Harvesting without Flushing


New Member
I have run into a situation where I must harvest without flushing, I've only been able to run one day's worth of plain water, but due to the situation I am forced to harvest now.

What is the worst that will happen? I have heard of harsh tasting bud? Is that it? I can deal with a little harshness if it means saving the plant.

Just want to make sure there aren't any serious medical consequences for smoking bud that wasn't flushed.

Need answers super quick, dont have power at home and am on public wifi, leaving soon. Thanks.
Dont worry about it too much my friend, I see why your concerned but most 'commercially grown' weed isn't flushed i.e. that you may buy from a dealer.
Also, in the coffee shops in Amsterdam, not only do they not always flush their plants they also spray with various bud hardening products. Ive smoked alot of both those kinds of weed and im absolutely fine.
All the best
I agree with green it will be normal dont sweat it my man....:hippy:
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