Dennise's Back With A Vengeance

I apologize if I freaked you out. I was being humorous. The clay balls looks like they work great!
I've been following along because I like your style, and your plants look amazing! Hoping to learn from you as you clearly know what you are doing. Dust too!
I apologize if I freaked you out. I was being humorous. The clay balls looks like they work great!
I've been following along because I like your style, and your plants look amazing! Hoping to learn from you as you clearly know what you are doing. Dust too!
She does know how to grow plants
I apologize if I freaked you out. I was being humorous. The clay balls looks like they work great!
I've been following along because I like your style, and your plants look amazing! Hoping to learn from you as you clearly know what you are doing. Dust too!
No worries. Everyone knows I’m somewhat of a ditz and I am definitely blonde all the way to the roots and if you have any questions I’ll be happy to try to help and if I can’t give you an answer I can find you one from somebody that knows what they are doing and yes Dust is very good at growing now. I taught him many years ago and he literally took a part one of my lights that I was testing for Twilight and has made several lights out of it and is still using them to this day and it’s been years his girls are beautiful now too. he has come a very long way…… heck he even does things now that I wouldn’t even think about doing he makes his own seeds he graphs and I don’t do any of that stuff I do alone sometimes but other than that that’s about as scientific as I get I like to abuse my girls and bend them and twist them but I can’t stand topping them even though I know it helps with quantity of buds…. :circle-of-love:
I like to abuse my girls and bend them and twist them but I can’t stand topping them even though I know it helps with quantity of buds…
I've grown a few crops now and have not topped yet. Will probably top a few plants this grow just to see what all the fuss is about. Makes me nervous chopping off the good bits, but I guess it helps to ensure better bits.

There are a few Kyle Kushman youtube videos on how to train / defoliate. Used some of those techniques last year and thought it worked out well. I trimmed almost all lower growth and a lot of larf. His philosophy is if it will not result in a bud at least the size of a quarter, trim it off so that energy will reroute to the bigger flowers.
I've grown a few crops now and have not topped yet. Will probably top a few plants this grow just to see what all the fuss is about. Makes me nervous chopping off the good bits, but I guess it helps to ensure better bits.

There are a few Kyle Kushman youtube videos on how to train / defoliate. Used some of those techniques last year and thought it worked out well. I trimmed almost all lower growth and a lot of larf. His philosophy is if it will not result in a bud at least the size of a quarter, trim it off so that energy will reroute to the bigger flowers.
I wouldn't.. so far all seeds I got from seed companies. Are short plants.. top them just makes it longer and longer veg . 3 of the plants I have u top them u screw them up. Others we in to waiting game.. seems most of plants now are small unless u veg for 3-4 months but some just stop growing . They breed them to much it's hurting their geneo
I've grown a few crops now and have not topped yet. Will probably top a few plants this grow just to see what all the fuss is about. Makes me nervous chopping off the good bits, but I guess it helps to ensure better bits.

There are a few Kyle Kushman youtube videos on how to train / defoliate. Used some of those techniques last year and thought it worked out well. I trimmed almost all lower growth and a lot of larf. His philosophy is if it will not result in a bud at least the size of a quarter, trim it off so that energy will reroute to the bigger flowers.
I do heavily defolibation but I’ve not been able to get myself to cut out the bottom even though I have seen it make a huge difference. I use the popcorn for oils….. :circle-of-love:
Dust remind me to give you some of this Banana nut bread. It’s amazingly tasty to have that much butter in it but you can barely taste it and it taste great and works even better. May be the best I’ve ever made but I damn sure don’t need 2 loaves of it…… :circle-of-love:
I think Monday me and wife might go eat for my birthday and ride up to you then. Visit some. If that's ok. I need get out of house for bit. Say about noon. She has to work at 4 that's give us few hours to visit
Hey I'm going bring you phantom OG. And some seeds of the Galeto . I think I got few more them. Galeto is really good but small plant and can't top it. But dang it's good for energy. It hypes you up when you can't get moving good.. dam sure helped me for few weeks
My tent has a new family member. I’d tell ya what it is but I can’t remember what he told me other than the THC level is something like 26%. I think that’s what Dust told me and I think it’s labeled on the side of the pot if I got it in the pics. That banana nut bread makes me stupider than normal and I forgot to give Dust anything but some bread and butter. I forgot to give him the butter machine and my old tent… which is why he came here. But I got some beans and a clone out of the deal so I’m happy just feel bad I forgot everything else…. :circle-of-love:




Well I’m finally happy with my girls and my tent. They are all growing and looking all pretty and green. The tiny one is one I had to help her remove her membrane and it has made her slow and her leaves funny looking but I’ll give her a bit of time to catch up before she’s added to the oops hill outside. I keep checking the pile hoping something will pop through. I’m doubting it and hubby would shit if something started growing there cause it’s where anyone driving by would see it but I could camouflage it if I had to and that would be an awesome thing to have to do……. :circle-of-love:
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