Farmthekush's Soil Great White Shark & Sour Diesel - First Grow Teaser!


looking kinda sad.. is it normal cause of transplant? plant were fed with about 1 liter each (3 gal each pot) fed with bio heaven/grow with 1.25ml/L from both. :Namaste:

update in a week.
all got LST + fed with BioHeaven/BioGrow 1.5m/L (watered 1.5L each pot) clean water from bottles.
one plant main stem broke and fell down but still holding on.. should i let it grow it out? or should i tape it back and lt it recover and then try LST again?

thanks everyone for help .. things are warming up

2 White Sharks now separated from the sour diesels! :)

Mega Root development on one of the sharks (think its the right one on previous pic):

New Scrog Built! with adjustable sliders if future adjustments will be needed.

Sours inside the scrog:


Happy Growing everyone! :Namaste:
Guys.. please help..

Should I flip the sours ? it looks like it needs a bit more time on the scrog to really estlish itself.. but i heard this genetic of sour d can stretch as 3x his original size.

and how about the whites? maybe i flip them a bit earlier? they look ready .. should i defolate them and lolipop 2 days before intiating 12/12?

hey richard!
thank you for your response ..

I've decided to SC all of the sours to increase lower growth and make it firmer for even cannopy.
Feeding Bio grow/heaven 2m soon as well.. and after they recover from SC i will lolipop them and flip!

also .. SC'ed one of the whites just for fun on three different branches :)
hey richard!
thank you for your response ..

I've decided to SC all of the sours to increase lower growth and make it firmer for even cannopy.
Feeding Bio grow/heaven 2m soon as well.. and after they recover from SC i will lolipop them and flip!

also .. SC'ed one of the whites just for fun on three different branches :)

Pics or it didn't happen.

Kidding of course!

Kidding about it not happening, we still do need pics please.


+reps for a :goodjob:
Hey guys.. soon i'll be taking some pics .. just came back and saw the 3 sour dees drenched but strong as hell.
whites seem to be less tolerant to heat and needs more number of watering a week (reason is its a bit hotter in the smaller tent).

all is good tho.. everything should flourish in a matter of hours.. I actually really like to make them a bit sad for half a day or so just to make sure everything is transferred to the plant.

as soon as i see they start being a little sad i check the soil and weight to see its completely drenched and weightless.
I also believe when watering really dry soil its really easy for water to get thru and i never have excess run off so i don't waste my precious expansive water bottles.
Alright guys.. all SC healed so i couldn't take a clear picture..
but.. I lolipoped all the plants and will flip today! :)

please tell me if i trimmed it ok.. i have no idea if i need to take more lower stuff or not but it seems to be fine for my eyes..


the sours:

and the whites also heavly pruned and sad becacuse of it..

Let me know what do you think!:)
Farmthekush's Soil Great White Shark & Sour Diesel - FLOWERING W1d2 - UPDATED

Ladies and gentlemen we have a freak'in lift off!
it's going to be a long road but i'm clenching my kunkles and am going to fight all the way thru tilll the glorious outcome!

The Sours:

The Whites:

Happy Growing Everyone :thumb:
Re: Farmthekush's Soil Great White Shark & Sour Diesel - FLOWERING W2d4

Fed the whites with flowering nutes today for first time!

Feeding changed:
(first time) Bio bloom 1ml
(first time) Top Max 1ml
Also added Cal/Mag 2ml (second time adding cal/mag this entire time , just to be safe!)

Bio Grow 2.5ml (up'ed from 2.0)
Bio Heaven 2.0ml

PH - 6.2 (almost every feeding , maybe 2 feedings had ph a bit off 5.8.. ran out of PH UP).

decided to supercrop the whites a bit aggressive to see what they can take..
hoping this will shoot up all the weak branches from the middle and start of the stems just before streching stops for maximum yields.


hello guys... few problem in my garden

1. mites are back after using pestcide ! :( .. most of them seem to be gone but i did cut off a branch to see couple of mites hanging so i looked in the microscope and it seems to have black things inside and its white clear mite...

2. heat from the mars hydro 320 epistar leds.. this thing is powerful creates lots of heat if its on on 50%!

3.after small research i found out a mid flush with bio bizz nutrients isn't a must.. so still havn't done it. what do you think?

4. I think im behind on shcedule cause it seems like flowers are a bit small comparing to other journals on mid week 3?

you be the judge!



the whites:

Subbed up bro!!! That light looks serious!!! UVB for flowering, nice! That's why I like the Phillips LEC bulb the 3200k one, they actually produce UV so plants create more resin! First grow with them is currently going in my tent.

Pic is right before I threw my young ones in there I have four GSC in soil going in here, I don't think I've started a journal for it. If I haven't I will do so today. I have two SunSystem 315 WATT LEC, currently only using one as both together were too much for my small plants.

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hello guys... few problem in my garden

1. mites are back after using pestcide ! :( .. most of them seem to be gone but i did cut off a branch to see couple of mites hanging so i looked in the microscope and it seems to have black things inside and its white clear mite...

2. heat from the mars hydro 320 epistar leds.. this thing is powerful creates lots of heat if its on on 50%!

3.after small research i found out a mid flush with bio bizz nutrients isn't a must.. so still havn't done it. what do you think?

4. I think im behind on shcedule cause it seems like flowers are a bit small comparing to other journals on mid week 3?

you be the judge!



the whites:


Those mites could be the reason for slower development. I heard mild dish soap and water can be used to kill and clean you plant of their vampiric desires! Neem oil doesn't kill them but stops reproduction. Don't know if you want to use this method, but lady bugs eat mites, lol! I wonder if anyone has tried this? Maybe an outdoor grow I don't think anyone would want ladybugs all in their tent, by they sell them at nurseries.

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