Dont know if this is where to post this but its a must read

Wow... I'm glad I read the article, this sounds like some bad shit to be smokin man. I for one don't want any kid of mine, (or even friends for that matter) smoking this stuff...
I think METHAJUANA would be a better name for this poison!
"Samples have come back testing positive for formaldehyde and acetone."
No fault to be had by you M8... I'm really glad you posted it, I have children and, it's crap like this stuff that works it's way into their lives (legally) and often times w/o the parents knowing anything about it.
The real shits here is that the manufacture tries to make the stuff sound as if it's a safe alternative to MJ and that it's legal... BULLSHIT.
This stuff if possibly a very dangerous and according to the article, lethal mix of chems.
Seems to me that it is not much more than another A-hole trying to make a fast buck on the back of MMJ... like we don't have enough bad stigma as it is... we don't need that kind of help!

sorry should have read the whole thing i only saw that it was cannabnoids and herbs, my fault
Irony #1: Growing a plant, harvesting the flowers, drying them, and consuming them is illegal - but purchasing something that was made in a laboratory which is advertised/sold as being a synthetic version of same is legal.

Irony #2: I was listening to my scanner the other day and some young woman called 911 because her and her (minor) boyfriend had been smoking this garbage and they were experiencing SEVERE breathing difficulties. They were taken to the hospital. My friend suffers from chronic bronchitis. He vaporizes cannabis and tells me that he actually finds it helps his lung function (YMMV). Were he to dial 911 and inform the operator that he was doing it, he might be taken to jail.

Irony #3: (Unrelated... But I'm stressing, lol) Some people will tell you how dangerous and addictive cannabis is. I have been a week without it, and am a little bummed out, for when I have it I am much healthier. I have been without cigarettes for about as long - and I am climbing the walls as I fight the urge to put holes in them (and they were killing me).
i have tried K2 a friend of mine bought some like a dummy i took 1 hit and it was almost instant headache i wouldnt recomend this stuff to anybody it is afterall made to be an inscent
Pa. House passes bill to outlaw ‘synthetic marijuana’

By Sam Wood


A bill that would outlaw K-2 and other so-called "synthetic marijuana" in Pennsylvania was overwhelmingly approved in the state House this morning by a vote of 198 to 1.

Bill 176 would prohibit the manufacture, distribution, and possession of five chemicals. The substances, synthetic cannabinoids, are mixed with common herbs. The blend is sold as incense and smoked for a high that is similar to marijuana.

The bill needs approval in the state Senate before it can become law. Eleven states have already enacted bans. Ten others - including New Jersey - are considering similar measures.

The incense is sold at variety stores, gas stations, head shops and online. Common brand names include K2, Spice, and Zohai.

More than 1,500 people across the country have been treated in emergency rooms this year after smoking the stuff, according to a report issued Tuesday by the American Association of Poison Control Centers.

ERs across the country reported 15 adverse reactions last year. Symptoms included seizures, hallucinations, rapid heartbeat and extreme anxiety and paranoia.

"We need to get these dangerous materials off the shelves and off the internet more sooner than later," said St. Rep. Bryan Lentz (D-Delaware) who voted for the bill. Lentz, who is running for Joe Sestak's congressional seat, said he had never heard of the incense before St. Rep. Jennifer Mann, (D-Lehigh) introduced the bill.

"So I had a staffer go online and buy some," said Lentz, a former Philadelphia prosecutor. "It was delivered the next day. No questions asked. He could have been a 12-year-old kid."

Besides being legal in most states, the active ingredient in incense is least four times as powerful as THC, the psychoactive substance in marijuana.

"The primary reason people use this stuff is that it will not show up in a standard drug test," said Chris Goldstein, spokesman for the Philadelphia Chapter for the National Organization to Reform Marijuana Laws (NORML). "A urinalysis looks for THC and its metabolytes. The body does not metabolize this stuff in the same way."

Though packets of the incense are typically marked "not for human consumption," they are sold with a "wink and a nod," said Barbara Carreno, a spokeswoman for the federal Drug Enforcement Administration.

"When was the last time you paid 50 bucks for a few grams of incense and they assured you it will be mailed discreetly?" Carreno said. "The manufacturers and distributors, they're only in for the money and they don't care."

Goldstein, of NORML, warns that nobody really knows what is included in each packet of incense. Because it is not regulated by the FDA or DEA it can be sold as a "proprietary blend" and not list ingredients on the package.

"I would not recommend anyone touching this stuff," Goldstein said. "Samples have come back testing positive for formaldehyde, vitamin E and acetone. At least with real marijuana you can tell if it's tainted by looking at it.

"This stuff is like setting a plastic spoon on fire and inhaling."
Yeah I would never try this stuff. The things they cook up for us in China. Hell, they have had to recall so many products for poisoning in the past couple of years with no illicit intent (i.e. baby cribs).
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