Cannot crack my seeds

hi. sorry to hear your having issues. i myself, used the wet paper towel in between dishes for a while. then, started having issues. so, since then, i have had 100% success, by pre watering a solo cup of soilless. then, using the point of a pencil, push down between 1/4-1/2" deep. toss seed in, cover. place in a not hot, not cold place. depending on the strain, anywhere from one to five days, usually 2 or 3, its up. it has worked the best for me. hope this helps. weed seems to prefer our lack of presence, more so, than constantly doting over them....
Hi I am a noob to farming also. I was confused by all the info on seed starting so I just took some Fox Farms Light Warrior seed starter pre-mix and made a 24" long moist mounded loaf in a domed seed starter pan. Then I used my finger to carve a ditch down the middle about 3/4" deep. Keep moist not wet, keep warm not hot, use good water and keep fingers crossed! Check my journal for my results!
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