Fresh frozen

Fresh frozen is when you harvest your plants and freeze them immediately without drying them. You then use the product for extraction.

I've tried it, as it does cut out allot of processing time. However, the result when you use ehthanol to extract is much more plant wax and chlorophylll. Also, in theory, without drying and curing, you're not getting the best terpene profile you can get in my opinion.

But again, it cuts down on the processing time by weeks.
I’ve been testing over the past several months, and wanted to clarify.
Flash freezing weed works very well. Curing and drying weed apparently destroys 50-60% of the terpine profile. Deep freeazing the plant material down to -50c right at harvest and getting the solvent down to -50c, strips off much more terpine, giving the end concentrate a taste and smell that is very near to the freshly cut plant. Key in the process is to keep everything cold through the process.

This is how Live Resin is made. Butane is also deep frozen and then blasted over the frozen plant material. The butane is then evaporated off, leaving a terpine rich goo

Simply sticking trim in a normal kitchen freezer? That will just create a gooyey mess.

hope all are well!
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