Germinating seeds in soil

Yeah, don't germinate in soil.
There isn't any advantage in germinating a seed directly in the soil, if anything it's going to be much harder to do it.

The simplest and best way to germinate a seed is to put it in a glass of water and leave it in a dark cool place, like a closet, for 2 days (it will float at first, you need to check on it after a few hours and tap it from above so it sinks, if it doens't then try again after a couple more hours). After it cracks open you can put it in a medium (preferably not directly to the soil) and leave in the dark again for another 2 days, it will then sprout and now you can put in it's final container and put some light on it. You don't need to use nutes at this point.

Good luck.
I have had better luck direct in soil that any other method.

I use the same soil I use for growing the plant out.

I soak the seeds over nite and then direct into the soil.

The last grow I gave rooters starter cubes a try and they were good too.
As a gardener by trade i've planted 10s of thousands of plant seeds directly into soil mainly some form of veg, herbs or flowers etc

How ever a seed requires to soak up some 200% to 300% of its own mass in moisture before germination occurs & of cause warmth plays a part also !

So what ever method of seed germination is preferred moisture & warmth is the key aspect :thumb:

If using soil or jiffy pellets/root riot cubes etc plant seed between 5mm to 10mm deep, keep moist at all time & avoid drying out or over saturation of water.

I prefer using a suitable seedling compost which are not to heavy in preloaded nutrients but often use jiffy pellets my self...

I use a blue spectrum CFL around the 6500 kelvin to germinate seeds on a 18/6 light regime...

As if germinating seeds in total prolonged darkness can lead to stretch of the seedling !

Using the CFL helps keeps the seedling sprout shorter once germinated & also provides warmth to growing medium to which i keep the CFL about 6 inchs from the surface of the soil/pellet.

Check daily or twice daily to prevent drying out :green_heart:
Here are pics of my 2 plants. Both growing well but have discovjdpdd leaves on. cotton candy plant.
If anyone recognises this symptom I'd like to know if its something to worry about.

Here are pics of my 2 plants. Both growing well but have discovjdpdd leaves on. cotton candy plant.
If anyone recognises this symptom I'd like to know if its something to worry about.


Looking pretty good :thumb:

I wouldn't worry to much about the very first set of leafs, they often turn yellow & eventually drop off...

If you experience nutrient type defs over the next few to several days, i would be incline to feed nutrients at 1/4 strength suggested dosage & more likely ya want to be doing that with in the next week or two, feeding once a week should be fine !

You should start to think about potting up into large pot in around 10 days time... a suitable root ball should of formed by then & more likely into final size pot of choice :high-five:

By then ya may be looking at 50% strength nutrient feed of suggested rate once a week.

That should be enough to keep ya busy for the time being :Namaste:
Thanks Fuzzy I'll keep a close eye on them for the things u mentioned. I'll keep u up to date.
Its good that there are guys like u around to help.

Here is my 2 is Delicious Cotton Candy and the other is Dance World.
My 2 cents worth. I germinate and sprout my seeds in soil in biodegradable pots. No transplant shock this way. Have
had very good luck using this method. Keep the soil moist using a spray bottle. (check 2 or 3 times daily). Plant them 1/4" deep or so. This works well for me. Have a "vegging box" I use. It has 5 grow lights in it (18" bulbs). They can get 6-8 inches tall if I want, before they take the plunge under the LED`s. Good luck using the method you choose. Different growers....different methods. All that matters is what works for you.
Gonna harvest my Dance World girl today. Been
watching her closely for signs that she's ready.
Have not fed ferts for over 2 weeks....only gave her
water but stopped that 3 days ago. Plant buds quite large but not as dense as I'd hoped.
Heavy with trichomes and a mix clear, milky, and amber. Buds are really oily and sticky.
So I feel its time to reap rewards for all my
toil :)...........Will update with details and pics later.
every person finds the best way if they keep at it.i use rockwool cubes and directly into the soil with great results.the paper towel method can end up killing seedlings tender roots but some seem to pull it off!!I have 100% success rate in rockwool cubes with both seeds and clones.
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