Crinkly leaf: nature or nurture

I think you just have a mutation there, Brother. She's still young, so there's a decent chance she'll grow out of it and start looking "normal" as she gets bigger. I don't think there's too much you can do to correct the issue. :goodluck:

Some normal new growth low and close to the stem - the rest looks like cabbage still but parts are emitting this deep hashy smell.
I wonder whether the buds will be all twisted and weird (if they come at all!) or whether they will be more normal.
Now I'm less worried it will infect the tent I will leave her to find out and share with 420 folks too.
Better late than never - long overdue update on crinkly girl (Sue).

She got a bit lanky and I think that the flowers will be fluffy but she did not give up. A little later than her sister (Rita) but that is probably due to the lower surface area of leaf.
End of week 5, under Mars 900 (380W at wall) in Coco with Nutrifield


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