First grow, no sign of life


New Member
hi guys,
this my first grow and first post, i love this site.

i have followed all advice on germinating seeds and have succesfully got four germinated seeds in individual peat pots. the paper towel method worked a treat.
the only light i have is a 600w dual spectrum and i dont want to put them under that just yet as ive read this is bad for seedlings.
i have them in a upturned plastic box by the window, will this be enough for them to sprout up enough to go under my lamp? its been two days and no signs of life on the surface of the pot.
i was thinking about putting them in the room with the light far above, i can get it up to 4 feet away from the box.
as always, any advice gratefully received as i am bit worried. i will contribute any knowledge i glean back onto the forums.

many thanks.
Don't trip it can take up to a week before even a cracked (germinated) seed to sprout. If it's been longer then a week and still nothing you might have planted them too deep. If their too deep you can gently move soil away from where you planted them and see if their even alive. Try not to disturb the seeds too much as it will slow and maybe if kill growth.
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