Cannanewb's 5th Outdoor Grow In Atlantic Canada

...Looking good Newb... :thumb: :thumb: ...we've been getting lower temps after nearly a month of major heat, but it's been sticky as hell with the humidity...nice wind today tho' and a bit more rain in the forecast...I'll take it!...lets hope the weather stays nice right through September...Take care Bud...cheerz...:high-five:...h00k...:hookah:...
No worries Celt still pluggin' along will post a new update in the next day or two, my helth is coming but still so tired. Should have fed 6 of them today but between the rain and the tiredness it didn't get done. Have a good evening Celt. :peace:
Time for a new update. It is July 27 we have had a mixed bag of weather and some of it was damn hot like today. The girls have been coming right along and looking good. One of my blueberry ladies will be in flower in three days. Some stretch going on but nothing else going into flower for a while. The two DDA’s are doing their own thing definitely got minds of their own. The remodelling of the plant frame work is looking good just need to add a few more top pieces. Have a great Monday peeps, oh by the way I got rid of my event monitor what a PITA glad to have that off. If I can get over this tiredness things would be better, but then I would not have anything to complain about.:thumb:
Well past time for my update on the girls. Well July was a bust for me, let’s see what August brings. It is August 3 Sunny and breezy, and it is supposed to go up to 29. All of the girls are looking good and getting nutes regularly. I do believe the new soil in the beds is making quite the difference. Well my flowering blueberry is coming along nicely love seeing the bud develop. It looks like all other plants are starting to spit pistils. I don’t know what to think of the autos, anyone got opinions? Got to love this time of year. Here are new pics of the ladies. the pics are in this order bb in flower, bb and sb, sb and bb, td and tut, PE then the two DDA, s and all the rest are pe.
Thanks h00k and I hear ya on that september weather brother, thats the one that makes you or breaks you. The dda's what can I say, they will a while yet, so who knows, the yield on them is going to be minimal at best. Things are looking good on your grow h00k looks like trimming is not going to be kind to you, but think of all that produce. Have a good night. :passitleft:
Well I have not posted an update since June 26. Tonights update will be a little different. Last Post was June 26 I know I fed 1/2 the girls on Sunday June 28th, then I had a stroke and just got back home today, what an ordeal. Girls were fed twice while I was gone, and doing good. I can see them from my deck and they are doing well. This is short but I will try to post plant stuff after I get out of the danger. Can not do anything including driving until the risk of another stroke lowers. Things should be better in a couple of weeks then I can get rid of this monitor that I have to wear. I will try to catch up on peoples journals but I fall asleep easily so be patient I will be around when I can. Take care peeps. :circle-of-love:

Dammm fella. Glad you made it through. Take it easy and indulge in the things that truly make you happy. Only thing we can take home with us is memories. I'm praying for ya brother.
Thanks CADBOY, I will take all of the help I can get. 2nd stroke in 12 1/2 years. Thanks for stopping by. :peace:

I cant even imagine ;( All I can do from here is pray brother. If you need anything just let me know. Otherwise great job on your growing ;)
Hope you have loads of happy peaceful days relaxing and enjoying things that make you smile.
Thanks so much CB, thanks for your nice words, the grow is looking half decent considering I wasn't here to look after them during quite a vital time, but oh well. Lets see what happens, I would like to see 8 lbs again. Do you have a journal on the go brother?:passitleft:
Umm, well. I don’t have any news as such. Just plodding on. I’m having a wake for my dead teeth. That’s something. Requests are going out for rock and roll hymnals otherwise it may be a staid and solemn affair. Suggestions please?
I’ll be spending (a fortune and) the next month having the equivalent of a face transplant. You won’t recognise me soon!
I’m happy to have some full jars and more flowers coming on. I’m mixing GA3 this morning to start the reversal on a plant to S1 one of my faves. Trying to create some stability.
That kind of stuff.
Cheers CN :green_heart:
Thanks so much CB, thanks for your nice words, the grow is looking half decent considering I wasn't here to look after them during quite a vital time, but oh well. Lets see what happens, I would like to see 8 lbs again. Do you have a journal on the go brother?:passitleft:

Glad your plants are looking good man.
Yeah I have an active thread in my sig ,)

Friend of mine lost all his plants yesterday due to a huge wind storm, literally broke all his stems about 6" from the ground. Hes seriously pissed. A few had been around 7 ft tall. So things could always be worse I guess.
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