growing outdoors in CA need info


New Member
Im from florida and it didnt pass :( so i have started to think its time to move

im thinking of moving to Ca, my buddy told me like a year ago that he got a 98 plant permit to grow outdoors or

indoor. Is there a county that still lets residents do that? if so i cant seem to find info on it. please advice

thanks, also thinking of Colorado or washington state. any info would help
In CA, you can get a "physician's recommendation" for about $35 and a consultation visit (or online). When he is writing the recommendation, he can specify how many plants he thinks you should be able to grow. The legal default quantity of plants is a grey area, but is generally accepted as 12 immature or 6 mature. They may charge extra, depending on your circumstances. Consider telling him that you grow autoflowers for yourself, so need a greater number of plants to get the same amount of medicine.
Oh yeah, there is no specific county that you need to be concerned about. The law is state-wide. Just do your research on credibility and cost of the physician you use.
There is a LOT of misinformation about California in the rest of the world.

In California it is a MESS. Every county, and even every city within the county has different rules.

A collective I belong to was raided by COUNTY cops, and the operators were charged with Possession with Intent to Sell, Cultivation, and Money Laundering. All felonies, carrying sentences of up to 5 years EACH. There is another collective in a different city, same county (about 4 miles away) that has been operating for years - no hassles. They were busted because they got into an argument with the city over a zoning issue and were winning in court. So the city attorney went to the DA and asked for help. He helped by arresting them on felonies - so they have bigger fish to fry now and can't fight on the civil case any more. And the bonus (to the cops) is that they had the feds shut down their bank accounts so they knew that they had a lot of cash on hand, and when they raided they stole it. Over $45,000 of the members money stolen - and us members won't get it back. Even if they win (the criminal) they lose (the civil). The government thugs can't lose.

Both operations are/were legal by California standards. NOWHERE in California is growing 99 plants legal. Nowhere.

Enforcement is at the whim of the local cops and District Atty. Many, many municipalities in California have outlawed outdoor growing all together. And, even if you can grow today, a new DA gets elected and ... guess what, maybe you can't grow tomorrow.

Voting in this state is an exercise in futility. We have voted for many things and it just doesn't matter. Some fathead in a black robe decides that we are stupid and don't know what's best for us, and then THEY decide. Just like when you had to ask mommy. You and your sister could vote, but guess what, mommy has the only vote that counts. Welcome to California. Full of liberal/socialist assholes ... ever read "Animal Farm" by Orwell? You should. It is the blueprint for California government.

IF you grow more than 15 or 20 plants in California - you MAY get arrested, may not. Feeling lucky? IF you get arrested be prepared to spend between $10k to $50k to stay out of jail. That is AFTER the thief cops have taken all of your cash, your car, and wiped out your bank accounts. Don't have a friend with an extra $10k laying around? Then you get to use a Public Pretender - and go to jail. Susanville State Penn is full of people guilty of growing a plant.

Seriously, California is really, really fucked up in the MMJ (and many other) world.
Be very careful about growing here.
It is not the place to be - yet.

~ Auggie ~
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