Did I Kill My Clones? LED


New Member




Did I fail? Are they past the point of no return?

These are small clones cut from a proven mother seven days ago. They were stored in a ziplock bag full of water for two hours before being set in rockwool. I used clean tools, sliced the stems, applied root hormone, kept in humidity dome. I followed the instructions to a tee but they looked stressed from day one and never really recovered. My friend has the same clones under a cheap fluorescent and his are doing great, of course.:thumb:

- 300w Diamond Series LED (30" away) 24/7
- Mystery Strain
- Heat mat
- 77 degrees
- Humidity Dome
- Distilled water @ room temp
- Ph ~5.5 (color test)

I've watered them three times in seven days, mist daily, and the rockwool always feels wet. Do they look underwatered or overwatered? Ugh. I also can't tell if the LED is too strong or too weak at 30". Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
I really don't dig ya transportation method this may of caused air bubbles to form in stem of the clones/cuttings !

Clones/cuttings normal look like a Drag Queen dragged through a bush backwards for a while intill roots sprout, give em another week the stronger ones will survive.
@fuzzy I was assured the old "bag full of water" trick would work, but it still seemed shady to me. The cuttings were indeed fully submersed.

Thanks for the feedback. I won't start crying, yet.
I've never seen the bag of water trick before, just looked odd to me thats all... might have to try it myself.

Was the rooting hormone a white powder stuff ?

Clonex is very highly rated for clones/cuttings :peace:

I've heard of people pre soaking rockwool with a 1/4strength nutrient solution suitable for cuttings/seeds before transplanting clone into them.
You're going to need to root those under a fluorescent. The clones won't be able to acclimate to the LED until they have some good roots. I would also keep them in plain RO water. NO nutrients. They can't use nutes until they have rooted. I think you still have a chance. I've rooted uglier clones than yours.
First glance I thought the rockwool looked too wet- but of course it's hard to say for sure from a pic. Anyway... I find they sprout well when the rockwool is feeling a bit light to lift. Just moist. They need hardly any light. A cfl would be enough.
They ain't dead yet.
They just look like they've been ridden hard and put away wet -to use an old cowboy term.
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