Clones dying


420 Member
i've recently started cloning the ones in the picture is about a week old and all of the sudden started wilting the leaves are drying out slowly but theres still some life the box its in is made out of some flexible plastic and wood with a 5v desk fan it also has a flood light at the top and i give it water every now and then (not sure how much water i'm suppose to give it) i have no idea what i'm suppose to do to keep them alive because i give 18 hours of light and this is my second attempt i started this cloning while my "mother plant" was busy blooming aswell


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i've recently started cloning the ones in the picture is about a week old and all of the sudden started wilting the leaves are drying out slowly but theres still some life the box its in is made out of some flexible plastic and wood with a 5v desk fan it also has a flood light at the top and i give it water every now and then (not sure how much water i'm suppose to give it) i have no idea what i'm suppose to do to keep them alive because i give 18 hours of light and this is my second attempt i started this cloning while my "mother plant" was busy blooming aswell
too dry, cannabis clones cant dry out before they have roots
i've recently started cloning the ones in the picture is about a week old and all of the sudden started wilting the leaves are drying out slowly but theres still some life the box its in is made out of some flexible plastic and wood with a 5v desk fan it also has a flood light at the top and i give it water every now and then (not sure how much water i'm suppose to give it) i have no idea what i'm suppose to do to keep them alive because i give 18 hours of light and this is my second attempt i started this cloning while my "mother plant" was busy blooming aswell
Is it a week from sprouting roots? or a week in that dirt o_O ...speaking of which, where did you get that dirt it has a lot of ......stuff...yeah that's a good word, stuff
should i water it more often? if so how much water and how often
With clones a high humidy enviroment with warmer temps is good and to water saturate your rockwool cubes and then ring them out so their not soaked and if you keep them in a humid enviroment all they will need is mistings by a water bottle to enaure the cube doesnt dry out or get saturated to where its dripping. Cloning is oind of an art but its also very easy onve you get it down
its a week since i cut it from the mother plant and planted in the dirt and rockwool and is thie "stuff" bad?
I use jiffy peat pellets (peat pucks) and 3 liter bottles....and :rofl: that dirt looks like something you dug up out of the yardo_O
no offense :popcorn:
should i water it more often? if so how much water and how often
You don't water till after they have roots
As previously mentioned they are much too dry. It can take a week or so before you start getting roots but you have to change up your process IMO.
I use a humidity dome and Jiffy Pucks. You cut your clone, stick it in water immediately until your all done cutting clones, then dip the cut stem in rooting hormone of your choice. I soak my Jiffy Pucks prior and then give them a gentle squeeze just to get rid of the excess water. Then insert the clone into the puck (or medium of choice) and place them into the humidity dome. With a spray bottle you should spray the inside of the lid to give an immediate humidity boost. Add a little bit of water to the bottom of the dome but don't let the pucks or cubes sit in water. Most trays have grooves so the water doesn't contact the medium. I then spray the clones and put the dome cover on. Place the humidity dome on a heating pad or in a nice warm place. Roots like warmth.
Each day morning and night I spray the clones and pop the top off the dome for a couple minutes to allow air exchange. As the days go by I spray them less but give longer periods of fresh air. After a few days you can start cracking the vents on top of the dome little by little. Once you are past the one week stage you can then leave the vents open all the way or part way depending on the size of your vents.
Also 18/6 light is good. Just don't use too much light. I find T5 lighting works well for clones. Once you can see roots poking out of the medium (pucks/cubes) you know you can now plant them into your regular growing medium.
At least that's what I did and I had great success.
I have some of my cloning experience documented in my journal if you care to take a peek.
Good luck.
As mentioned above, the problem is that your clones have no roots, so the only way they can get water is through the leaves. I am assuming you chopped those leaves in half too so as to stop the normal transpiration process while they develop roots. You have to mist those leaves twice a day to keep the plants alive.
This is why I like the bubble cloners... they develop a local high humidity right near the plants that will keep them alive, without a dome and without a lot of additional spraying. I enjoy a very high percentage of successes using this cloner... it is actually hard not to get a cutting to root using it. I hope it helps.
10 Minute DIY Tupperware Bubble Cloner
Don't you just hate that. LOL. Sorry dude.
Oh fuck I was going through the whole process of how I do it cheap with 3 liter bottles...and then fuck :oops:
That's cool don't worry about it :passitleft: I'll get get ya back latter :rofl::rofl: j/k
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