amber oral syringes with tip caps


Keep in a shady cool place. I don't use a fridge and your issues is tacking in cold weather...your will be using the oil and not storing for long term right now. Do keep away from heat and light. Just put it in a safe place..I store mine in a safe.

Be repetitive and lets make sure you do get every little detail correctly. FC things happen .... like your 1st batch of oil...correct that and we will be back on track. Also plz get some grape seed oil so if we have the dosing problem again ... it will be a easy fix...its cheap, and if that problems occurs on your second batch it will be a easy solve to keep moving forward.

Lets make sure their are no more mis communications between us so we are on the same page ( I was under the impression when the oil didn't work, even though you didn't want chemo that was the direction you where headed. Its ALL good Brother...I know now exactly where you stand and I want you to know I'll be there for you all the way through and whatever it takes to give you all the help and knowledge you need to get through this and to be there for you.

One question...what time zone are you in.... and I'm going to be busy the rest of the day but will check this tread before the day ends.

Magical Butter Machine...oral you have a coffee warmer, plate warmer, maybe a induction cook top (portable), while out go to a beauty supply store and get a SS cuticle pusher ... saves a ton of oil not wasting it. Lets do this one right !

Do I also need to buy some kind of scale or something to measure the oil?
Also where should I store it, just in some syringes?

I don't want to be repetitive but I need make sure I do everything right so I'm going to ask every little detail so I don't mess up any steps.
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