Go4snypr - Hydro Grow

With any silica, it needs to be added to the RO first, then the cal/mag and Flora Blend. Then take a PPM reading and subtract it from your target PPM reading. What number is left is how many PPM to fill up with gro/micro/bloom. I've found that GH CALiMAGic has the most dissolved solids of those 3 amendments so if I'm not seeing a cal or mag deficiency, I try to dial the ml/gal ratio down so I have more room for the 3 part.

The last time I mixed, my calculations were way off and I ended up making a ppm mix of 1100. I then mixed that with plain RO water throughout the week to bring it to acceptable levels, and I also forgot to first get the calmag mixed in before the 3 part. But when I mixed it all together, I took readings of each and here's what those numbers looked like;

5 gal/ro------------7.0/05
12ml Armor Si --- 9.4/39
20ml Blend ------- 9.1/80
35ml Gro --------- 8.0/400
25ml Micro ------- 7.5/780
15ml Bloom ------- 6.5/897
15ml CALiMAGic - 6.3/1100
4ml PH DOWN --- 5.5/1080, to determine the ml/gal ratio, divide the ml given by 5 (5 gal). The calmag, at a weak strength still made my PPM climb 200.
I wiil look into silica for my next set of plants... here are some updated pics as of yesterday... the tall plant has milky trics and a few more amber than the scrog and it is on flush already.. probably give the scrog plant another week and then start flushing as it has a mix of cloudy and a few clear trics yet.
That non scrog looks awesome, a total hot mess, but in a great way if that makes sense? Looks like a pretty good size bud fell through the screen near the wall on the scrog plant, hope it can get back into the light. That non scrog looks like it'll get ya a pound or so. Very nice Snypr!!!
Haha, thanks. that non scrog plant is a total hot mess lol.. Its just a beast and looks like nicer bud than the scrog plant. I would be happy with anything over 10oz on each plant. I already fixed that bud that fell out of the screen too...I am thinking maybe a couple more weeks on each of them and its harvest time.. Hopefully by then the ww big bud, and the royal queen are ready to go
ok, plants are nearing finished,, how "flushed" do they have to be?? what is an acceptable ppm to be considered flushed,, the non scrog plant has been getting around 200ppm for a week now. just wondering if I should be thinning that out to less than 100.. My water is at 40 ppm out of the R.O unit, and the 200 has be climbing for the last day or 2, its right around 260 today. Any input would be great.
The purpose of the flush is to rid the produce of stored elements, not the media of high concentrations of salts. So by giving the soon to be chopped plants a solution that is much too weak, it forces the plant to consume the needed elements from within, so your flush forces your plant to ingest itself so to speak.

With that said, i'd keep ppm right where you have it now and watch as the leaves yellow
It would be best to always give your plants the pH range that they thrive on. It doesn't cost that much save for a little extra work.
Looking great go4snyper.
Well, I cut a bud off the non scrog plant aka:Hercules, had lots of milky and quite a few amber trics so we got out the sawzall and chopped her down. Normally i would post pics but I also lost my phone today so I have no camera.. The plant has a nice purple tinge to the buds as well as the sugar leaves, smells kinda fruity. I took the one bud with me, gonna let her dry out and burn it back. The scrog plant I will probably leave until it is showing lots of amber trics, so it will probably be another week or 2 I am hoping. I will get pictures as soon as I can.
Well here are some pics of the scrog. Lights are just coming on. not sure why some of my pics are upside down though....

tried rotating pics before I uploaded, still didnt help. anyway, this plant is coming down on saturday. pics will be posted and this journal will be at an end. I would like to thank the capn for all of his info and posts. Its unfortunate he left this site but thanks to him I should be able to produce quantity and quality without having to deal with too many plants.. Cheers everyone:lot-o-toke:
Is she being flushed? Lot of yellowing going on so I assume yes. As far as taking pics, I've found the way my cam likes to orient pics and only shoot the pics a certain way (sideways on Android with power button facing left hand), this I've found to agree with uploading to the gallery. That's an awful lot of tops and should equate to a nice heavy harvest for sure.
Nothing like a little R and R (rum and reefer)......well here is a picture of the first harvest. this is the non scrog plant aka: Hercules. It was cut last sunday, trimmed today, and into the jars for a cure. I took a weight reading, and right now in the 3 containers, there is a total of 11.6oz, probably gonna loose a bit more in the cure process though. And there is one container not pictured that is about the 2oz range but its just little popcorn type buds that will be used for baking. I will post pics of the second plant tomorrow as we cut it down tonight as well.
Congratulations on this harvest, can't wait to get the final weight of both girls.
here are a couple of pictures of the other plant...the beast has been let out of the cage. After we took it out of the screen, I moved it to the veg room for pictures and it just layed over nicely pulled the whole root ball and sat nicely on its side.
cut it down with a sawzall....
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