DrZiggy's Low And Slow Drying: Maximizing Your Harvest

You guys need to go check out my boyz thread this guy is a genius check out what he just did to get s filter ...
Pat Gets Hairy With A Gorilla

Pretty neat.
So my gauge in my fridge is 42% humidity and 40 degrees will this be good for the cure?

I think that should work Fischer. That's close to what mine runs.

This isn't a cure, it's the beginning, for sure, but this step is really the drying. The cure officially begins when up you jar them up.
Maybe something in between? Pantyhose? IDK. You keep a clean domicile and don't have any pets, AfaIK, so cheesecloth would probably be fine. Remember, I am just a visitor to this thread at this point, not an active participant.

But you're brilliant TS, and because if that I'll always ask for your opinion. :battingeyelashes: I think the silk I have will be fine. It's 125 tti, used for silkscreen work. I checked, and it moves a fair amount of air through it. It's the silk I use to strain my oils.

I just found myself wondering if some kind of glass tube - maybe the old "Bake A Round" devices from the 1970s - would be better than a jar. You could cover both ends with some kind of debris-blocker and then direct a gentle breeze through it to help actively remove the dampness. Thoughts?

That gentle breeze might be enough to dislodge the terpenes we're trying to retain, so I'd be leery of this idea.
That was why I said gentle - think zephyr, not gale ;) . Only enough to gently move the humidified air away and aid slightly in the evaporation. And, remember, it would have to pass through two layers (one on each end, because the air that moved in would have to exit to allow for more air to move in) if the person used a tube - which would make it a very small air movement.
Just read this!!
Rather than using trays or plates, Faith wraps leaves and stems very loosely in stiff, sheer tulle fabric, then ties the bundles with a piece of nylon from pantyhose. The tulle bundles can be tucked into niches, propped up on the shelves of the refrigerator door, or dangled from the sides and ceiling of the refrigerator compartment, clipped to magnets that keep them out of the way. Using this method enables Faith to avoid knocking things over and making messes.
Rather than using trays or plates, Faith wraps leaves and stems very loosely in stiff, sheer tulle fabric, then ties the bundles with a piece of nylon from pantyhose.

Hmm... How about wrapping buds in fresh (or not too dry to wrap around buds, at least) cannabis leaves? That ought to slow the drying down. Could leave it in the same package when moving from the drying stage to the curing stage. And it seems appropriate ;) . Probably be pretty difficult unless one's leaves were sizable.
Microdosing is slightly interesting. It's just I love being high so never get around to that. But am working on a "tolerance lowering project" these days. I can's keep smoking 30-40 grams per week forever. It makes me so tolerant I can hardly feel anything. I have noticed though that one day break is enough and it works super again. So I had a one day break and now I only smoke in the evening. It's really a win/win as I use lower quantities and get much higher.

If I know myself correct though I'll be back to the smoking all day again very soon. It's hard when you love something so much
Microdosing is slightly interesting. It's just I love being high so never get around to that. But am working on a "tolerance lowering project" these days. I can's keep smoking 30-40 grams per week forever. It makes me so tolerant I can hardly feel anything. I have noticed though that one day break is enough and it works super again. So I had a one day break and now I only smoke in the evening. It's really a win/win as I use lower quantities and get much higher.

If I know myself correct though I'll be back to the smoking all day again very soon. It's hard when you love something so much

You haven't tried a capsule regimen yet, have you DeVille? A good oil will give you the most delicious undercurrent that you can easily build on with some supplemental inhalation. My problem with inhallation only is that it wears off too quick, and I get so distracted while I'm smoking that I have a hard time getting to the buzz level I work best at. The capsules do me well for most of the day. I only reach for the bong to accompany Pigeons 420 on his daily video, which demands an obligatory hoot, and late evenings. I take my last capsule somewhere before 7PM and smoke throughout the evening into the wee small hours of the morning.

Before I started capsules I was ramping up my tolerance levels something fierce. Maybe it's the oil, but I don't build those tolerances anymore. I haven't increased my consumption rate at all for need since beginning this regimen, only for recreational purposes, to get the occasional out- of-this-world experience.
Ran into pH issues and she almost didnt recover... I'd guess 2 zips when its done curing. The fridge stays at 46°F and around 35%rh when empty.
Thanks! I have been eyeing your oil-making methods for a while and I should try. Where do you get those empty capsules?

Maybe it's the oil, but I don't build those tolerances anymore. I haven't increased my consumption rate at all for need since beginning this regimen, only for recreational purposes, to get the occasional out- of-this-world experience.
I can's keep smoking 30-40 grams per week forever.

Err... You can't? Huh. That was on my unwritten list of life's goals for years. As a matter of fact... ;)

You haven't tried a capsule regimen yet, have you DeVille? A good oil will give you the most delicious undercurrent that you can easily build on with some supplemental inhalation.

Not to mention that it opens up the opportunity to enjoy some really wonderful cannabis-infused food and drink. I had some kind of Indian drink once that was not only tasty, it led to me laying in a field looking at clouds for several hours. I think it was called a bhang lassi (but I'm not positive).

My problem with inhallation only is that it wears off too quick, and I get so distracted while I'm smoking that I have a hard time getting to the buzz level I work best at.

Mine is that my lungs don't seem to be functioning above about 30% these days. I've gotten out of breath easily since I was a child, but recently... IDK. A friend and a family member have each came by and shared a bud with me recently, and it seemed to be decent bud, but I only felt mild relaxation with the one - and not much of anything with the other. This is quite depressing, BtW. Especially since I haven't been smoking any bud for a while. I do smoke leaves on a regular basis (sometimes several handfuls per day :rolleyes3 ) , and I can't really explain why even to myself. But there's not exactly a buzz involved with that. The friend has told me that he feels "something" after the first gram+ joint, and tells me that he's finished after we finish the third or fourth. But he's kind of a lightweight anyway; and I cannot help but feel that he's just trying to be nice/polite when he says such things. After all, it's just ground up leaves.

I only reach for the bong to accompany Pigeons 420 on his daily video, which demands an obligatory hoot, and late evenings.

I used to enjoy such things when I was the one in charge of filling it and could use HOT water in order to humidify the air (I don't like to cough, you see, and do way too much of it when I'm not inhaling combusted cannabis). But it seems like everyone else uses cold water, sometimes even adding ice cubes, lol. That never made sense to me, to vaporize the cannabinoids and then immediately see how many you can recondense out of the vapor (smoke) stream before they have a chance to enter your body. I guess it's an excuse to grow a lot instead of a little, though...

Before I started capsules I was ramping up my tolerance levels something fierce. Maybe it's the oil, but I don't build those tolerances anymore. I haven't increased my consumption rate at all for need since beginning this regimen, only for recreational purposes, to get the occasional out- of-this-world experience.

That makes sense to me. The process of eating one's cannabis leads to a much slower onset of effect, and a longer one. Smoking means that all of the cannabinoids penetrate the blood:brain barrier more or less at once (a minute after inhaling?). So we get hit with a big hammer all at once, lol. And then it's gone. So we reach for the lighter again...

I won't mention it by name, out of respect for our forum guidelines, but there's an illicit substance that can be either snorted or vaporized (smoked). Apparently, the latter method causes a far stronger effect (and immediately so), along with both a much shorter length of effect and a resulting significantly higher perceived need to re-dose. I assume that it's the same kind of difference. I suppose the same thing could be said about drinking one's Scotch vs. taking it via an IV, lol, except that people don't use the latter method unless they've just poisoned themselves with antifreeze and are trying to survive the next few minutes.

I just use my refrigerator for food storage (but will likely try this stuff at some future date when I have the... necessary supplies for such an experiment), but it has upon occasion looked as empty as yours. When it was in such a state, I noticed that the compressor ran for much shorter periods of time than normal - but it kept kicking on and off all day/night long. So now when ol TS' cupboard is bare, lol, I'll stick jugs of water in there to fill some of the volume. This has resulted in a more stable environment (I think) along with less wear and tear on the refrigerator's compressor.
I just use my refrigerator for food storage (but will likely try this stuff at some future date when I have the... necessary supplies for such an experiment), but it has upon occasion looked as empty as yours. When it was in such a state, I noticed that the compressor ran for much shorter periods of time than normal - but it kept kicking on and off all day/night long. So now when ol TS' cupboard is bare, lol, I'll stick jugs of water in there to fill some of the volume. This has resulted in a more stable environment (I think) along with less wear and tear on the refrigerator's compressor.
So, I picked this fridge up for free and put a new seal on the door. It works great! I have already planned on putting jugs or trays of water in there if the humidity gets too low. Just gotta wait and see what happens to know the next step...
I meant sealed jugs of water. Not to raise the humidity, but instead to provide something for the compressor to cool besides air. It's like a window air conditioner running in a completely empty room vs. one running in a room that has the usual amount of furniture/etc. in it. Sure, the room that contains only air and a smidgen of dust cools faster. But it doesn't stay that way for long, because there's no thermal mass in a box of air. But there is in water (I might be using the wrong term when I type "thermal mass," the mind isn't working very well this day). That's why, during a power failure, a refrigerator that contains nothing except for half a package of lunch meat will probably contain nothing but a half package of spoiled lunch meat the day after, lol, while one packed full of food probably won't be full of spoiled food the next day.

It's probably no big deal in regards to what you are doing. But it'd help your refrigerator's main component last longer, since there'll be less wear and tear on it from having to kick on so often. And, since it takes more electricity to spin one up than it does to keep it spinning, it might use less electricity (but maybe not a great deal less, IDK).

Again, I don't suppose it is important for purposes of this discussion.
I meant sealed jugs of water. Not to raise the humidity, but instead to provide something for the compressor to cool besides air. It's like a window air conditioner running in a completely empty room vs. one running in a room that has the usual amount of furniture/etc. in it. Sure, the room that contains only air and a smidgen of dust cools faster. But it doesn't stay that way for long, because there's no thermal mass in a box of air. But there is in water (I might be using the wrong term when I type "thermal mass," the mind isn't working very well this day). That's why, during a power failure, a refrigerator that contains nothing except for half a package of lunch meat will probably contain nothing but a half package of spoiled lunch meat the day after, lol, while one packed full of food probably won't be full of spoiled food the next day.

It's probably no big deal in regards to what you are doing. But it'd help your refrigerator's main component last longer, since there'll be less wear and tear on it from having to kick on so often. And, since it takes more electricity to spin one up than it does to keep it spinning, it might use less electricity (but maybe not a great deal less, IDK).

Again, I don't suppose it is important for purposes of this discussion.
You bring up a very interesting point here. I obviously dont want to wear out the compressor any faster than i have to, so adding something to "store the cold" is a great idea.

This is why I love this forum. Props for pointing out something that seems so simple, yet I had completely overlooked it
.. . . .
I meant sealed jugs of water. Not to raise the humidity, but instead to provide something for the compressor to cool besides air. It's like a window air conditioner running in a completely empty room vs. one running in a room that has the usual amount of furniture/etc. in it. Sure, the room that contains only air and a smidgen of dust cools faster. But it doesn't stay that way for long, because there's no thermal mass in a box of air. But there is in water (I might be using the wrong term when I type "thermal mass," the mind isn't working very well this day). That's why, during a power failure, a refrigerator that contains nothing except for half a package of lunch meat will probably contain nothing but a half package of spoiled lunch meat the day after, lol, while one packed full of food probably won't be full of spoiled food the next day.

It's probably no big deal in regards to what you are doing. But it'd help your refrigerator's main component last longer, since there'll be less wear and tear on it from having to kick on so often. And, since it takes more electricity to spin one up than it does to keep it spinning, it might use less electricity (but maybe not a great deal less, IDK).

Again, I don't suppose it is important for purposes of this discussion.

Let me say it again TS, I sure am pleased that you choose to hang around this thread. :hug:
Ran into pH issues and she almost didnt recover... I'd guess 2 zips when its done curing. The fridge stays at 46°F and around 35%rh when empty.

Reps for the beautiful rack BaseGrow. :high-five: That didn't occur to me as a possibility until I saw that picture. This is what I love about these brainstorming sessions we have. Every time I turn around there's another brilliant idea staring at me. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Thanks! I have been eyeing your oil-making methods for a while and I should try. Where do you get those empty capsules?

I buy them from the rainforest site too DeVille. I choose size 00 because they're close to a ml each, so it's easier for dosing purposes. Be sure to get the beef gelatin ones. The vegan ones will leak the oil. Any of them will seep oil, because liquid is very opportunistic, but you don't want the capsules to dissolve. You want ones that'll hold oil.
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