Cherry Poppin

Sorry to hear about your accident. They are tough plants and can recover from alot of abuse. The clone idea is a good one. Keep that in mind for next time.

If you want to focus on the buds DON'T cut the leaves off. They are the energy producers. Just clip the "junk" off the lower part of the plants and it will direct it's attention to the buds. It can't grow big buds without the leaves there to use the nutes you are feeding it.
No..can't say that I have. I'm a fan of Alaska brand. They're organic and can't burn my ladies too easily. I do have plans to try some Fox Farm nutes sometime. I'm kinda hard headed and like "what I know". I'm slow to change...especially if it works for me.

How do you feel about House and Garden?
Its good for me, i was getting root rot useing GH Flora Nova. As soon as i switched over to House and Garden it completely showed me what healthy plants look like. It was like the next day difference. New nodes, old leaves almost doubled in size. The main stem turn back green, and new grow everywhere. Then again, i swicthed my light cycle then too.
Did this grow live brother?
If so, please update us with some pictures and info.

If you need any help with posting photos, please read the photo gallery tutorial
Photo Gallery Guide - How to Resize, Upload & Post Photos

I am moving this to abandoned journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world brother!

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine!
Hey everyone! Goodgood is back to start all over. Miss being here with all you guys, with all your advice.

So here we go all over again. Made some major upgrades and I have several strains to work with now.

Here's my Line up:

Pineapple express
Jack's Gift
Desert diesel
Silver kush
Martian kush

Nutes and set up will be posted soon. Once again glad to be back, hope to get some great input this round. Happy Growing to you guys!
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