harvest time?


New Member
ok a friend of mine hit me with a seed this summer,planted end of june early july.started outside grew nice healthy female.just as started to flower got cold here.so I moved inside.put under lights and budding up nice.good strong skunk oder,lotsa crystals....my question is how do I know when ready to cut....any help would be grateful
Re: harvest time????

well one of the easiest way to figure it out is once like 60 percet of the hair/pisitls have turn from the white clear to like a redish color. i think ucan tell by the trichomes but u need a magnifying glass to see that
Re: harvest time????

the hairs turned red a while ago.everday there are more crystals building this is why i have waited
Re: harvest time????

that fine but like i said it can loose it potency if left to long . and u wont be able to smoke that sample for a lil bit if u properlly cure it .. and the curein part can make ur buds good or shitty
Re: harvest time????

side question:
Is it possible to push your flowering date ahead?
I'm scheduling right now and it look like i'm going to have to a couple weeks before a harvest.....just wondering if there's some kinda light manipulation that can speed it up (even if potency is lost...no matter for me).
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