First Grow, Northern Lights, Very Basic

Thought I would chime in and offer some of my new found advise and encouragement ,being a first timer myself I love when people help me out and I like to share my baby pictures. My next attempt I will monitor my water ph even though I have spring water, get a grow manual if I can find one worded simply, if I use soil again it wont be mirical gro, and get a complete nute kit with a schedual. Even without those things here we are , 6 weeks veg, am now at 1 week flower.

I attempted a fim top only one worked got three new stems instead of two. I have resisted the urge to mess with em too much but gonna have to get rid of some leaves soon its very crowded. I have 2 mars 300 and 2, 100 watt equivelant cfls. First nutes were ground up tomato plant food and epsom salts. I have proper bloom nutes on order, will be a little late but better than never. And yes thats a large bath tub. There are 3 green crack and one unknown "freebie" from crop king.
Haha . oh yeah the grow is the appetizer but the bud is the main course as we all know .

And i cant wait to see as well! I just did some LST last night and shes already pointing back to the lights! Im going to be posting pictures soon!!! . btw do you have a grow as well you should put it below id love o check it out!

I do have a journal going but not sure how to link it via iPad .
It's champagne auto though if you come across it.
So here are todays pics! Shes now pointing back towards the light and i noticed the stem is getting bigger but not by much and the leaves on the stem are getting bigger to ..

not much else tho i hope the LST didnt stunt the growth . i hope she has a growth spurt soon what do you guys think?

Also who knew these plants were so flexible!!! Look at that bend ..

I used an ar15 gas tube cleaner, looks like a long pipe cleaner, made a piece bout 2 inches long with hooks at both ends and fastened the leaves above the new growth down against the stem till the new stuff grew out then unfastened the leaves, tried to fold them didnt like it. I discovered if you go slow they really accept a good bend.
To everyone that has posted since last night, her top leaves started to wilt a bit not quite sure shes now sleeping in her tent until 3pm my time when her lights go on . i hope nothings wrong pony tailing helped a lot but not quite sure if it is the problem with the top leaves and i was right about LST it helped a lot i will post pictures soon to show you guys and when i do opinions and help would be very much appreciated!!! ....

Sorry about the late update me and the wife had to run out . but heres the photos as promised! In the time that we left she fixed her leaves herself which is impressive because these plants really are sturdy then huh?.

Also the stem seems to be growing thicker aswell but not so much on the bottom as you see in picture three.

The leaves that are gonna become new tops are getting really big as well! Its so exciting! Comments and opinions welcomed!!! . hope everyones having a blessed day

I think she got her first pistol that i can see today !!!... does this mean what i think? I hope so!!!!!!! I circled it and left an unedited version to hopefully someone can confirm my thoughts.

Im honestly so excited and its the moment i was anticipating because next step I believe.....IS BUDS SWEET DELICIOUS BUDS!!!.... but yeah leave comments on what you think !!
Looking good. :) Can't tell for sure. In the next day or two you should see white hairs coming in.

Thank you! And i hope so!! Im looking her more over and i think i see more pistols forming . just hard to see because they are so micro ..

So this little guy popped today and it looks a bit more depressing then the picture its starting to have black spots on the tips and its leaves are all crumpled together should i pluck it or leave it? .
Why is there liquid on the leaves?

I sprayed her with some water on the petals i touch so i get my finger oils off lol im kinda a germaphobe and just want everything to go right for my first grow . dont want it to be my fault ya know?

Got my 1 month old hash plant in a massive pot hope she grows big this summer I have no idea about this strain any info people so for cutting in guys..
I sprayed her with some water on the petals i touch so i get my finger oils off lol im kinda a germaphobe and just want everything to go right for my first grow . dont want it to be my fault ya know?

I have read here its not a good idea to spray your plants if your indoors. Try to understand you have to touch them and its ok, somebody out there is licking their plants right now. They are not tropical plants so humidity should be kept low. Most everybody here will help you but look for threads that encourage questions. Include everything you are doing. Lighting,grow environment, nutrition you are adding,everything. If you see words or terms you dont understand google it. Pictures are key add them with a brief description. I am new too but these are the things I have learned so far.
I have read here its not a good idea to spray your plants if your indoors. Try to understand you have to touch them and its ok, somebody out there is licking their plants right now. They are not tropical plants so humidity should be kept low. Most everybody here will help you but look for threads that encourage questions. Include everything you are doing. Lighting,grow environment, nutrition you are adding,everything. If you see words or terms you dont understand google it. Pictures are key add them with a brief description. I am new too but these are the things I have learned so far.

If you try to keep it very basic you will do better, air, light, water, soil is all a plant needs. Try to relax and enjoy the grow experience, do not panic. In a month you will feel like a pro.
Utube is great for research

To be honest i dont add nutes whats so ever its an all natural grow for my fist time just led soil and water . im not gonna get technical for my very first grow thats another reason i got an auto so i can practice and get the hang of it for my next grow .

Also i have a 5x3 ft tent that she is growing in that is home made and pretty well done id say . and shes sitting in a 5gl pot on the 12/12 schedule for pre flower because i read on the forum thats the light schedule im suppose to use lol

We have hairs!! . finally its seems like its been forever but i finally see hairs forming at the main bud site . im so excited the more closer i get to the end of my first grow!
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