Grand Daddy Purple Clones Start To Finish!

The latest GDP related shots from today...

Instant 12/12 in August? :hmmmm:

You Betcha!


:laughtwo: :thumb:

Check my latest Grower's Journal entry for more details on this, and some of my other recent growing related activities! :Namaste:
greetings golden goose, quick question about the baking soda-water: skim milk-water treatment for PM.
Does the baking soda water mix actually damage the flower in terms of potency or is it just visual? I read through your thread, and didn't see any mention (or maybe I over looked it, if so apologies). Your ladies are beautiful.
greetings golden goose, quick question about the baking soda-water: skim milk-water treatment for PM.
Does the baking soda water mix actually damage the flower in terms of potency or is it just visual? I read through your thread, and didn't see any mention (or maybe I over looked it, if so apologies). Your ladies are beautiful.

Thanks for checking in senorpeaches! :welcome:

The damage is to the existing hairs on the flower buds. They turn red and eventually shrivel away to be replaced by fresh NEW white ones. The potency of the future mature buds is NOT effected.

However, if you have to treat a plant very late into flowering, and you rely on flower hair color to help determine harvest time, any contact with the Baking Soda/Water will turn them red permanently because at this late stage, there will be no new WHITE hairs to replace them. * (see below)

Here you can see the before and after shots.

Original Damage/Color Change


The same flower top today
Lots of new WHITE hairs have grown in to replace the damaged ones. Notice how the fan leaf stems have turned purple since last week? - Flowering is Definitely Ramping Up!


You can still see the red hairs on the flower top, but they have practically disappeared.


* If you find a plant with a PM problem and it has a lot of flower tops on it already or is late into flower, I would suggest skipping the Baking Soda/Water spray and go straight to using the Skim Milk/Water spray instead. The Milk solution does not harm the flower tops, but takes longer to kill off the PM. A couple of days worth of treatment longer.

If the plant is in veg mode, then just spray the entire plant down with the Baking Soda/Water, but don't leave it on longer than a few minutes before washing it off with clean water. The sodium in the solution will eventually burn the leaves of the plant if left on too long, especially under heat/light.
Merci beaucoups, Golden Goose: I was wondering if I could just do the skim milk mixture. I think it is a little late for me to feel comfortable with my aim (!) with the baking soda. I don't think I have a rampant issue, but i don't want to be lax about it. Based on where she is at, overall the flower cones are bulking up right now and eyeballing her and gandering the trichomes via microscope, about 3 weeks out:

top of one of her flowers

Meanwhile, loving this time of year when the months of work are literally bearing fruit.
besties for your continued lovely grow :thanks:
Merci beaucoups, Golden Goose: I was wondering if I could just do the skim milk mixture. I think it is a little late for me to feel comfortable with my aim (!) with the baking soda. I don't think I have a rampant issue, but i don't want to be lax about it. Based on where she is at, overall the flower cones are bulking up right now and eyeballing her and gandering the trichomes via microscope, about 3 weeks out:

(I hope I'm not violating protocol by posted a pix here?):

No problem! :)

As long as you stick with the Milk/Water mixture and focus your "aim" primarily on the leaves that show signs of the fungus, you should be fine. Try turning the spray bottle nozzle to a stream instead of a mist. That makes it easier to hit only the spots you need to focus on.

Looks like your plant is about at the same stage of flowering as GDP #1 in my Bloom Room. Like I said, if you get the Milk on the buds, it won't hurt them. In fact, I found a few sections of bud on my BBK plants that still had traces of the PM fungus powder, so I sprayed the milk directly onto the sites on the buds I found the powder. Let it dry in the summer sun/heat, and it was gone within a few hours with no harm to the bud or the trichomes on the bud.

No problem posting a single image, but it is generally considered more proper to LINK to an external photo that is not a photo/plant posted by the author of the journal/thread.

Thanks again for checking in and good luck with your flowering cycle! :thumb::thanks:

I'm planning to post another series of GDP related photos here either later tonight or tomorrow morning. Stay tuned!
GDP #2 Photo Update • Week 7!

She's looking great a week after the attack of the Powdery Mildew! The anti-fungals did their work and now she is fungi free!

Have a look at the latest shots taken about an hour ago.

A flash photo to show the trichome coverage


A similar shot in natural sunlight


Bud Close-ups!


:oops: many pardons for committing the faux pas with the photo.
I'll be keeping up with you, and thank you again!

No big deal. You still have time to edit out that photo from your previous post and put a link to it instead.

Thanks for following along and stay tuned for our next update showing off our outdoor flowering GDP #3 coming later this weekend!


EDIT: I see that you did go in and change the image to a link. :welldone: :thanks:

Why don't you start a grow journal so that you can have a preserved history of your plant's growing process? They are a lot of fun to look at weeks and months later! Heck! There are some on here that are years old, and others that have literally thousands of posts in them!

If you do start a journal, put a link to it in your signature like I did. It makes it easier for people to find you, and every post you make puts that journal out there for others to check out! :thumb:
IM new here and I was browsing around and came across this fantabulous thread. Dude you have done amazing on them GDP clones.... Very well indeed. I read over this entire thread for about an hour and learned some great things. IM hoping aboard if you don't mind. I want to see them dank buds, ready for smoke time :thumb:
IM new here and I was browsing around and came across this fantabulous thread. Dude you have done amazing on them GDP clones.... Very well indeed. I read over this entire thread for about an hour and learned some great things. IM hoping aboard if you don't mind. I want to see them dank buds, ready for smoke time :thumb:

Hey! Welcome to 420 and to my GDP Grow King Ganja! :welcome:

You picked a GREAT time to subscribe to this thread since all three of the original plants are heavy into flower now!

GDP #2 which was put under 12/12 7.5 weeks ago is getting real close to harvest, GDP #1 is about 3 weeks into in in my Bloom Room, and GDP #3 has turned out to be the MOST impressive of the lot, with a height of almost 5 feet tall and a radius of 4 feet around!

It is flowering naturally outside and is too big now for any indoor lighting I have. Our light cycle has changed enough outside that GDP 3 is almost at the same point in the flower cycle as GDP #1 is even after it has been under 12/12 for going on two weeks!

I will be posting some new photos of all three possibly later today, which will also include the latest photos of the four clones I managed to root from GDP 1 and 3 AFTER they had already started flowering, so stay tuned!

You might also want to check out my main Grow Journal linked in my sig. I've got lots more going on in addition to the GDP grow.

Thanks again for hooking up, and feel free to post any questions about GDP or this particular grow right here! All member comments are welcome in any of my various threads! :thumb:

Cheers. :)
GDP #2 Trichome Update
There Be Purple!

Even with our over the top heat wave and the 60+ degree overnight lows, GDP #2 is making an effort to turn her famous color! I took three leaf tip samples from the main cola and two other upper flower tops and put them under the microscope.

Here is what I saw:

You can clearly see the "Purple" pigment entering the trichome stalks more and more as time goes by. Last week, we could only spot a handful of these. Now they are all over the place.


A Rare DOUBLE stalked trichome! :thumb:


The clear, cloudy, amber ratio is looking like a plant that is already ripe and ready to harvest, but I am going to let her keep going for awhile longer. I would really like to give her enough time to make her color transformation.


I'll be back later today or tomorrow with some new plant photos, including our cute little quartet of GDP clones that are starting to loose their "stubborn" little flower tops and replacing them with veg growth. I tell ya! Trying to clone out from a mother that is even a few days into her flowering transition is PAIN! ;)

Stay tuned and thanks for sticking around! :thanks:
Photo Update! • GDP The Next Generation
The Latest Photos of Our Newest Additions to our GDP Family

These four GDP clones were transplanted from the cloner back on August 18th and 19th. As you can see, they are doing quite well, and after several weeks of 18/6 light cycle have FINALLY started to reveg and loose their little flower tops.


This one is still reluctant to give up on the flowering idea, but she is slowly coming around to the reality of her situation. ;)


The plan is to raise these up through the winter as mother plants for next season's cloning sessions.

Turbo Klone Session #3 • Day 13

The few remaining GDP growing tips continue to survive in the cloner,(center of picture) but because they were taken so late in the season, the old flowering hormone is alive in well in them, which adds up to very little interest in root production, even with double the dose of Roots Accelerator and Clonex Cloning Solution. (The other cuttings are from my POTM 2nd place winning Blue Cheese mother plant, which was also into early flowering when those cuttings were taken)


At this point, we are not expecting to get more than maybe 1 or two viable rooted clones from this entire run! A cautionary tale for all those who might consider taking cuttings from a plant in even early flower!

This will be the last cloning session until next year.

That's all for now! I will be back soon with the latest on GDP #2 and her trichome production and potential color change heading into the start of Week 9 of flowering.

Stay tuned!
Wowie Zowie G.Goose
Absolutely great pics !!!! I have never seen such purple blues reds and ambers like you have in your trichs. :high-five: You really have your finger on the pulse of things.
:bravo: Somewhere in your thread you made short mention of your Blueberry.
In your experiences (comparing your BlueB. and GDP) is Bud density determined by strain or are there nutes that you use to fatten those ladies up just before flushing and harvest ?
GREAT JOB !! Thanks for sharing all your ups and downs :allgood:
Wowie Zowie G.Goose
Absolutely great pics !!!! I have never seen such purple blues reds and ambers like you have in your trichs. :high-five: You really have your finger on the pulse of things.
:bravo: Somewhere in your thread you made short mention of your Blueberry.
In your experiences (comparing your BlueB. and GDP) is Bud density determined by strain or are there nutes that you use to fatten those ladies up just before flushing and harvest ?
GREAT JOB !! Thanks for sharing all your ups and downs :allgood:

Welcome back Clayhead! :welcome:

Glad you are enjoying those "unique' GDP Trich photos! I will be putting another couple of clippings under the scope here in the next day or so to see where she stands. Today when I was checking the plant with my "Belomo Triplet 10x Loupe" I distinctly noticed at 10x, that many of the leaf edges are beginning to turn purple! It is still hard to see with the naked eye, but this color was not there four days ago!

The Blueberry I am growing is actually Blueberry Kush. For a long time, I just called it Blueberry cause I didn't know there was any difference. Now after just harvesting one of the original plants and plan to chop the second later today, this stuff AIN'T your typical Blueberry! MUCH BIGGER Buds and far more impressive overall!

Check out two of my all time favorite BBK photos I took last week right before these were harvested...

Blueberry Kush - Week 7.5


The closest comparison I can make to another strain so far is actually GDP! The bud have a very similar look, but with blackish green sections that are almost tending towards a purple color! Check out my main grow journal for a full report on the harvest. I will be chopping the second plant tonight and will be updating that journal at least once later today.

Thanks again for checking in! Should have some more "scope" images very soon! :)
man I love those puprple stemmed trics!!! they look so beautiful!!! i have never seen a tric like that!!! what is the zoom you have on yours???


Hey Astonr! Glad to see you back!

I am using 80x on my scope for all my trich images. The digital imager attachment actually changes the power range of the scope a bit. I am using the 45x optic on the scope itself, but the camera optics make that 80x.

As for the color of the trichomes...

I agree with you! I have looked at a lot of bud leaves under this and other scopes before and I have NEVER seen this much color in the trichomes. You should see them under the actual eyepiece at unlimted resolution! Stunning is an understatement! The images I posted here really don't do them justice.

But, considering that these plants are clones of Ken Estes' original creation (Ken is the Father of GDP), we shouldn't be surprised! Perhaps we just stumbled on another way for people to confirm that they actually have the real thing and not one of the thousands of imposter strains being pawned off as GDP to unsuspecting patient by collectives and seed banks that want to get in on the GDP craze? :hmmmm:

Like I said, it took me almost a year to get my hands on the real thing. The more popular GDP gets, the harder it becomes to get one of Ken's Cuts!
Late to the party, but I'm subbed.

Outstanding! :bravo:

SO GLAD that you decided to join us Steve! You picked the most exciting time pull up a chair! All three of the original clones are in flower now, with GDP #3 still outside on the back hill and growing into a real MONSTER! She is flowering at nearly the same rate as GDP1 that has been under 12/12 in my Bloom Room for going on 2 weeks!

I'm planning to bring #3 back up to the house tomorrow once I clear some space on the deck. Harvesting BBK2 in a few hours which will clear a space for her to hang on the back deck! The plant is nearly 4 feet around and tall! A great big GDP BALL! Kinda reminds me of one of Captain Kronic's "Pot Trees"! LOL

She was topped, so I am expectng at least four main colas.

Compare that to GDP #2 which is only 17" tall. ;) Should be a lot of GDP bud in the house very soon! :headbanger:
POTM, NOTM for Sept!

Are you talking about GDP 3 or BBK1?

I'm wondering if GDP3 will be ready for a potential cover photo by the 15th. I was thinking of entering BBK1 next month using those photos I posted above.

Maybe that was what you meant in the first place? :laughtwo: :goof:
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