First Grow - Apollo 13


New Member
Hey there everyone, this is my first ever attempt to grow, I am trying it out, I am growing in a 5x3x2.5 box, I have 2 fans, a heater, walls are mylard, I have 6 100watt cfls (6500k) I started this grow on October 26, 2015, they are progressing very nicely, I have 2 plants going right now, what ive used, When they were just seeds I put them in some Miracle grow seed starting soil ( it worked fantastic an was only 4.00) then I transplanted them an put them into
Fox farm ocean Forrest, they loved it, they are growing great, I have been watering them with distilled water, then I moved up an bought a bottle of Fox Farms Big Bloom nutrient an I mix 1 tablespoon of that in with a gallon of distilled water it is working amazing, I also use Kln to help my roots stay strong an grow, I am watering them every 3-4 days off an on between the just water, an the nutrients too, but heres what I got so far, I will be updating as they grow more so stay tuned thanks,
Hope all is well in your world.

Is this grow still alive?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

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I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

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