Dark time and exposing to light


New Member
I've always tried to not go in my grow room or tents during dark time but occasionally do to make sure things are ok after coming home from work before I go to sleep. I just use a flash light or turn on the light fixture originally meant to light the room for a few minutes. I sometimes find a few seeds in a crop and wondered if that's why. It's usually a few minutes but sometimes I spend up to 30 minutes with a standard light on or a flash light
Ok. Any specific bulb? I go to 2 friends houses occasionally that also grow, is it likely I can bring pollen on my clothes all the way back to my house? I've only gotten hermaphrodites bad once and I think it was related to my wife accidently bumping my timer and changing my light cycles while I out of state. Besides that it's rare I find a seed but in 7ozs I've found up to 10 seeds
I guess I'll have to be more careful to shower and change clothes before going into my room and tents after visiting friends. Thank you
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