Dennise's Back With A Vengeance

I went ahead and potted up the Duct clone cause it was in Fox Farm soil I think and was looking like she needed something and I don’t even have any nutes left in the house other than some really old FF Grow but I don’t like using them and didn’t know what if anything she had been given already so I figured if I just put her in my soil she could have whatever she wanted and I knew I wouldn’t burn her up ….. :circle-of-love:










Happy 420 (belatedly), Dennise. Your garden looks great! Nice job.
Well it’s looking like my tent is ready for me to do something. There’s a couple of them that are going to have to be potted up into their final home tomorrow finally… :yahoo: Then I’ll wait for the slow weirdo to somewhat catch up and hopefully it’ll be time to flip them or she’ll go in the hill outside……:circle-of-love:








Which one has the skinny leaves? That looks like something I'd be willing to smoke. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Hello Dennise,
You plants are looking good. Love the Brandon Coffee cup in the picture and I saw Kid Rock on Tucker that was great.

As for your Soil I think from this point forward it should be Referred to as Soul Soil ( #SoulSoil )
has A nice Ring to it "Dennise's Soul Soil Recipe"
Looks like a great recipe, I'll have to try it sometime cause I'm all for making a great soil and then just add water

I'll put a link to it from my journal when I start talking soil recipes if you don't mind

Happy Growing
I tried melting all that gummy bear mess down again and stirring it till it was literally setting up and I had to pour it in the molds or it was gonna be to last and I actually thought it had worked for about an hour but I was wrong…:eye-roll: it all separated and is totally disgusting… I think at this point I’ll just stick with eatables ie. cakes and breads…..;) I’m good at those and I suck at gummies but I really wanted gummies. I’ll probably still try with RSO and gelatin and sugar free Jell-O which would be better for me anyhow.
I also didn’t get anything potted up yesterday due to a serious case of laziness that hasn’t disappeared as of yet but I did open up the auto quarter pounder and a bit on the others and Titty crawled in my tent through one of the venting holes in the tent and did a bit of defoliation for me… I was thrilled….o_O I took a few pics of the current status…. Happy Saturday……:circle-of-love:










Which one has the skinny leaves? That looks like something I'd be willing to smoke. :cheesygrinsmiley:
I would be honored to smoke anything I have with ya but I think the one you’re talking about is the Dutch Passion Orange Punch…. The only other one in there that’s not pretty heavy indica is the Mango Skunk and it’s leaves are kinda skinny. Are you talking about the one in the right back… if so that’s the Orange Punch……:circle-of-love:

God bless my neighbor…well the guy that lives up the hollow….. He came and found the nasty snake and then took my meat cleaver to it and even cleaned it up and took it out of my house.
I’m currently having a mother of a panic attack…… :lot-o-toke:
Usually get one every year.. most time babies ones
Usually get one every year.. most time babies ones
It was a baby and that doesn’t make me feel better at all it just makes me think if there’s a baby there’s more babies and a momma. There’s nothing on earth I’m more afraid of than a snake. I still feel like I’m going to throw up…. I’m shaking like a leaf and can’t stop…. It was literally slithering thro the dishes in the drying rack. I had to make dog food for tonight and went to grab the pan that was on the top of the rack and it lunged at me or I probably would have never seen it. I’m gonna roll up 3 or 4 and see if I can stop shaking and the water will not stop coming out of my eyes… I know I’m ridiculous but I really don’t like snakes……:lot-o-toke:…..:circle-of-love:
Just so y’all know I made it through the night without having a heart attack. The kitchen is still an issue for me and there won’t be any real cooking in there till hubby gets home Thursday and goes through all those cabinets and figures out where it got in and seals it up. It must suck being my hubby. Working your butt off about 70 hours a week away from home (probably a benefit) the last week the same day he’s taking his boss/best friend to the ER for diabetes problems I call hysterical about a snake in the kitchen and he’s in Oklahoma…:ciao: I mean how long would it take to stop by the house and take care of things:headbanger: Tennesse is just a hop skip away but nooo anyhow Ididn’t get attacked by snakes in my sleep and after the amount of banana nut bread I ate I knew I’d go to sleep just didn’t know if I’d wake up…..:circle-of-love:
Hey hey 3 girls in the tub…. Still have 1 to pot up but I’m out of square bags till tomorrow but at least I got 3 done and I didn’t think I’d be able to get them done cause I have to do it in my kitchen and I don’t want to be in my kitchen right now….. I need a xanex…..:circle-of-love:



I tried melting all that gummy bear mess down again and stirring it till it was literally setting up and I had to pour it in the molds or it was gonna be to last and I actually thought it had worked for about an hour but I was wrong…:eye-roll: it all separated and is totally disgusting… I think at this point I’ll just stick with eatables ie. cakes and breads…..;) I’m good at those and I suck at gummies but I really wanted gummies. I’ll probably still try with RSO and gelatin and sugar free Jell-O which would be better for me anyhow.
I also didn’t get anything potted up yesterday due to a serious case of laziness that hasn’t disappeared as of yet but I did open up the auto quarter pounder and a bit on the others and Titty crawled in my tent through one of the venting holes in the tent and did a bit of defoliation for me… I was thrilled….o_O I took a few pics of the current status…. Happy Saturday……:circle-of-love:

I gave up on gummies, too. Here is what I got with my last effort:

320 gram Strawberry Gummy.jpeg

I cut it into the serving sizes that I needed. It was a lot easier than fussing about with those little gummy molds.

And, I'm sorry to hear about the snake. I, personally, love snakes but if I found one in the kitchen sink, I think I'd be kinda freaked out, too.

I hope your husband can help you feel safe again after he goes through all the cupboards.
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