Drug Czar Denies that Marijuana Users Are Arrested and Forced into Treatment

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
On Tuesday, I had a chance to question the drug czar about his enthusiasm for drug treatment at an event in D.C. Mike Riggs at Reason has good coverage of the exchange.

The other good question came from Scott Morgan, of StopTheDrugWar.org, who asked if Kerlikowske supported compulsory treatment of casual drug users, and if arresting marijuana users and forcing them into treatment was an effective policy. This time, Kerlikowske played dumb:

"Again, that's a bit of a myth. If someone's arrested for a small amount of marijuana, and the determination is made they have to go into treatment, treatment beds and space are a valuable commodity. I think professionals can clearly assess when someone is in need of treatment. Compulsory treatment is not something I'm as familiar with in great detail at the local level."

It's an incredible thing to say, so utterly divorced from reality and plainly absurd to anyone remotely aware of how our marijuana policies and criminal justice system operate. It's hardly a secret that when the cops catch you with pot, they bust you and haul your ass into court where you're ordered to attend classes about how you shouldn't smoke pot.

Our courts are open to the public and you can just walk in and watch this happen to a dozen people in one afternoon. It's worth doing if you haven't before.

The drug czar says that addiction is a medical condition, but it's certainly the only medical condition with which you get diagnosed not by a doctor but by a judge in criminal court based solely on the fact that a cop found marijuana in your pocket one single time.


NewsHawk: Jim Behr: 420 MAGAZINE
Source: StoptheDrugWar.org
Author: Scott Morgan
Copyright: StoptheDrugWar.org
Contact: StoptheDrugWar.org
Website: Drug Czar Denies that Marijuana Users Are Arrested and Forced into Treatment
Hm... On a nationwide scale, I'm sure this happens in some states... I've never heard of someone forced into treatment over cannabis here in Hawaii. I've met people forced into if for things they probably needed it for... like booze or hard drugs.

Doesn't mean it doesn't happen... But I remember looking at laws... And in South Carolina, getting caught with a small amount is like... a hundred dollar fine, and I bet its enforced a bit (a pipe is a $500 fine wtf?)... Here in Hawaii, technically being caught with less than an ounce could land you up to $1000 fine (pretty sure this is what NORML site said)... I've never heard of someone being fined for less than an ounce here. Small quantities are confiscated here, with a warning. Many people I know believe the cops will drive off and toke your stash here if its good. I don't really believe it, but its a funny thought.

Thanks for the article!
Hey, the only way I'm sharing my new stash with the sargeant is for a plum assignment.
If the Sarge wants some stash, he can pull my shift and steal his own.
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