Folfy's Seedsman Lowryder 2 - MarsHydro Mars300 LED - Single Plant


New Member
This is my very first Cannabis grow, and im still very new to growing...well anything. Bought seed from Seedsman and planted in Fox farm's Ocean forest soil in the late fall to simulate rougher conditions. To be honest im still very brown in my growing experience as i only started herbal growing plants for a few months prior so this is quite a leap from the starting line. Heres to good luck in this grow and hope nothing horrible happens to my girl.

Her name is protótokos

Grow 1 (Oct 15, 2016 - ??)
Lowryder 2 Feminized/autoflower grow log

10/15/2016 day 1 - Germinated seed overnight in tap water into the afternoon moved to heat dome / napkins with heating mat.

10/16/2016 day 2 - Taproot appeared late in the night moved to drenched soil PHed to 6.0 have misted over top soil as the day goes on.

10/17/2016 day 3 - continued spraying top soil with tap water PHed to 6.0, no sign of seed or growth added a plastic clear lid to use as a humidity dome to raise the Humidity. Watching as the night goes on.
Humidity 42% - 63%
Temp 72F - 82F

10/18/2016 day 4 - Continued spraying top soil PHed 5.8 no sign of growth or seed continue to watch as the night continues. Put another bigger bucket under the pot to raise the plant closer to the light.

Humidity 48% - 81%
Temp 63F - 82F

10/19/2016 day 5 - Seedling broke out of the soil between 3-10pm lightly sprayed and set light to 16-8 light cycle, Very exciting!

Humidity 41% - 81%
Temp 68F - 86F
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Seedling Stage - week 1

10/20/2016 day 6 - Set aside a gallon of water with open lid to get rid of any chlorine in it. Put in about 3ml Rhynoskin and 1ml Calmag PHed to 6.2 (a bit high) gonna limit down to 8 drops of ph down should drop it to 6.0ph Also moved light down 4 inch closer to the plant to avoid stretch and gonna watch for anymore stretching/yellowing holding off on a watering and spraying the top soil for now.

Humidity 38% - 64%
Temp 68F - 82F

10/21/2016 day 7 - Raised the light up to normal hight about 18-24 inches. Leaves are perky and focused on the light. Watered with the solution from last night.

Humidity 47% - 81%
Temp 68F - 86F

10/22/2016 day 8 - added a light watering to moist the soil phed 6.2 Noted small growth that looks like her second fan leaves are starting to show. Killed a small bug in my other plants in the grow tent not much infestation evidence to speak of so bully there.

humidity 44% - 81%
Temp 64F - 86F
my stem is still purple is it a ph unbalance? im hovering around 6.2 to 6.5 as an autoflower lowryder 2
Hey sorry to break this Grow journal but something even i couldn't forsee happened today. While spraying my plant i knocked my Air filter off its hooking and it crushed my plant. RIP my first grow....and she was doing so well to! I'm Very sorry for this premature end but dont worry ill start another grow really soon! This hasn't discouraged me!
Hope all is well in your world.

Is this grow still alive?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

If you need any help with posting photos, please read our Photo Gallery Tutorial.

I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

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