El Amigo Verde - Soil Mix


New Member
I'm anout ready to mix the soil along with the coco and all the other nutrients I have and transplant these little babies


I'll pot an update with the recipe when I mix it
Soil mixed. This weekend its time transplant!

3 parts coco
1 part perlite/vermicuite/rice hulls mixed together (for drainage and hulls add silica)
.8 parts EWC (bit less than 25% of total soil. In this case about 1 gallon)

I used 1 tbsp per gallon of soil mix for all of the soil amendments. Except for guano. I added a little extra. About 1.5 tbsp per gal.

1tbsp per gallon doolomite lime

1 tbsp per gal Azomite Rock Dust

I hydrated the compressed coco coir with earthworm tea from the local hydro shop to jump start the microbes.

Gonna let this mix sit for abuut a week before using to "cook" while mixing it up daily to aerate the soil.


looks really good man, im really wanting to make a soil with my used coco from last run but dont know what to add, i have kelp meal, worm castings, mushroom compost, steer manure, perlite, hydroton, play sand, vermiculite and crushed oyster shell. what of this should i add and what would you say i would need to add to make a full supersoil.
I'll be keeping an eye on this thread, I've been curious about mixing up some coco for an organic run

If you would like to see the results from this soil mix, check out my last grow. DOnt just watch the video. Def check out the close up pics

Flowering Update! Close up pics

It tastes delicious. Way better bud than my buddies who have been growing for more than a decade a piece

I wish I knew the name of the strain. Found a single seed in an eighth I bought and planted it. :D

El Amigo Verde Soil Mix Results - Week 2 Flowering Update

Things are rocking 2 weeks in! Hoping the stretch stops right where it is. I set up the tent as well as I could. I'm using a 400w HOS in addition to my 2x490watt Mars Hydro LEDs. I originally had a 6" scrubber setup cooling the hood and the 4" scrubber filtering the tent, but my neighbor complained of the low muffling sound coming through the ceiling. Temps are stable around 79 degrees.






The clones are rooting nicely as well. Thanks to the products I am using, I have had about a 90% success rate with my babies.

Re: El Amigo Verde Soil Mix Results - Week 2 Flowering Update

Nice roots! What product are you using?

R/O with Clonex at 1/2 strength, splash of cal mag and a couple microbia/fungal additives. Sonoma County Root Web Star i think its called

super thrive, silica and a couple drops of Root Accelerator Gold

everything is very small amounts. PPM of around 600 and PH 5.5-6.0
Round 2 Update

I'm in week 7. Organic Super Soil with light nutes watered in during flowering (Cal Mag and half strength roots HPK, molasses, silica, various microbials)

Are these purple leaves a sign of severe lockout? I know yellowing is normal and a good sign but a friend of mine says he would be freaking out and that I should start flushing right away and cut them down as soon as thats done. Not seeing amber trichs yet but they are looking done otherwise. 70% red hairs

2 of the 5 girls are yellowing/turning fall colors and losing leaves. I had planned on waiting until Valentines day to make it the whole 2 months but my friend grew from the exact same batch of clones and suggests that they look "way done"

Opinions???? I need to make a move asap. so much work up to this point I want the results to be tip top shelf!



Showing off my veg and bloom areas.
Re: El Amigo Verde Soil Mix Results - Week 2 Flowering Update

Things are rocking 2 weeks in! Hoping the stretch stops right where it is. I set up the tent as well as I could. I'm using a 400w HOS in addition to my 2x490watt Mars Hydro LEDs. I originally had a 6" scrubber setup cooling the hood and the 4" scrubber filtering the tent, but my neighbor complained of the low muffling sound coming through the ceiling. Temps are stable around 79 degrees.

May I ask what is the size of you clone cubes, Don't think I can find one the length I need so I may try finding something that will work with what I want to do or maybe build it.
I am looking to a cone shape and need it 7 to 12 inches long.
I want it when I start clones for a Hempy grow. Start them in RootRiot cubes sat in a cone filled with my coco mix, so I can get the roots to the reservoir asap by forcing all root growth down and not outward. Just and
idea, if I can do it with a long clone cube that would be all I need, if not will have to use the RootRiot cubes sat in my Coco mix
Picture this as 7" tall for a 2 gallon Hempy or 12" for a 5 gallon Hempy.

The cone would be made from plastic and removed at transplanting.
Just an idea, it now takes a clone started in the RootRiot cubes about 5 to 8 days to reach the reservoir.
Hope this makes sense.

Re: El Amigo Verde Soil Mix Results - Week 2 Flowering Update

the rockwool cubes are about 2 inch by 2 inch

Sorry if I did not make myself a bit more clear, I was talking about the picture of the clone with the roots showing.
This is a clone of mine in a RootRiot cube.


Don't worry about purple leaves it's partly genetic and partly autumn colours caused by colder temps, many strains are ''ment'' to be blue/purple.
If you want amber trichomes, by all means wait for them, your plants look totally healthy:Namaste:
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