First DWC Grow - 3 Passed Failure In Soil


New Member
Hello to get started i used a dome to sprout from seed.
system: 5- 5 gallon buckets 1 as res
Lighting: Powerbundle1000 adjustable MH/HPS, it is a "DUAL ARC BULB" the balast is adjustable- -500, 500watt, 750watt, 1000watt, and finally over drive.
Strain: mixed bag of goodies????
4-12in air stones
dewalt exhaust
General Hydroponics starter box (Flora)

Setup looks like a blind man set it up. it has changed since and will post.

The setup....


These are pics taken last Saturday 11/17.

as of today 11/22 much better add nutrients and WOW huge improvement:

P#1- week 3


P#2-Week 3


P#3-Week 3


Revised and cleaned new set up

SORRY PIC OF P#1 IS ACTUALLY SAME IT IS P#1-2, I will repost with up to date photos. Room looks much better IMO.
What you think?
problems.... P#1.... Can anyone identify? i Have checked the forum for this with no luck.

Any infdo is better than what I am thinking....
start of week 4:

i cleaned the entire room out, added a 16" oscilating fan and i also removed one bucket to reduce water amount (plus plant died). In doing this i have repositioned all 3 under light and willl rotate them every so often. they are currently asleep waiting to be measured, I have yet to see any of my leafs get the size of the one's on P#1...... bigger leafs. Better bud? to me, I believe they take extra nutrints away from the flower... im in veg still, do you cut the leafs off or size em or thats GREATR WORK!!!! Anyone?
this is week 3 official photos:




continuing on with LIFE!!!


little guy is tryin....


cleaned room to lower temp n work on humidity

THANKS! I have a huge bag ill add after this session, my ph is between 5.5-6 like golden green but more golden color. as fa as the air lines never thought about that. I currently am runnning the airlines into bucket through the side whole, should i drill one on top or lid of bucket?
A question or two.... 1) I have an extra air line available, how or in what way can I use that to benefit these little ones? I originally thought to add it to the res. but then thought that in doing that i will stir up the sediment on bottom, thus recirculating it back. so i pulled it n added it to the mini.
2) I have just placed seedlings in the eco-dome.... the lid i have is ten inches so they have sprouted and are stretching, one actually looks to have sprouted upside down and is in the process of righting wrong. Idk the strain but it is "the Good Good" there is only three in a 22" x 12" x 10" dome. there is two air holes on top and there is vapor building on sides, my question is they stretch should I cut a whole in sides long way and run a fan? if so what type would be suggested, price not to expensive...spend what I have to but you understand I am sure.

u shouldnt have sediment on bottom mate, it should be completely sterile. id take net pots out and clean out pots. u prob find there wont be anymore after that. it'll play havok with ur ph.

u can never have too many air stones, just put in res.

lower ur lights to avoid too much stretch. u could add a small desk top fan. if they are too stretched use cocktail sticks for support.
I am SO thankful for the help and just simple people-helping -people w/ a common goal it's nice......

you are very informative and I thank you i am in complete shock at the size of the leafs on my two better ones, they fan open out so large they are longer even wider compared to overall height. In soil i never made it this far, so in my eyes "PROGRESSION LEADS TO PERFECTION"
so with that in mind it's already a success. Just wanna be ready for the Auto-Fem BUBBLELICOUS STRAINS from NIRVANASEEDS.COM
I don't have much knowledge on the difference between a white air line and a non white, but i see how that could be a problem. The light getting into your res is differently an issue. Due to the air pump creating condensation and nut building up you can start to see grime or muck building up. Also if your seeing to much stretching you should lower your light a bit that might help. Hope this helps good luck.

thanks Grn... funny you say stetching b/c these thngs are so damn bushy, i can't believe i am complaning about this but, the size of one leaf is as tall as i would like the plant to be.... I am in a way curious to see what comes of them. they are from a bag seed mix that i have NO CLUE: HIGH, MIDS, REGS... STRAIN NO CLUE. LIKE I SAID IN THE TITLE, I HAVE FAILED THREE TIMES IN SOIL(LAST TIME HAD WHAT I THOUGHT WERE MALES.... ONE WAS FOR SURE BUT THEY WERE GRINDIN UP). I am caputured by the different ways to build setups /grow/harvest... very fascinating. I started them as practice, and did better than i thought, i have three great seedlings in dome 3" as i respond i am installing a fan to strngthen the stalk. Yea the lines, kindda of piss me off simply b/c being "NEW" my local hydroponics store said "i'll take care of you" sold me a "kit that i have replaced each part the lines are last. actually building complete new system w/ pvc, drain,res for the res, stop vales... just everything i should have done but did not know. PROGRESSION MAKES PERFECTION!!!!
A few tips I'd like to pass on if you care to hear them. Try turning the light down one step and bringing it closer till the roots get into the res. You will see the explosive growth at that point. Then crank it up and raise it up so not to burn the bush as it were. Fill those net pots with media it protects the res and the roots from light, as well as provides support for the plant as it grows taller and heavier in flower. As far as your air line, black is best but I have used clear with no issues, just sayin.
Well on advice given I ran out to get colored air lines, no luck, however prior week or 2 back i didn't have enough pebbles to cover pot. Told that caused algea (hope thats what the green stuff is), i just used H2O2 TO CLEAN OUT THE SYSTEM. I NEED TO FLOWER THIS WEEK END!!! The roots coming form both Plant # 1 & 2 is like I've never seen. the crown is like 8" tall. turned up power leafs grew and a whole lot underneath and through out (very bushy). I have heard trim them away b/c they take away from flower but I am not cutting or destroying my pride. with trhe help of the members i have been successful thus far and will continue on.

QUESTION: I purchased Ph tester its made by hanna...?... anyways i calibrate it then test water 6.8, out of curiousity i used the drips n container.... it was red as hell. so add + and used tester again still 7 but with the other it is gold which is like a 5-5.5. did i waste my money? what is proper way to use after calibrate do you go from solution resivior? or wash it off ??? this is pissing me off, Sorry bout language if offends anyone.

the dome i got a smaller lidlight is sitting on top they r not gonna stretch any more....

These seeds i used in pics how if anyway can i tell what the strength or type/classification (hi,mids,reg) it doesn't matter this is practice but if its good thats GREAT.

WOW i was just scrolling through pics i can't believe how fast they grow and I have been tols expect it to double in flower...true?
CAN'T WAIT, i was tending to P#2 and two different long leafs were severed and shriveled instantly. should it be cut away as it just takes away from growth or turn up power and hope nodes will generate?

Also, I was shown a procedure involving the very top of plant- were the two newst growth is visible, you cut off one side, this will make stem split. How true is this information?

had algea problem put in h2o2 messed up Ph hope its ok thru night. I plan on flowering sat anyone used H2O2? If so do I need to wait to flower, the lady told me that i need to allow like 3 days for it to equal out i guess. I should not have a problem switching to flower nutrients or how will it affect?

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