

New Member
Lol, so if you dont know how search engiens work here is a quick run down. You type in a word or frais, lets say i type in "Miracle-grow Vegetative Nutrients" and it comes up with the results based on wich link is clicked on the most - links that are clicked on less when that word or frais is typed. . . well i did type that in and the very first thing to come up was "Nutrients And Marijuana Grown In Soil", i just thought it was funny because i put nothing in that said, pot or bud or marijuana. . . i tried using the correct terms and it still came up with some sort of marijuana cultivation websight. Actually it has alot of info, i suggest reading up in there. . . dude sounds like he knows what hes talking about, heres the Link. read up and let me know if there is bull-shit in there, from what i have read so far it seems good.

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