Curling leaves


Active Member
My auto cheese has looked like this for a while now. It sure what’s going on with it, my other plant is totally healthy and fine but this cheese has been struggling.


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what medium are you growing in? how much of what nutes are you feeding. the helpers are gonna ask for more info broski.
what medium are you growing in? how much of what nutes are you feeding. the helpers are gonna ask for more info broski.
Unfortunately this is a very budget grow so we’re using a basic potting soil with a “plant food”(10-15-10) and actually just recently switched to a miracle grow for bloom. I know it’s garbage but all my nutes and medium has been put on this years Christmas list to family haha.
im thinking either over fertilization, over watering or the plant is rootbound and needs to be up-potted. Tell us about the situation.
I have been having difficulty keeping things warm in my grow area which may contribute but not sure. I originally thought I was over watering and fertilizing but I let them dry right out at one point and even cut a feeding of nutes out for the cheese, no noticeable changes :( possible they have rooted out but they are 5 gallon pots and should be okay
another theory is basically tobacco poisoning. My fiancé likes to take photos of the plants and I’m not convinced she washing her hands after a smoke before handling
I have not no. I realize I’ve been doing a pretty poor job so far but this is my first grow in 10 years and my first go at auto flowers
I water when I can stick my finger in the medium about half a finger down and it be dry. Also I water until I see a small trickle come out the bottom of the pot. Little under a litre each plant
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