fan leaves dying and yellow/brown tips.


New Member
I have 4 plants growing and only 1 is having problems.
Plants are 1 week into flowering. (2months and 1week old)
been feeding them Blue plant nutes.
Give fresh water after every two nute feeds.
ph is 6.5

anyone have any idea?
Hey mate, I cannot becertain from the pics as i think theres an LED light or somethin?? Makin it purple!!
But there maybe a slight N defic, dont need too much to correct it or a Zinc prob.. But just check your PH and feed an organic mix, not too high in nute stregth, most of my ferts contain N @ like 12% P@ 6 and K @ 9, has blood and bone etc in it. I find a feed of Seaweed extract very beneficial for your plants, it has lots of stuff for the plant to feed off, not just N,P,K.
So if you can, maybe feed some half strength Seaweed extrac. then next feed just water, then some containing the n,p,k..
I made the mistake of over feeding by losing damn log book and my girl had a few probs..
Anyway, im sure it will sort out for you.. Make sure you have the right lighting too as this may cause probs?? GOODLUCK!!
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