First time grow - What is going on?

Andy Pipkin

New Member
Hi, I am a total newb and looking to learn a ton.

I sprouted some seeds from a reputable seed bank and only 1 plant has survived. I purchased Train wreck Autoflower seeds.

Planted in Solo Cups - lots of drainage. First water was a complete soak until it ran out the bottome, subsequent watering have been with a sprayer and only about 4 or 5 shpritzes (exact meaure)


This is the surviving plant after planting - It had a 3/4 inch tap root on June 5 and then the above picture was taken june 8.

I used promix seed starting mix and perlite and added worm castings - 5-5-2 mixture.

I have a DIY growbox painted white
Lighting is 4 x 24w CFL 6500K (brand new) aprox 2 inches above the little girl.

I water every 3 to 4 days depending on dryness of medium - ( I suspect in the beginning I over watered). I am using bottled Reverse osmosis water. RH is about 50%, water PH -s 6.5, Temp is 20 - 25 C, Lights on 24 hrs.

By june 14 I got the little jaggedy secondary leaves sprouting but no height action going on.

I have a DIY growbox painted white
Lighting is 4 x 24w CFL (brand new) aprox 2 inches above the little girl.


Now I have multiple new veg growth but no advance on height. Seems like some weird dwarf strain to me.


This picture is from today - June 21.

What the heck is wrong? Any ideas?
I did a little more research. I watered today and caught the run off. I have one of those cheapo ph testers where you add the drops and mach the color. The test showed 8.0 - youch - super alkaline. In the Promix seed starter blend, the ingredients are peat moss, humus, coc fiber, perlite and lime as well as organic fertilizer.

I am pretty sure its the high alkline soil is slowing the growth.
I transplanted this little seedling into another solo cup but with the promix veg and herb mix adding about 20% perlite to it. I first did a run off test with and got ph neutral 6.5 ish runoff. I have notice after 2 days in the new soil that the plant is growing much better. It may be a write off as a great harvest but we'll see.
those cheap drops work great they told you your ph was 8 . sounds like you learned a few things. dolomite lime is a good ph buffer and limits ca mag def in soil grows.

Yeah, I figured its easy to ask for help, but to truly learn I need to find answers. After re potting the little seedler, I got much better performance, however I learned what NOT to do next time.

I still don't have a lot of height but it is still alive.

Here is the plant as of June 28 - so like 22 days since planting.

Hi Andy Pipkin,

I've embedded your photos for you. Personally, I use the "My Photos" button at the bottom left side of the text input window to embed photos in my posts. I hope that helps.

Greenest Regards,
David Bowman

Thanks - I tried using "my photos" but for some reason FIreFox would not cooperate. Of course now it does.
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