
i work 13 hours a day at 18 an hour, but sometimes thats not enough for those of us with expensive car repayments and a mortgage. thats why selling pot helps me, therefore having it illegal becomes important.
my situation is a very normal thing in this world, and not worrying about mine is doing more than disregarding me, it discredits the common goals of so many others.
^Timeout, your shortfalls are your own. Just because you got yourself in above your head, doesn't mean other pot smokers should have to pay for it. Not saying you're ripping people off, but rather that you think high prices should help you out. You get negged for representing everything this site is against. I think that people getting put in prison for a plant is a higher issue than you paying bills. Maybe you'll understand once you get busted for intent to distribute. Then your bills will be way tougher to pay.
i never made claims that pot shouldnt be legalized. generally, it would create fantastic changes all round. Ive simply tried to help the people of this site understand another byproduct of legalization, one particular topic that is often avoided. and i think that if the legalization issue is going to be explored in detail and law reforms are to be seriously considered, first we must come to understand the full effects of such a massive shift, am i wrong?
pot is supposed to help you understand new perspectives and see the world from a "birds eye view" rather than from your own biases, so where did you go wrong?
dont be so two dimensional, consider your opponents arguements as you would your own, consider those who chose not to speak out, and those who can not.
i have one last thing to add:

i never made claims that pot shouldnt be legalized. generally, it would create fantastic changes all round. Ive simply tried to help the people of this site understand another byproduct of legalization, one particular topic that is often avoided. and i think that if the legalization issue is going to be explored in detail and law reforms are to be seriously considered, first we must come to understand the full effects of such a massive shift, am i wrong?
pot is supposed to help you understand new perspectives and see the world from a "birds eye view" rather than from your own biases, so where did you go wrong?
dont be so two dimensional, consider your opponents arguements as you would your own, consider those who chose not to speak out, and those who can not.

I can see your point of view, but I don't agree with it. As a cannabis smoker, I don't care for the money making aspect of prohibition. I don't really agree with any aspect of prohibition. I don't know if you have a job or if you don't make much money with a job, but don't understand why cannabis smokers don't want legalization. Greed is the only thing I can understand.
What kind of legalization is it going to be?
Will the back-yard grower be able to sell their excess? Under what conditions?
Do customers coming to your home violate zoning laws?
(I hope my (hypothetical) dealing neighbor installs enough parking spaces if it comes to that.)

Or will it be a medical, "everyone from grower to consumer needs a permit/prescription", type of legalization?

Legalizations that permit a few sources with heavily controlled and regulated supply lines won't change the current situation much for the common user. There will still be an underground. The medical patient will benefit from such a structure, so I'm won't complain about the Phizer-iztion of MMJ.

Legalizations that allow growing and freely sold goods will change things are for the recreational user. Look for herb at your local farmer's market! (Mypreferred style of legalization.)
Man, Legalization is not about making money. Cannabis is not about making money. It sounds like you're no better than the man, making money off of people because marijuana is illegal. I don't care what type of legalization happens because anything is better than prohibition. I'd like to hear other peoples opinions on this.
ask to check the sack out before you buy it, and if they ask to front, ask for something in colladeral. but dont be an ass about it, just try to be all around cool and they wont blow you off when you ask to buy, and theyll know ur for real and wont rip you off. its all about how you act, and what you know about dealing
every dealer ive ever met, is in the game to spread love. not to make a living out of doing it. those are the people that get busted due to greed. now a days, authorities know whats going on. they let you slide, make your money. they wont bust you untill your needed
Just because you bot a car that is too expensive doesnt mean pot should be illegal so you can profit, your expenses are your decisions not a reason there should be prohibtion. Go get a used car.
I HATE dealers that try to sell 8ths for $60 a piece. Here in my town it usually takes those people a couple of weeks to push an oz because no one wants to pay such a rediculouse price. I just wish everyone would say no and hold out, forcing the greedy dealers to sell at a fair price.
The dealers I've run into are always trying to make $$$. I've never met a dealer who does it to spread awareness.

It sucks. If I had the space, I'd grow my own and tell them all to kiss it.
dealers are always 2 ways, 1 your best friend, or 2 kinda shady not someone you want to go out and have a beer with, kinda sucks but thats the game. ive found that if i havent had bud in a while, if you dont have a job go work at a restaurant and i can almost guarantee youll find a fellow smoker with a connect. and if the prices suck or bags are low, go find some new friends, always best to have 3-5 people you can go to, shop and compare kinda like ebay lol
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