

Well-Known Member
As many of you know, I have removed the word marijuana from my vocabulary.

If you understand the history of the word, you may decide to as well. Besides, marijuana has been the name given and used by the government propaganda machine for reefer madness for years, and will shut people off in a debate before you even get started.

Remember Cannabis when discussing Medical rights, and State rights. Practice it over and over, and don't let the "M" word slip :-0
As many of you know, I have removed the word marijuana from my vocabulary.
If you understand the history of the word, you may decide to as well.

What is the history of the word exactly? I've been trying to find an answer online for awhile, and all I can come up with is trustworthy sites telling me the origin is unknown, and stoners on message boards telling me all sorts of stories. Do you have anything (links, books, podcasts with etymologists) you could post with the answer? I don't call it marijuana myself (I am quite partial to "grass" and "dope", though I only use the latter around close friends, for fear of sounding like a junky/DEA agent), but my curiosity has gotten the better of me...
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